{"t": "Title 19 ZONING", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19", "et": "container", "dj": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/index.json", "fh": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19/index.full.html", "sc": "Title 19", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19", "c": [{"t": "DIVISION 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19/1", "et": "container", "sc": "DIVISION 1", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1", "c": [{"t": "Chapter 19.01 AUTHORITY, PURPOSES AND EFFECTS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.01", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.01", "c": [{"t": "19.01.010 Title.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.01.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.01|19.01.010"}, {"t": "19.01.020 Authority.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.01.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.01|19.01.020"}, {"t": "19.01.030 Purposes of the zoning ordinance.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.01.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.01|19.01.030", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.030#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.030(A)", "x": "The purpose of the zoning ordinance is to protect and to promote the public"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.030#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.030(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.030#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.030(B)(1)", "x": "To provide a clear and concise guide for the physical development of the ci"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.030#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.030(B)(2)", "x": "To establish clear, understandable and applicable land use regulations and "}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.030#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.030(B)(3)", "x": "To provide implementing standards and procedures that will individually and"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.030#(B)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.030(B)(4)", "x": "To foster a harmonious, convenient, and workable relationship among land us"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.030#(B)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.030(B)(5)", "x": "To promote the stability of existing land uses that conform with the genera"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.030#(B)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.030(B)(6)", "x": "To foster the provision of adequate off-street parking and off-street loadi"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.030#(B)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.030(B)(7)", "x": "To protect and enhance real property values;"}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.030#(B)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.030(B)(8)", "x": "To protect and enhance the quality of the environment;"}, {"t": "(9)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.030#(B)(9)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.030(B)(9)", "x": "To safeguard and enhance the appearance of the city;"}, {"t": "(10)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.030#(B)(10)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.030(B)(10)", "x": "To ensure quality development, consistent with the general plan's design an"}], "x": "More specifically, the zoning ordinance is adopted in order to achieve the "}]}, {"t": "19.01.040 Applicability.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.01.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.01|19.01.040"}, {"t": "19.01.050 Compliance with title.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.01.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.01|19.01.050", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.050#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.050(A)", "x": "It is unlawful for any building or structure to be moved, erected, used, al"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.050#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.050(B)", "x": "It is unlawful for any yard, open space, or land to be used for any purpose"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.050#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.050(C)", "x": "No department, official, or employee of the city vested with the duty or au"}]}, {"t": "19.01.060 Relationship to other regulations and requirements.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.01.060", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.01|19.01.060", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.060#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.060(A)", "x": "The regulations of this title and requirements or conditions imposed pursua"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.060#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.060(B)", "x": "Nothing contained in this title shall be deemed to repeal or amend any regu"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.060#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.060(C)", "x": "Consistent with CEQA Guidelines 15162(c), each discretionary development pr"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.060#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.060(D)", "x": "Notwithstanding subsection C, CEQA environmental review and approval of the"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.060#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.060(E)", "x": "A CEQA environmental determination made by the community development direct"}]}, {"t": "19.01.061 Industrial Use Greenhouse Gas Standards", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.061", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.01.061", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.01|19.01.061", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.061#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.061(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.061#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.061(A)(1)", "x": "Tier 1."}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.061#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.061(A)(2)", "x": "Tier 2."}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.061#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.061(A)(3)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.061#(A)(3)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.061(A)(3)(a)", "c": [{"t": "(i)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.061#(A)(3)(a)(i)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.061(A)(3)(a)(i)", "x": "The project will not include natural gas appliances or natural gas plumbing"}, {"t": "(ii)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.061#(A)(3)(a)(ii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.061(A)(3)(a)(ii)", "x": "The project will not result in any wasteful, inefficient, or unnecessary en"}], "x": "Buildings"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.061#(A)(3)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.061(A)(3)(b)", "c": [{"t": "(i)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.061#(A)(3)(b)(i)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.061(A)(3)(b)(i)", "x": "The project will achieve a reduction in project-generated vehicle miles tra"}, {"t": "(ii)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.061#(A)(3)(b)(ii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.061(A)(3)(b)(ii)", "x": "The project will achieve compliance with off-street electric vehicle requir"}], "x": "Transportation"}], "x": "Tier 3."}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.061#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.061(A)(4)", "x": "Tier 4."}], "x": "Every Industrial Use Land Use Proposal for which the City of American Canyo"}]}, {"t": "19.01.070 Prior rights and violations.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.070", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.01.070", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.01|19.01.070", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.070#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.070(A)", "x": "The enactment of this title shall not terminate or otherwise affect varianc"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.070#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.070(B)", "x": "Any building or structure for which an entitlement permit has been issued p"}]}, {"t": "19.01.080 Severability.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.080", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.01.080", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.01|19.01.080"}, {"t": "19.01.090 Fees.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.090", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.01.090", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.01|19.01.090"}, {"t": "19.01.100 Private agreements.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.100", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.01.100", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.01|19.01.100", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.100#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.100(A)", "x": "The city shall not be responsible for enforcing covenants, conditions and r"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.100#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.01.100(B)", "x": "The city shall not be named as a third party beneficiary in any private agr"}]}, {"t": "19.01.110 Acceptance of maintenance.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.110", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.01.110", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.01|19.01.110"}, {"t": "19.01.120 Interpretation.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.01.120", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.01.120", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.01|19.01.120"}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.02 ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.02", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.02", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.02", "c": [{"t": "19.02.010 Purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.02.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.02.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.02|19.02.010"}, {"t": "19.02.020 Responsibility for enforcement.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.02.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.02.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.02|19.02.020", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.02.020#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.02.020(A)", "x": "The community development director shall be the official responsible for th"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.02.020#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.02.020(B)", "x": "The community development director may serve notice requiring the removal o"}]}, {"t": "19.02.030 Violations and penalties.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.02.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.02.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.02|19.02.030", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.02.030#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.02.030(A)", "x": "Any person, firm, corporation, or organization violating any provision of t"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.02.030#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.02.030(B)", "x": "Any structure or sign erected, moved, altered, enlarged, or maintained and "}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.02.030#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.02.030(C)", "x": "All remedies provided for herein, and any other portion of the municipal co"}]}, {"t": "19.02.040 Maintenance of common areas, improvements and facilities.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.02.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.02.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.02|19.02.040", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.02.040#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.02.040(A)", "x": "The recipient of any permit issued pursuant to this title, or his or her su"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.02.040#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.02.040(B)", "x": "By way of illustration, and without limiting the generality of the foregoin"}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.03 OFFICIAL ZONING MAP", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.03", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.03", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.03", "c": [{"t": "19.03.010 Official zoning map.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.03.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.03.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.03|19.03.010"}, {"t": "19.03.020 Uncertain boundaries.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.03.