City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

2.52.040 City response to recognition petition.

(A) Upon receipt of the petition, the employee relations officer shall determine within a reasonable time whether:

(1) There has been compliance with the requirements of the recognition petition, and

(2) The proposed representation unit is an appropriate unit in accordance with Section 2.53.060 of this article.

(B) If an affirmative determination is made by the employee relations officer on the foregoing two matters, he or she shall so inform the petitioning employee organization, shall give written notice of such request for recognition to the employees in the unit and shall take no action on the request for thirty days thereafter. If either of the foregoing matters is not affirmatively determined, the employee relations officer shall inform that organization of the reasons therefor in writing. The petitioning employee organization may appeal such determination in accordance with Section 2.52.100 of this chapter.