City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

5.10.390 Operating requirements for testing labs.

(A) Testing labs shall be required to conduct all testing in a manner pursuant to Business and Professions Code Section 26100 and shall be subject to state and local law. Each testing lab shall be subject to additional regulations as determined from time to time as more regulations are developed under this chapter and any subsequent state of California legislation regarding the same.

(B) Testing labs shall conduct all testing in a manner consistent with general requirements for the competence of testing and calibrations activities, including sampling using verified methods.

(C) All cannabis testing laboratories performing testing shall obtain and maintain ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation as required by the Bureau of Cannabis Control.

(D) Testing labs shall destroy any harvest batch whose testing sample indicates noncompliance with health and safety standards required by the bureau unless remedial measures can bring the cannabis or cannabis products into compliance with quality standards as specified by law and implemented by the bureau.

(E) Each operator shall ensure that a testing laboratory employee takes the sample of cannabis or cannabis products from the distributor's premises for testing required by state law and that the testing laboratory employee transports the sample to the testing laboratory.

(F) Except as provided by state law, a testing laboratory shall not acquire or receive cannabis or cannabis products except from a licensee in accordance with state law, and shall not distribute, sell, or dispense cannabis, or cannabis products, from the licensed premises from which the cannabis or cannabis products were acquired or received. All transfer or transportation shall be performed pursuant to a specified chain of custody protocol.

(G) A testing laboratory may receive and test samples of cannabis or cannabis products from a qualified patient or primary caregiver only if the qualified patient or primary caregiver presents the qualified patient's valid physician's recommendation for cannabis for medicinal purpose. A testing lab shall not certify samples from a qualified patient or primary caregiver for resale or transfer to another party or licensee. All tests performed by a testing laboratory for a qualified patient or primary caregiver shall be recorded with the name of the qualified patient or primary caregiver and the amount of the cannabis or cannabis products received.