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.03.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.03|19.03.020", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.03.020#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.03.020(A)", "x": "Boundaries indicated as approximately following the centerlines of alleys, "}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.03.020#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.03.020(B)", "x": "Boundaries indicated, as approximately following the lot lines, city limits"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.03.020#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.03.020(C)", "x": "In the case of unsubdivided property or where a district boundary divides a"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.03.020#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.03.020(D)", "x": "In the case of any remaining uncertainty, the city council shall determine "}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.03.020#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.03.020(E)", "x": "Where any public street or alley is officially vacated or abandoned, the re"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.03.020#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.03.020(F)", "x": "Where any private right-of-way or easement of any railroad, railway, transp"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.03.020#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.03.020(G)", "x": "All property in the city or hereafter annexed, and not otherwise classified"}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.04 DEFINITIONS", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.04", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.04", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.04", "c": [{"t": "19.04.010 Purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.04.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.04.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.04|19.04.010"}, {"t": "19.04.020 Rules for construction of language.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.04.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.04.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.04|19.04.020", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.04.020#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.04.020(A)", "x": "The particular shall control the general."}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.04.020#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.04.020(B)", "x": "In case of conflict between the text and diagram, the text shall control."}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.04.020#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.04.020(C)", "x": "All references to departments, commissions, boards, or other public agencie"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.04.020#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.04.020(D)", "x": "All references to public officials are to those of the city of American Can"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.04.020#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.04.020(E)", "x": "All references to days are to calendar days unless otherwise indicated. If "}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.04.020#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.04.020(F)", "x": "The words \"shall,\" \"will\" and \"is to\" are always mandatory and not discreti"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.04.020#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.04.020(G)", "x": "The present tense includes the past and future tenses, and the future tense"}, {"t": "(H)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.04.020#(H)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.04.020(H)", "x": "The singular number includes the plural, and the plural, the singular."}, {"t": "(I)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.04.020#(I)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.04.020(I)", "x": "Whenever a certain hour or time of day is specified in this title or any pe"}, {"t": "(J)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.04.020#(J)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.04.020(J)", "x": "Whenever this title requires consideration of distances, parking spaces or "}]}, {"t": "19.04.030 Definitions.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.04.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.04.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.04|19.04.030"}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.05 USE CLASSIFICATIONS", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.05", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.05", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.05", "c": [{"t": "19.05.010 Purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.05.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.05.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.05|19.05.010"}, {"t": "19.05.020 Permitted and conditionally permitted uses.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.05.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.05.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.05|19.05.020"}, {"t": "19.05.030 Determination of classifications.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.05.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.05.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.05|19.05.030"}, {"t": "19.05.040 Residential classifications.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.05.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.05.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.05|19.05.040"}, {"t": "19.05.050 Commercial classifications.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.05.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.05.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.05|19.05.050"}, {"t": "19.05.060 Industrial classifications.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.05.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.05.060", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.05|19.05.060", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.05.060#(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.05.060(1)", "x": "Heavy vehicle/equipment repair: repair of heavy trucks or vehicles, mobileh"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.05.060#(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.05.060(2)", "x": "Vehicle storage: storage of operative or inoperative vehicles. This classif"}, {"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.05.060#(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.05.060(1)", "x": "Trucking terminal: a wholesaling, storage, or distribution facility having "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.05.060#(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.05.060(2)", "x": "Small-scale: wholesaling, storage, and distribution having a maximum gross "}]}, {"t": "19.05.070 Recreational classifications.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.05.070", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.05.070", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.05|19.05.070"}, {"t": "19.05.080 Public and quasi-public classifications.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.05.080", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.05.080", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.05|19.05.080", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.05.080#(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.05.080(1)", "x": "Commercial: an antenna used for commercial purposes. Commercial antenna als"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.05.080#(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.05.080(2)", "x": "Small-cell antenna facility: Small-cell antenna facility consisting of ante"}, {"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.05.080#(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.05.080(1)", "x": "Structure: includes garages and other types of parking located in structure"}]}, {"t": "19.05.090 Agricultural classifications.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.05.090", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.05.090", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.05|19.05.090"}, {"t": "19.05.100 Accessory classifications.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.05.100", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.05.100", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.05|19.05.100"}, {"t": "19.05.110 Temporary use classifications.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.05.110", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.05.110", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.05|19.05.110", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.05.110#(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.05.110(1)", "x": "Any temporary event not exceeding thirty days, whether indoors or outdoors,"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.05.110#(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.05.110(2)", "x": "Any public assembly as defined in this section; or"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.05.110#(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.05.110(3)", "x": "Any event, regardless of the number of persons involved, requiring full or "}, {"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.05.110#(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.05.110(1)", "x": "Motorized vehicle races or contests."}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.05.110#(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.05.110(2)", "x": "Carnivals, circuses, fairs, festivals, nondomesticated animal act or exhibi"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.05.110#(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.05.110(3)", "x": "Any event with mechanical amusement rides."}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.05.110#(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.05.110(4)", "x": "Promotional or fundraising activities."}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.05.110#(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.05.110(5)", "x": "Parades."}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.05.110#(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.05.110(6)", "x": "Outdoor shows, concerts and exhibitions."}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.05.110#(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.05.110(7)", "x": "Outdoor craft fairs, soapbox derbies, or other similar events."}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.09 Industrial Commerce Centers Sustainability Standards", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.09", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.09", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.09", "c": [{"t": "19.09.010 Applicability", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.09.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.09.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.09|19.09.010"}, {"t": "19.09.020 Requirements for warehousing, logistics or distribution facilities for which a Notice of Preparation is issued after March 1, 2024 under CEQA.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.09.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.09.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|1|19.09|19.09.020", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.09.020#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.09.020(a)", "x": "On-site motorized operational equipment, including but not limited to forkl"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.09.020#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.09.020(b)", "x": "All outdoor cargo handling equipment (including yard trucks, hostlers, yard"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.09.020#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.09.020(c)", "x": "Prior to issuance of a business license, the City shall ensure rooftop sola"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.09.020#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.09.020(d)", "x": "Unless the owner of the facility records a covenant on the title of the und"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.09.020#(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.09.020(e)", "x": "All generators, and all diesel-fueled off-road construction equipment great"}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.09.020#(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.09.020(f)", "x": "Prior to certificate of occupancy, install conduit and infrastructure for L"}, {"t": "(g)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.09.020#(g)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.09.020(g)", "x": "Install HVAC and/or HEPA air filtration systems in all warehouse facilities"}]}]}]}, {"t": "DIVISION 2 ZONING DISTRICT PERMITTED USES AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19/2", "et": "container", "sc": "DIVISION 2", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2", "c": [{"t": "Chapter 19.10 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.10", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.10", "c": [{"t": "19.10.010 Purpose and intent.