City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

2.52.090 Procedure for modification or clarification of established appropriate units.

(A) Requests by employee organizations for modifications or clarifications of established appropriate units may be filed and considered by the employee relations officer only during the open periods specified in Section 2.52.080 of this article. Such requests shall be submitted in the form of a recognition petition and, in addition to the requirements set forth in Section 2.52.030 of this article, shall contain a complete statement of all relevant facts and citations in support of the proposed modified unit in terms of the policies and standards set forth in Section 2.52.060 of this chapter. The employee relations officer shall process such petitions as other recognition petitions under this article.

(B) The employee relations officer may on his or her own motion propose during the open periods specified in Section 2.52.080 of this article that an established unit be modified. The employee relations officer shall give written notice of the proposed modification(s) to any affected employee organization and shall hold a meeting concerning the proposed modification(s), at which time all affected employee organizations shall be heard.

(C) Thereafter the employee relations officer shall determine the composition of the appropriate unit or units in accordance with Section 2.52.060 of this article, and shall give written notice of such determination to the affected employee organizations. The employee relations officer's determination may be appealed as provided in Section 2.52.100 of this article. If a unit is modified pursuant to the motion of the employee relations officer hereunder, employee organizations may thereafter file recognition petitions seeking to become the exclusively recognized employee organization for such new appropriate unit or units pursuant to Section 2.52.030 of this chapter.