City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

5.16.010 Definitions.

As used in this chapter:

"Driver" means every person in charge or control of any vehicle for hire as the driver thereof.

"Owner" means every person owning or controlling any vehicle for hire.

"Taximeter" means an instrument or device attached to a public passenger vehicle for hire by means of which instrument or device the charge authorized for hire of such vehicle is mechanically calculated either on a basis of distance traveled or for waiting time, or a combination thereof, which charge shall be indicated upon such taximeter by means of figures in dollars and cents; and every taximeter shall be installed in such a manner as to permit the passenger to see the amount of the fare as the same is registered.

"Vehicle for hire" means a motor vehicle operated for hire in the transportation of a person or persons over the public streets of the city at a rate per mile or for waiting time, or a combination thereof, operating not over a defined route but as to route and destination in accordance with and under the direction of the person or persons hiring such vehicle, irrespective of whether such operation extends beyond the corporate limits of the city; such definition, however, shall not include ambulances.