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.10.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.10|19.10.010", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.010#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.010(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.010#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.010(A)(1)", "x": "Provide appropriately located areas for residential development consistent "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.010#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.010(A)(2)", "x": "Ensure adequate light, air, privacy, and open space for each dwelling by es"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.010#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.010(A)(3)", "x": "Achieve a high standard of site and building design, and design compatibili"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.010#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.010(A)(4)", "x": "Provide for a range of permitted uses and activities within the various res"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.010#(A)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.010(A)(5)", "x": "Provide sites for public and semipublic land uses needed to complement resi"}], "x": "Purpose. The purpose for establishing these residential districts, permitte"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.010#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.010(B)", "x": "Intent. The intent of this chapter is to establish a range of permitted use"}]}, {"t": "19.10.020 Establishment of districts.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.10.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.10|19.10.020", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.020#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.020(A)", "x": "RE (residential estate) districts: to provide for residential estate areas "}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.020#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.020(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.020#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.020(B)(1)", "x": "RRH (rural residential hillside) districts: requires a minimum lot size of "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.020#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.020(B)(2)", "x": "The RR-20000 district requires a minimum lot size of twenty thousand square"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.020#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.020(B)(3)", "x": "The RR-10000 district requires a minimum lot size of ten thousand square fe"}], "x": "RR (rural residential) districts: to provide for very low-density residenti"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.020#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.020(C)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.020#(C)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.020(C)(1)", "x": "The RS-8000 district with a minimum lot size of eight thousand square feet."}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.020#(C)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.020(C)(2)", "x": "The RS-6500 district with a minimum lot size of six thousand five hundred s"}], "x": "RS (suburban residential) districts: to provide for low-density residential"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.020#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.020(D)", "x": "RM (medium residential) districts: to accommodate multifamily residential u"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.020#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.020(E)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.020#(E)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.020(E)(1)", "x": "The RH-1 district with a density range of twelve to sixteen units per gross"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.020#(E)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.020(E)(2)", "x": "The RH-2 district with a density of twenty units per gross acre."}], "x": "RH (high residential) districts to provide for high-density multifamily res"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.020#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.020(F)", "x": "RO (residential overlay) district to provide for high-density multifamily r"}]}, {"t": "19.10.030 Applicability.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.10.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.10|19.10.030"}, {"t": "19.10.040 Permitted uses.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.10.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.10|19.10.040"}, {"t": "19.10.050 Lot area, yard setbacks, and building coverage standards.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.10.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.10|19.10.050", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(A)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(A)(1)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(A)(1)(a)", "x": "The area of a flag lot's access corridor shall not be included in determini"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(A)(1)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(A)(1)(b)", "x": "The corridor of land which provides access to a street for a flag lot shall"}], "x": "Flag Lots."}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(A)(2)", "x": "Width of Residential Corner Lots. The minimum width of corner lots in a res"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(A)(3)", "x": "Depth Adjoining State Highway or Railroad. A lot whose rear lot line abuts "}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(A)(4)", "x": "Minimum Lot Frontage on a Cul-de-Sac. Unless otherwise approved by the city"}], "x": "Minimum Lot Area. Except as otherwise provided by this chapter, the minimum"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(B)(1)", "x": "Point of Measurement. Except as otherwise provided, required yards shall be"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(B)(2)", "x": "Partially-Improved Streets. Where a site abuts a street having only a porti"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(B)(3)", "x": "Irregularly-Shaped Lots. On corner lots, through lots, lots with three or m"}], "x": "General Yard Provisions. Except as otherwise provided by this chapter and s"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(C)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(C)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(C)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(C)(1)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(C)(1)(a)", "x": "That such eaves or cantilevered roofs are not closer than two and one-half "}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(C)(1)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(C)(1)(b)", "x": "That no portions of such eaves or cantilevered roofs are less than eight fe"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(C)(1)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(C)(1)(c)", "x": "That there are no vertical supports or members within the required yard (se"}], "x": "Eaves and cantilevered roofs may project up to two and one-half feet, provi"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(C)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(C)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(C)(2)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(C)(2)(a)", "x": "That a minimum five feet is provided on the side yard where front yard acce"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(C)(2)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(C)(2)(b)", "x": "That such structures shall not be utilized to provide closets or otherwise "}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(C)(2)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(C)(2)(c)", "x": "That such fireplace structures are not wider than six feet measured in the "}], "x": "Fireplace structures, buttresses, and wing walls may project up to two and "}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(C)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(C)(3)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(C)(3)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(C)(3)(a)", "x": "That such windows are not closer than two and one-half feet to any lot or s"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(C)(3)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(C)(3)(b)", "x": "That there are no vertical supports or members within the required yard."}], "x": "Bay and greenhouse windows may project up to two and one-half feet, provide"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(C)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(C)(4)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(C)(4)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(C)(4)(a)", "x": "That such projections shall not be closer than two feet to any lot or stree"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(C)(4)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(C)(4)(b)", "x": "That such projections are open and unenclosed; provided, however, that an o"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(C)(4)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(C)(4)(c)", "x": "That such projections do not exceed any average height of one foot;"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(C)(4)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(C)(4)(d)", "x": "That such projections do not extend above the level of the first floor."}], "x": "Uncovered porches, platforms, landings, and decks, including access stairs "}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(C)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(C)(5)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(C)(5)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(C)(5)(a)", "x": "That such awnings or canopies are not closer than two and one-half feet to "}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(C)(5)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(C)(5)(b)", "x": "That such awnings or canopies have no vertical support within such yard;"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(C)(5)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(C)(5)(c)", "x": "That such awnings or canopies extend only over the windows or doors to be p"}], "x": "Awnings and canopies may project up to two and one-half feet into required "}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(C)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(C)(6)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(C)(6)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(C)(6)(a)", "x": "That such patio is not closer than five feet to any lot line;"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(C)(6)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(C)(6)(b)", "x": "That such patio shall remain permanently unenclosed on at least two sides. "}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(C)(6)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(C)(6)(c)", "x": "A freestanding patio shall be subject to the same requirements as accessory"}], "x": "Covered patios attached to a dwelling unit may project into a required rear"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(C)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(C)(7)", "x": "Rain conductors, downspouts, utility-service risers, shutoff valves, sills,"}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(C)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(C)(8)", "x": "Water heaters, water softeners, and utility meters, including service condu"}, {"t": "(9)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(C)(9)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(C)(9)", "x": "Wall and window-mounted air conditioners, coolers, and fans may project int"}], "x": "Projections into Yards. Projections are permitted into yards required for p"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(D)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(D)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(D)(1)", "x": "Applies only to the new parcels created after the effective date of the zon"}], "x": "Maximum Building Coverage. The maximum building coverage allowed in each re"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(E)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(E)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(E)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(E)(1)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(E)(1)(a)", "x": "Residential lots shall vary significantly in size in order to create the op"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(E)(1)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(E)(1)(b)", "x": "The subdivision design shall ensure protection of designated viewsheds from"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(E)(1)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(E)(1)(c)", "x": "Each residential lot will identify a maximum building height that will enab"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(E)(1)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(E)(1)(d)", "x": "Design guidelines addressing architecture for individual homes shall be pre"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(E)(1)(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(E)(1)(e)", "x": "Native landscaping shall be provided in the Newell Drive setback area. The "}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(E)(1)(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(E)(1)(f)", "x": "Streets within the RRH district may make use of a reduced overall paved wid"}], "x": "Subdivisions in the RRH Zoning District shall be subject to the following s"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(E)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(E)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(E)(2)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(E)(2)(a)", "x": "To determine potential impacts to viewsheds and neighboring properties, the"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(E)(2)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(E)(2)(b)", "x": "Prior to submittal of a building permit for any structure or group of struc"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(E)(2)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(E)(2)(c)", "x": "An active homeowner's association shall be set up to ensure maintenance of "}], "x": "Residential Building Permit Requirements."