Chapter 4.06 ESTABLISHMENT OF RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES 4.06.010 Purpose. 4.06.020 Definitions. 4.06.030 Initiation. 4.06.040 Planning commission report and recommendation. 4.06.050 Public hearing. 4.06.060 Resolution of intention. 4.06.070 Publication and posting of resolution. 4.06.080 Hearing—Time limit. 4.06.090 Filing of protest. 4.06.100 Action by city council. 4.06.110 Effect of right-of-way line. 4.06.120 Nonconforming structures. 4.06.130 Variance procedure. 4.06.140 Yard requirements—Additional. 4.06.150 Previously established right-of-way lines. 4.06.160 Effective Date.