City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

2.50.150 Employee rights and responsibilities.

The city recognizes the rights of employees in public service. Those rights include the freedom of speech, ability to submit and obtain responses to grievances, protection from retaliation for work-related action, and the city's adherence to all applicable state and federal labor laws and standards. The city also recognizes the responsibilities of employees in public service, including ethical standards, appropriate workplace conduct, and proper use of public property. The city manager or designee shall be responsible to develop and maintain appropriate practices and procedures governing these and other employee rights and responsibilities. These practices and procedures shall be periodically reviewed and updated as appropriate. The practices and procedures shall be made available to every employee and complete copies maintained in each city office. A summary and explanation of the information in this chapter and the practices and procedures shall be included in an employee handbook and provided to every current and new city employee, contractor, and consultant.