}], "x": "Special Development Requirements for the RRH zoning district:"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(F)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(F)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(F)(1)", "x": "Proposed subdivisions that create additional residential lots within the RE"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(F)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(F)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(F)(2)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(F)(2)(a)", "x": "Subdivisions that do not create additional residential lots (i.e.: Lot Line"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(F)(2)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(F)(2)(b)", "x": "Properties on Watson Lane or Paoli Loop without RE zoning."}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(F)(2)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(F)(2)(c)", "x": "Residential development pursuant to State Law (i.e.: SB9)."}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.050#(F)(2)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.050(F)(2)(d)", "x": "Properties on Watson Lane or Paoli Loop that are not located in Napa Airpor"}], "x": "This Special Development Requirement shall not apply to any of the followin"}], "x": "Special Development Requirements for the RE Zoning District on Watson Lane "}]}, {"t": "19.10.060 Accessory structures, equipment and uses.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.10.060", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.10|19.10.060", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.060#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.060(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.060#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.060(A)(1)", "x": "Accessory structures may be located no closer than three feet to the side a"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.060#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.060(A)(2)", "x": "On a reversed corner lot, an accessory structure shall not be located close"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.060#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.060(A)(3)", "x": "Maximum height of an accessory structure shall be fifteen feet."}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.060#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.060(A)(4)", "x": "Steel shipping containers may not be located in any residential district un"}], "x": "Accessory Structures."}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.060#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.060(B)", "x": "Planters. Planter boxes and masonry planters are permitted in all required "}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.060#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.060(C)", "x": "Swimming Pools. A swimming pool is permitted in a required rear or side yar"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.060#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.060(D)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.060#(D)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.060(D)(1)", "x": "Swimming pool or spa equipment vaults may be located in a side yard so long"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.060#(D)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.060(D)(2)", "x": "Swimming pool or spa equipment vaults may be located adjacent to a rear pro"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.060#(D)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.060(D)(3)", "x": "Required safety fences for swimming pools and spas six feet in height or le"}], "x": "Swimming Pool Equipment and Safety Fences."}]}, {"t": "19.10.070 Distance between buildings in residential districts.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.070", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.10.070", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.10|19.10.070", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.070#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.070(A)", "x": "Distance Between Main Buildings. A minimum distance of ten feet shall be ma"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.070#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.070(B)", "x": "Distance Between Accessory and Primary Buildings. Except where a greater di"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.070#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.070(C)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.070#(C)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.070(C)(1)", "x": "Eaves and cantilevered roofs;"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.070#(C)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.070(C)(2)", "x": "Fireplace structures, buttresses, and wing walls;"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.070#(C)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.070(C)(3)", "x": "Rain conductors and spouts, water tables, sills, capitals, cornices, and be"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.070#(C)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.070(C)(4)", "x": "Awnings and canopies;"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.070#(C)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.070(C)(5)", "x": "Water heaters, water softeners, gas or electric meters, including service c"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.070#(C)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.070(C)(6)", "x": "Stairways and balconies above the level of the first floor;"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.070#(C)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.070(C)(7)", "x": "Uncovered porches, platforms, landings, and decks, including access stairs "}], "x": "Projections Between Buildings. The following projections are permitted with"}]}, {"t": "19.10.080 Fences and walls.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.080", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.10.080", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.10|19.10.080", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.080#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.080(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.080#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.080(A)(1)", "x": "Front Yards. Fences and walls within a required front yard shall not exceed"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.080#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.080(A)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.080#(A)(2)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.080(A)(2)(a)", "x": "Fences and walls within a required corner side yard shall not exceed three "}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.080#(A)(2)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.080(A)(2)(b)", "x": "On a corner lot, no fence, wall, hedge, or other artificial obstruction wit"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.080#(A)(2)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.080(A)(2)(c)", "x": "Interior Side and Rear Yards. Fences and walls within a required interior s"}], "x": "Corner Side Yards."}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.080#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.080(A)(3)", "x": "Lots of Twenty Thousand Square Feet or More. On lots of twenty thousand squ"}], "x": "Location in Yards."}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.080#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.080(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.080#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.080(B)(1)", "x": "Retaining walls not exceeding six feet in height are permitted in all yards"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.080#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.080(B)(2)", "x": "Where a retaining wall protects a cut below the natural grade and is locate"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.080#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.080(B)(3)", "x": "Where a wall or fence is located in a required yard adjacent to a retaining"}], "x": "Retaining Walls."}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.080#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.080(C)", "x": "Exempt Fences and Walls. Where a fence or wall exceeding the maximum height"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.080#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.080(D)", "x": "Measurement of Fence and Wall Height. The height of a fence or wall shall b"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.080#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.080(E)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.080#(E)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.080(E)(1)", "x": "The proposed increased fence height will not create negative shading impact"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.080#(E)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.080(E)(2)", "x": "The proposed increased fence height incorporates appropriate architectural "}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.080#(E)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.080(E)(3)", "x": "The proposed increased fence height in a front or exterior side yard area d"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.080#(E)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.080(E)(4)", "x": "Any action by the community development director on a conditional fence per"}], "x": "Minor Variation to Fence Height Restrictions/Conditional Fence Permit. The "}]}, {"t": "19.10.090 Height limits.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.090", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.10.090", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.10|19.10.090", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.090#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.090(A)", "x": "Maximum Height. The maximum building height in each residential district is"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.090#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.090(B)", "x": "Height Measurement. The height of a structure shall be measured vertically "}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.090#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.090(C)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.090#(C)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.090(C)(1)", "x": "Architectural projections such as mechanical equipment enclosures and other"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.090#(C)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.090(C)(2)", "x": "Utility poles and towers shall not be subject to the height limits prescrib"}], "x": "Projections Above Permitted Height."}]}, {"t": "19.10.100 Parking requirements.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.100", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.10.100", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.10|19.10.100"}, {"t": "19.10.110 Garage sales.