City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

4.04.200 Displacement of person(s) from property acquired by city/short-term rental of property acquired by city to former owner/occupant.

(A) Required Notice for Displacement of Occupants After City Has Obtained Possession of the Property. After the city has obtained possession of the property acquired for the project, the construction or development of the project shall be scheduled that, to the greatest extent practicable, no person lawfully occupying the property shall be required to move from a dwelling, or to move his or her business or farm operation, without at least ninety days' notice from the city of the date by which such move is required.

(B) Permissible Rent Level to be Charged Short-Term Tenants by City. If the city permits a former owner or tenant to occupy the property it has acquired on a rental basis for a short term, or for a period subject to termination by the city on short notice, the amount of rent required shall not exceed the fair market value rental value of the property to the owner or tenant, or the pro rata portion of the fair market value for a typical rental period. If the former owner or tenant is occupying a dwelling, the rent shall be within his or her financial means.

(C) Required Notice for Termination of Short-Term Tenancy. The city shall give the former owner or other short-term, post acquisition tenants on the property it has acquired at least thirty days' notice of the termination of the tenancy.