City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

5.04.020 Business license required.

(A) Subject to the provisions of this chapter, all businesses engaged in or carried on in the city shall pay annual business license fees in the amounts as provided in this chapter. It is unlawful for any person to commence, transact, engage in, or carry on any business in the city without first having obtained a valid license and paid the applicable license fee, or without complying with any and all applicable provisions of this chapter.

(B) Compliance with such requirements shall not be construed to be a condition precedent to engaging in any business or corporation within the city where the imposition of such a condition precedent would be contrary to law.

(C) When any person shall by use of signs, circulars, cards, telephone book, internet or newspapers, advertise, hold out, or represent that he or she is in business in the city, or when any person holds an active license or permit issued by a governmental agency indicating that he or she is in business in the city, and such person fails to provide, after request by the collector, a sworn statement that he or she is not conducting a business in the city, then these facts shall be considered prima facie evidence that he or she is conducting a business in the city.