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.110", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.10.110", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.10|19.10.110", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.110#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.110(A)", "x": "Merchandise. Only the sale of personal household items is allowed. The sale"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.110#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.110(B)", "x": "Displays. No item for sale shall be displayed within the public right-of-wa"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.110#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.110(C)", "x": "Duration and Frequency. A sale or auction shall not exceed three consecutiv"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.110#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.110(D)", "x": "Signs. All signs shall conform to the requirements set forth in this title "}]}, {"t": "19.10.130 Manufactured homes", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.130", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.10.130", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.10|19.10.130", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.130#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.130(A)", "x": "Intent. It is the intent of the city to provide opportunities for the place"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.130#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.130(B)", "x": "Approval. Approval by the community development director is required prior "}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.130#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.130(C)", "x": "Location. Manufactured homes may be located in any residential district whe"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.130#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.130(D)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.130#(D)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.130(D)(1)", "x": "Shall be built on a permanent foundation approved by the building official;"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.130#(D)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.130(D)(2)", "x": "Shall be certified under the National Manufactured Home Construction and Sa"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.130#(D)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.130(D)(3)", "x": "Shall provide skirting of exterior finish materials extending to the finish"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.130#(D)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.130(D)(4)", "x": "Shall have roofing material complying with the most recent editions of the "}], "x": "Design and Development. Each manufactured home:"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.130#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.130(E)", "x": "Cancellation of State Registration. Whenever a manufactured home is install"}]}, {"t": "19.10.140 Undergrounding of utilities.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.140", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.10.140", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.10|19.10.140"}, {"t": "19.10.150 Nonconforming building lines.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.150", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.10.150", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.10|19.10.150"}, {"t": "19.10.160 Single room occupancy.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.160", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.10.160", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.10|19.10.160", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.160#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.160(A)", "x": "Purpose. The purpose of these regulations are to assure well managed and ma"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.160#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.160(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.160#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.160(B)(1)", "x": "Density. Given that these are small individual housing rooms, to equate SRO"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.160#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.160(B)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.160#(B)(2)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.160(B)(2)(a)", "x": "Proposed new construction, or exterior alterations to the existing building"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.160#(B)(2)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.160(B)(2)(b)", "x": "SRO sizes shall range from one hundred fifty to four hundred fifty square f"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.160#(B)(2)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.160(B)(2)(c)", "x": "A preliminary management plan shall be submitted as part of a design permit"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.160#(B)(2)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.160(B)(2)(d)", "x": "An on-site twenty-four-hour manager is required;"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.160#(B)(2)(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.160(B)(2)(e)", "x": "Tenancy of a SRO shall not be less than thirty days."}], "x": "Any SRO project must also meet the following standards:"}], "x": "General Provisions."}, {"t": "19.10", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.10.160#19.10", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.10.16019.10", "x": "-F Figures for Chapter 19.10"}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.11 COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.11", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.11", "c": [{"t": "19.11.010 Purpose and intent.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.11.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.11|19.11.010", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.010#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.010(A)", "x": "Establish reasonable development standards to guide the orderly development"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.010#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.010(B)", "x": "Establish a range of permitted uses and reasonable development standards to"}]}, {"t": "19.11.020 Establishment of districts.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.11.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.11|19.11.020"}, {"t": "19.11.030 Applicability.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.11.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.11|19.11.030"}, {"t": "19.11.040 Permitted uses.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.11.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.11|19.11.040"}, {"t": "19.11.050 Development standards.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.11.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.11|19.11.050"}, {"t": "19.11.060 Automobile parking requirements.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.11.060", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.11|19.11.060", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(A)(1)", "x": "The requirements of this chapter shall apply to the establishment, alterati"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(A)(2)", "x": "When a change in use or expansion in floor are within an existing developme"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(A)(3)", "x": "Required parking spaces shall not be located within any front or side yards"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(A)(4)", "x": "Except as may be provided for this chapter, required parking spaces require"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(A)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(A)(5)", "x": "The planning commission may approve deviations from these standards by use "}], "x": "General Provisions."}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(B)(1)", "x": "Except as may be provided for this chapter, automobile parking spaces shall"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(B)(2)", "x": "Fractional space requirements of .5 or more shall be counted as the next la"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(B)(3)", "x": "When two or more uses are located in the same building or structure, or are"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(B)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(B)(4)", "x": "Requirements for uses not specifically listed herein shall be determined by"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(B)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(B)(5)", "x": "Handicapped parking shall be provided according to the latest standards est"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(B)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(B)(6)", "x": "No area may be utilized and counted both as a required parking space other "}], "x": "Number of Spaces Required."}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(C)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(C)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(C)(1)", "x": "The number of required parking spaces may be reduced for projects comprised"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(C)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(C)(2)", "x": "Shared parking may be approved through a conditionally use permit for exist"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(C)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(C)(3)", "x": "The applicant shall provide substantial evidence and documentation (includi"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(C)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(C)(4)", "x": "All shared parking spaces shall be located so as to be reasonably accessibl"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(C)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(C)(5)", "x": "Reasonable pedestrian connections shall be provided from any shared parking"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(C)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(C)(6)", "x": "Covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&Rs), deed restrictions or other "}], "x": "Shared Parking."}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(D)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(D)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(D)(1)", "x": "Standard Spaces: Required minimum parking dimensions are indicated in Table"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(D)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(D)(2)", "x": "Compact Spaces. Reduced dimensions of eight feet in width and sixteen feet "}], "x": "Dimensional Requirements."}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(E)", "x": "Striping and Surfacing. All parking lots shall be permanently surfaced and "}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(F)", "x": "Parking Lot Entries. All parking lot entries shall have the minimum widths "}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(G)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(G)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(G)(1)", "x": "Continuous concrete curbing at least six inches high and six inches wide sh"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(G)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(G)(2)", "x": "The clear width of a walkway that is adjacent to overhanging parked cars sh"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(G)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(G)(3)", "x": "Individual wheel stops shall not be used."}], "x": "Curbing and Walkways."}, {"t": "(H)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(H)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(H)", "x": "Drainage. All required off street parking areas shall be so designed that s"}, {"t": "(I)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(I)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(I)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(I)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(I)(1)", "x": "Surface parking areas of ten or more spaces shall have a landscaped area eq"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(I)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(I)(2)", "x": "Landscaped areas shall be distributed throughout the parking area as evenly"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(I)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(I)(3)", "x": "Landscaped areas shall have a minimum width of five feet."}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(I)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(I)(4)", "x": "A minimum of one tree shall be provided for every six parking spaces in a d"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(I)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(I)(5)", "x": "A landscaped strip shall be provided adjacent to any public or private stre"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(I)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(I)(6)", "x": "Defined pedestrian routes shall be incorporated into parking and landscaped"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(I)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(I)(7)", "x": "Landscape areas shall be bordered by a concrete curb that has a minimum hei"}], "x": "Landscaping."}, {"t": "(J)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(J)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(J)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(J)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(J)(1)", "x": "Where vehicles are to be parked immediately adjacent to a public or private"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(J)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(J)(2)", "x": "Where a parking or loading area in an industrial district is located direct"}], "x": "Screening."