City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

4.04.170 Hearing on resolution of necessity.

(A) At the hearing, the city council shall grant an opportunity to be heard to all persons who filed a timely written request to appear and be heard on the adoption of the resolution of necessity pursuant to Section 4.04.160 and the following issues:

(1) Whether the municipal project for which the property is sought to be acquired by the city is required to serve the public interest and necessity;

(2) Whether the municipal project is planned or located in a manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury;

(3) Whether the municipal project sought to be acquired by the city is necessary for the project;

(4) Issues related to the city's provision of relocation assistance.

(B) Adoption of Resolution of Necessity by Two-Thirds Vote of City Council. If, at the conclusion of the hearing and consideration of testimony given, the council makes the findings required by Section 4.04.140 above, the resolution of necessity may be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the city council.