City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

5.12.170 Patron security and safety in and around a cardroom establishment.

(A) Each applicant for a cardroom permit, at the time of application, and each holder of a cardroom permit annually thereafter, at the time of permit renewal, shall present a plan for security and safety of patrons of the cardroom in and around the cardroom establishment. The plan shall set forth such provisions as are necessary to ensure the safety and security of patrons, including measures taken or instituted to avoid follow home robberies. The holder of a cardroom permit shall be liable for the safety and security of patrons to the fullest extent under the law. Any effort on the part of a cardroom permittee to limit such liability shall be clearly posted in such a manner as to give adequate notice to patrons. The plan shall include a detailed summary of all known incidents involving or affecting patron security and safety in and around the cardroom establishment for the preceding year.

(B) The chief may require, in his or her discretion, all cardroom permittees to implement reasonable security measures to insure the safety of patrons including, but not limited to, hiring private uniformed security guards. If security guards are required, the chief shall determine the number and hours of coverage.

(C) During all hours of operation, doors to the cardroom establishment shall be unlocked and accessible to the general public and open to police inspection. Cardrooms shall be located and so arranged that card tables and the players at the tables are plainly visible from the door opening of the cardroom when the door is opened. No wall, partition, screen or similar structure between the front door opening and any card table located in the cardroom shall be permitted if it interferes with such visibility. The requirement that all card tables and players at the tables are plainly visible from the door opening of the cardroom may be accomplished by a video surveillance system with storage capability that provides twenty-four hour surveillance of each table in a cardroom, subject to city or regulator inspection. The referenced video surveillance system must be approved by the city.