}, {"t": "(K)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(K)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(K)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(K)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(K)(1)", "x": "Public parking areas designed to accommodate three or more vehicles shall h"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(K)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(K)(2)", "x": "Any parking area illumination, including security lighting shall be so arra"}], "x": "Lighting."}, {"t": "(L)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(L)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(L)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(L)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(L)(1)", "x": "Parking shall be designed so that all maneuvering may occur on-site and tha"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(L)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(L)(2)", "x": "No space in a parking lot shall be located so that a vehicle must maneuver "}], "x": "Location of Parking Spaces."}, {"t": "(M)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.060#(M)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.060(M)", "x": "Maintenance. All required parking facilities and areas, including landscapi"}]}, {"t": "19.11.070 Loading requirements.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.070", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.11.070", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.11|19.11.070", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.070#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.070(A)", "x": "Number Required. Loading spaces shall be provided for all industrial uses a"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.070#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.070(B)", "x": "Minimum Dimensions. Each loading space shall have an unobstructed minimum d"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.070#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.070(C)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.070#(C)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.070(C)(1)", "x": "Loading spaces required by this chapter shall be located immediately adjace"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.070#(C)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.070(C)(2)", "x": "Loading spaces shall not be located in any required front or side yard."}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.070#(C)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.070(C)(3)", "x": "Loading spaces should be so located and designed that trucks shall not be r"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.070#(C)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.070(C)(4)", "x": "Loading spaces should be concealed from off-site view to the maximum extent"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.070#(C)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.070(C)(5)", "x": "Where a loading area in a commercial or industrial district is located dire"}], "x": "Location of Loading Spaces."}]}, {"t": "19.11.080 Bicycle parking requirements.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.080", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.11.080", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.11|19.11.080"}, {"t": "19.11.090 Design elements.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.090", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.11.090", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.11|19.11.090", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.090#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.090(A)", "x": "Architectural features and elements shall include a craftsman/mountain vill"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.090#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.090(B)", "x": "Materials and design components that are indigenous to the Napa Valley, inc"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.090#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.090(C)", "x": "Exposed structural steel for support is encouraged, but stainless steel and"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.090#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.090(D)", "x": "Fa\u00e7ade elements should include the articulation and modulation to provide v"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.090#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.090(E)", "x": "Visually and physically transparent building elements such as windows and d"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.11.090#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.11.090(F)", "x": "Mechanical equipment shall be screened from view using materials and design"}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.12 TOWN CENTER ZONE DISTRICT", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.12", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.12", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.12", "c": [{"t": "19.12.010 Purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.12.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.12.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.12|19.12.010", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.12.010#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.12.010(A)", "x": "Provide a broad range of commercial, residential and public land uses in th"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.12.010#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.12.010(B)", "x": "Create a physical setting and mix of land uses that serve as a focus of nei"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.12.010#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.12.010(C)", "x": "Create a pedestrian-oriented environment which also meets the needs of vehi"}]}, {"t": "19.12.020 Applicability.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.12.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.12.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.12|19.12.020"}, {"t": "19.12.030 Permitted uses.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.12.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.12.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.12|19.12.030", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.12.030#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.12.030(A)", "x": "Permitted uses shall be those uses designated as permitted uses by a specif"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.12.030#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.12.030(B)", "x": "Agricultural or grazing uses."}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.12.030#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.12.030(C)", "x": "Temporary uses as may be permitted by the city. (Res. 2008-105 \u00a7 4, 2008)"}]}, {"t": "19.12.040 Conditionally permitted uses.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.12.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.12.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.12|19.12.040"}, {"t": "19.12.050 Development standards.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.12.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.12.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.12|19.12.050", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.12.050#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.12.050(A)", "x": "Development standards shall be those standards included in a specific plan "}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.12.050#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.12.050(B)", "x": "Performance standards shall be those standards included in a specific plan "}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.13 PUBLIC DISTRICT", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.13", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.13", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.13", "c": [{"t": "19.13.010 Purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.13.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.13.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.13|19.13.010", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.13.010#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.13.010(A)", "x": "Provide approximately located areas for public districts consistent with th"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.13.010#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.13.010(B)", "x": "Accommodate public and institutional uses that serve the needs of the resid"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.13.010#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.13.010(C)", "x": "Provide for continuation and expansion of existing governmental facilities "}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.13.010#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.13.010(D)", "x": "Limit the development within the electrical transmission corridors;"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.13.010#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.13.010(E)", "x": "Allow for the reuse of surplus public and utility properties and facilities"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.13.010#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.13.010(F)", "x": "Provide for religious facilities in any land use designation, provided they"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.13.010#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.13.010(G)", "x": "Allow continuation of existing and provide new child and senior day care;"}, {"t": "(H)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.13.010#(H)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.13.010(H)", "x": "Establish a center to provide services for the senior citizens of American "}]}, {"t": "19.13.020 Permitted uses.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.13.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.13.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.13|19.13.020"}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.14 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.14", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.14", "c": [{"t": "19.14.010 Purpose and intent.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.14.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.14|19.14.010", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.010#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.010(A)", "x": "Establish reasonable development standards and a broad range of permitted a"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.010#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.010(B)", "x": "To ensure that industrial uses are developed and operated in a manner that "}]}, {"t": "19.14.020 Establishment of districts.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.14.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.14|19.14.020", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.020#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.020(A)", "x": "LI (light industrial) district and PLI (Paoli Light Industrial) district: t"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.020#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.020(B)", "x": "GI (general industrial) district: to provide areas appropriate for function"}]}, {"t": "19.14.030 Applicability.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.14.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.14|19.14.030"}, {"t": "19.14.040 Performance standards.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.14.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.14|19.14.040", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.040#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.040(A)", "x": "Hazardous Materials. All operations that involve the storage, use or transp"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.040#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.040(B)", "x": "Noise. Noise generated by any use shall comply with any noise standards ado"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.040#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.040(C)", "x": "Vibrations. Vibrations associated with on-site operations shall not be disc"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.040#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.040(D)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.040#(D)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.040(D)(1)", "x": "Visible emissions shall not exceed the rules and regulations of the Bay Are"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.040#(D)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.040(D)(2)", "x": "No emission of odorous gases or other odorous matter shall be produced in s"}], "x": "Airborne Emissions. No airborne emissions shall be produced that are readil"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.040#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.040(E)", "x": "Electrical Disturbance. No activities shall produce electrical disturbance "}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.040#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.040(F)", "x": "Climate. No humidity, heat or cold shall be produced that is perceptible wi"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.040#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.040(G)", "x": "Lights. No bright or flashing lights shall be visible off-site."