City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

5.01.030 Definitions.

For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:

(A) "Customer" means any person obtaining merchandise from a retail establishment.

(B) "Director" means the community development director of the city of American Canyon, or a designee of the community development director or city manager.

(C) "Merchandise" means any consumer goods as that term is defined by California Civil Code Section 1791(a), except that "merchandise" shall also include clothing and consumables, as those terms are defined by California Civil Code Section 1791(c) and (d), respectively. "Merchandise" does not include prepared food. "Merchandise" includes, but is not limited to, liquor and beer, clothing, electronics and groceries that are not prepared food.

(D) "Person" means any human person, as well as any other form of legal entity (including a corporation, partnership, joint venture, limited liability company, or sole proprietorship).

(E) "Post-consumer recycled material" means a material that would otherwise be destined for solid waste disposal, having completed its intended end use and product life cycle. Post-consumer recycled material does not include materials and byproducts generated from, and commonly reused within, an original manufacturing and fabrication process.

(F) "Public eating establishment" means a restaurant, take-out food establishment, or any other business that receives ninety percent or more of its revenue from the sale of prepared food to be eaten on or off its premises. "Prepared food" means food or beverages which are prepared on the premises by cooking, chopping, slicing, mixing, freezing, or squeezing, and which require no further preparation to be consumed. Prepared food does not include any raw or uncooked meat product, or fruits and vegetables that are intended to be prepared for consumption off-site.

(G) "Recycled paper bag" means a paper bag provided by a retail establishment to a customer in accordance with this chapter, at the check stand, cash register, point of sale, or other point of departure for the purpose of transporting merchandise out of the establishment that contains no old growth fiber and a minimum of forty percent post-consumer recycled material; is one hundred percent recyclable; and has printed in a manner on the outside of the bag the word "Recyclable," the name and location of the manufacturer, and the percentage of post-consumer recycled content.

(H) "Retail establishment" means any commercial establishment that sells merchandise at retail directly to the customer; and is located within or doing business within the geographical limits of the city of American Canyon. Retail establishment does not include public eating establishments.

(I) "Reusable bag" means a bag made of cloth or other machine washable fabric that has handles, and is specifically designed and manufactured for multiple reuse.

(J) "Reusable plastic bag" means a bag made of durable plastic with handles that is at least 2.25 millimeters thick and is specifically designed and manufactured for multiple reuse.

(K) "Single-use plastic carryout bag" means a bag, provided by a retail establishment to a customer at the check stand, cash register, point of sale or other point of departure, for the purpose of transporting merchandise out of the establishment; provided that "single-use plastic carryout bag" specifically excludes any reusable bag or recycled paper bag and excludes any bag provided to the customer to: (1) transport produce, bulk food or meat from a produce, bulk food or meat department within a store to the point of sale; (2) hold prescription medication dispensed from a pharmacy; (3) segregate merchandise that could damage or contaminate other merchandise when placed together in a reusable bag or recycled paper bag; or (4) contain or wrap meat, fish, or frozen foods, whether prepackaged or not.