}]}, {"t": "19.14.050 Permitted uses.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.14.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.14|19.14.050"}, {"t": "19.14.060 Development standards.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.14.060", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.14|19.14.060"}, {"t": "19.14.070 Automobile parking requirements.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.14.070", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.14|19.14.070", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(A)(1)", "x": "The requirements of this chapter shall apply to the establishment, alterati"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(A)(2)", "x": "When a change in use or expansion in floor area within an existing developm"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(A)(3)", "x": "Required parking spaces shall not be located within any front or side yard "}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(A)(4)", "x": "Except as may be provided for in this chapter, required parking spaces shal"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(A)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(A)(5)", "x": "The planning commission may approve deviations from these standards by use "}], "x": "General Provisions."}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(B)(1)", "x": "Except as may be provided for in this chapter, automobile parking spaces sh"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(B)(2)", "x": "Fractional space requirements of .5 or more shall be counted as the next la"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(B)(3)", "x": "When two or more uses are located in the same building or structure, or are"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(B)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(B)(4)", "x": "Requirements for uses not specifically listed herein shall be determined by"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(B)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(B)(5)", "x": "Handicapped parking shall be provided according to the latest standards est"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(B)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(B)(6)", "x": "No area may be utilized and counted both as a required parking space and a "}], "x": "Number of Spaces Required."}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(C)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(C)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(C)(1)", "x": "The number of required parking spaces may be reduced for projects comprised"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(C)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(C)(2)", "x": "Shared parking may be approved through a conditional use permit for existin"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(C)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(C)(3)", "x": "The applicant shall provide substantial evidence and documentation (includi"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(C)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(C)(4)", "x": "All shared parking spaces shall be located so as to be reasonably accessibl"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(C)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(C)(5)", "x": "Reasonable pedestrian connections shall be provided from any shared parking"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(C)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(C)(6)", "x": "Covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&Rs), deed restrictions or other "}], "x": "Shared Parking."}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(D)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(D)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(D)(1)", "x": "Standard Spaces. Required minimum parking dimensions are indicated in Table"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(D)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(D)(2)", "x": "Compact Spaces. Reduced dimensions of eight feet in width and sixteen feet "}], "x": "Dimensional Requirements."}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(E)", "x": "Striping and Surfacing. All parking lots shall be permanently surfaced and "}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(F)", "x": "Parking Lot Entries. All parking lot entries shall have the minimum widths "}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(G)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(G)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(G)(1)", "x": "Continuous concrete curbing at least six inches high and six inches wide sh"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(G)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(G)(2)", "x": "The clear width of a walkway that is adjacent to overhanging parked cars sh"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(G)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(G)(3)", "x": "Individual wheel stops shall not be used."}], "x": "Curbing and Walkways."}, {"t": "(H)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(H)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(H)", "x": "Drainage. All required off-street parking areas shall be so designed that s"}, {"t": "(I)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(I)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(I)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(I)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(I)(1)", "x": "Surface parking areas of ten or more spaces shall have a landscaped area eq"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(I)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(I)(2)", "x": "Landscaped areas shall be distributed throughout the parking area as evenly"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(I)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(I)(3)", "x": "Landscaped areas shall have a minimum width of five feet."}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(I)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(I)(4)", "x": "A minimum of one tree shall be provided for every six parking spaces in a d"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(I)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(I)(5)", "x": "A landscaped strip shall be provided adjacent to any public or private stre"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(I)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(I)(6)", "x": "Defined pedestrian routes shall be incorporated into parking and landscaped"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(I)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(I)(7)", "x": "Landscape areas shall be bordered by a concrete curb that has a minimum hei"}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(I)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(I)(8)", "x": "The setbacks from streets required by the schedule of zoning district regul"}], "x": "Landscaping."}, {"t": "(J)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(J)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(J)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(J)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(J)(1)", "x": "Where vehicles are to be parked immediately adjacent to a public or private"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(J)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(J)(2)", "x": "Where a parking or loading area in an industrial district is located direct"}], "x": "Screening."}, {"t": "(K)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(K)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(K)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(K)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(K)(1)", "x": "Public parking areas designed to accommodate three or more vehicles shall h"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(K)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(K)(2)", "x": "Any parking area illumination, including security lighting shall be so arra"}], "x": "Lighting."}, {"t": "(L)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(L)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(L)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(L)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(L)(1)", "x": "Parking shall be designed so that all maneuvering may occur on-site and tha"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(L)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(L)(2)", "x": "No space in a parking lot shall be located so that a vehicle must maneuver "}], "x": "Location of Parking Spaces."}, {"t": "(M)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.070#(M)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.070(M)", "x": "Maintenance. All required parking facilities and areas, including landscapi"}]}, {"t": "19.14.080 Loading requirements.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.080", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.14.080", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.14|19.14.080", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.080#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.080(A)", "x": "Number Required. Loading spaces shall be provided for all industrial uses a"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.080#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.080(B)", "x": "Minimum Dimensions. Each loading space shall have an unobstructed minimum d"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.080#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.080(C)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.080#(C)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.080(C)(1)", "x": "Loading spaces required by this chapter shall be located immediately adjace"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.080#(C)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.080(C)(2)", "x": "Loading spaces shall not be located in any required front or side yard."}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.080#(C)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.080(C)(3)", "x": "Loading spaces should be so located and designed that trucks shall not be r"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.080#(C)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.080(C)(4)", "x": "Loading spaces should be concealed from off-site view to the maximum extent"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.080#(C)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.080(C)(5)", "x": "Where a loading area in a commercial or industrial district is located dire"}], "x": "Location of Loading Spaces."}]}, {"t": "19.14.090 Bicycle parking requirements.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.090", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.14.090", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.14|19.14.090", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.090#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.090(A)", "x": "Bicycle parking shall be provided in commercial and employment areas accord"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.090#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.090(B)", "x": "Bicycle parking should be located in highly visible locations and should be"}]}, {"t": "19.14.100 Building Design (All Industrial Districts).", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.100", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.14.100", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.14|19.14.100", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.100#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.100(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.100#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.100(A)(1)", "x": "Architectural treatment of all building elevations."}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.100#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.100(A)(2)", "x": "Extensive use of landscape along the primary street frontages and parking l"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.100#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.100(A)(3)", "x": "Enclose storage areas visible from principal highways (including Highway 29"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.100#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.100(A)(4)", "x": "Screen rooftop mechanical equipment with a parapet or roof screen equal in "}], "x": "Achieve high quality development design and existing use compatibility foll"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.100#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.100(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.100#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.100(B)(1)", "x": "Interconnect individual buildings with pedestrian walkways, arcades, and/or"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.100#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.100(B)(2)", "x": "Differentiate building facades with materials, color, architectural details"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.100#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.100(B)(3)", "x": "Incorporate extensive landscape in parking areas, along building frontages,"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.100#(B)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.100(B)(4)", "x": "Use consistent and well-designed public and informational signage."}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.14.100#(B)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.14.100(B)(5)", "x": "Install of elements that define key entry points into the industrial distri"}], "x": "Require that industrial areas developed as research and development and off"}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.15 RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.15", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.15", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.15", "c": [{"t": "19.15.010 Purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.15.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.15.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.15|19.15.010", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.15.010#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.15.010(A)", "x": "Maintain adequate open spaces to protect environmental resources, provide r"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.15.010#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.15.010(B)", "x": "Preserve the important environmental resources of the city;"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.15.010#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.15.010(C)", "x": "Accommodate passive recreation, hiking and equestrian activities;"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.15.010#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.15.010(D)", "x": "Preclude development or activities in wetlands and significant habitats;"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.15.010#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.15.010(E)", "x": "Support compatible commercial activities which capitalize on local and regi"}]}, {"t": "19.15.020 Permitted uses.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.15.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.15.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.15|19.15.020"}, {"t": "19.15.030 Development standards.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.15.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.15.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.15|19.15.030", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.15.030#(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.15.030(1)", "x": "Permitted and conditionally permitted uses on parcels located within a desi"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.15.030#(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.15.030(2)", "x": "For purposes of Table 19.15.020, \"Winery\" shall include the uses defined in"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.15.030#(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.15.030(3)", "x": "Subject to a conditional use permit approval, a maximum of 25% of the floor"}, {"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.15.030#(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.15.030(1)", "x": "Outdoor winery related equipment such as tanks and crushing equipment custo"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.15.030#(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.15.030(2)", "x": "Site design must accommodate onsite trail connectivity with adjacent proper"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.15.030#(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.15.030(3)", "x": "Outdoor winery related equipment shall be screened from view of public stre"}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.16 PC PLANNED COMMUNITY DISTRICT", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.16", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.16", "c": [{"t": "19.16.010 Purpose and intent.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.16.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.16|19.16.010", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.010#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.010(A)", "x": "Provide a mechanism for implementing subarea policies contained in the gene"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.010#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.010(B)", "x": "Provide for a measured degree of flexibility in development standards to pr"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.010#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.010(C)", "x": "Promote provision of additional amenities such as community facilities in c"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.010#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.010(D)", "x": "Establish standards and parameters for contemporary development concepts su"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.010#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.010(E)", "x": "Encourage the use of cluster development opportunities to preserve signific"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.010#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.010(F)", "x": "Establish standards for variation of lot sizes to facilitate and ensure suf"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.010#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.010(G)", "x": "Establish parameters for project phasing that reflects the city's ability t"}]}, {"t": "19.16.020 Zone change and conceptual master plan.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.16.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.16|19.16.020"}, {"t": "19.16.030 Planned community development permit.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.16.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.16|19.16.030"}, {"t": "19.16.040 Relationship of conceptual master plan and planned community development permit to related entitlements.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.16.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.16|19.16.040"}, {"t": "19.16.050 Permitted uses.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.16.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.16|19.16.050"}, {"t": "19.16.060 Neighborhood commercial uses in areas designated for residential land uses.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.16.060", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.16|19.16.060"}, {"t": "19.16.070 Permitted densities.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.070", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.16.070", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.16|19.16.070"}, {"t": "19.16.080 Minimum site area.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.080", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.16.080", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.16|19.16.080"}, {"t": "19.16.090 Procedures and submittal requirements pertaining to establishment of a planned community zone.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.090", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.16.090", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.16|19.16.090", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.090#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.090(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.090#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.090(A)(1)", "x": "Background information on physical characteristics of the concept plan area"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.090#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.090(A)(2)", "x": "The proposed locations of various land uses and intensities of land use, in"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.090#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.090(A)(3)", "x": "Areas proposed to be dedicated, reserved or developed for parks, parkways, "}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.090#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.090(A)(4)", "x": "A description of the proposed development concept shall be an attachment an"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.090#(A)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.090(A)(5)", "x": "An infrastructure master plan, evaluating sizing and extensions of infrastr"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.090#(A)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.090(A)(6)", "x": "An engineering analysis of infrastructure capacities, including the ability"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.090#(A)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.090(A)(7)", "x": "Tentative subdivision map (optional, may be deferred until planned developm"}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.090#(A)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.090(A)(8)", "x": "A preliminary phasing plan indicating sequence of development and related s"}, {"t": "(9)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.090#(A)(9)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.090(A)(9)", "x": "Rate of anticipated development (required at conceptual master plan stage i"}, {"t": "(10)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.090#(A)(10)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.090(A)(10)", "x": "Preliminary information on anticipated home prices, rental rates and dwelli"}, {"t": "(11)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.090#(A)(11)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.090(A)(11)", "x": "A statement from the Napa Unified School District indicating school capacit"}, {"t": "(12)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.090#(A)(12)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.090(A)(12)", "x": "Any other information that may be deemed necessary by the city to properly "}], "x": "Conceptual Master Plan. Proposals to establish a planned community zone sha"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.090#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.090(B)", "x": "Planning Commission Review. The planning commission shall review and make a"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.090#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.090(C)", "x": "City Council Action. Upon receipt of the recommendations of the planning co"}]}, {"t": "19.16.100 Procedures and submittal requirements for approval of a planned community development permit.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.100", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.16.100", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.16|19.16.100", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.100#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.100(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.100#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.100(A)(1)", "x": "Specific lot and street layout fully dimensioned and to scale;"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.100#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.100(A)(2)", "x": "Complete plot plans for all proposed dwellings, buildings and structures, f"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.100#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.100(A)(3)", "x": "Detailed building elevations fully dimensioned and to scale (may be submitt"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.100#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.100(A)(4)", "x": "Floor plans for each type of dwelling or structure being proposed (may be s"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.100#(A)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.100(A)(5)", "x": "Illustrative drawings showing the relationship between interior dwelling ar"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.100#(A)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.100(A)(6)", "x": "Detailed landscape and improvements plans for all open space, recreational,"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.100#(A)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.100(A)(7)", "x": "Detailed grading information including height and width of all manufactured"}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.100#(A)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.100(A)(8)", "x": "A preliminary drainage plan;"}, {"t": "(9)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.100#(A)(9)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.100(A)(9)", "x": "Proposed tentative subdivision or parcel map if not submitted under the con"}, {"t": "(10)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.100#(A)(10)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.100(A)(10)", "x": "A final phasing plan;"}, {"t": "(11)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.100#(A)(11)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.100(A)(11)", "x": "Rate of anticipated development which may be defined by the city under the "}], "x": "A planned community development permit application shall contain detailed d"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.100#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.100(B)", "x": "Planning Commission Action. The planning commission shall be the final deci"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.100#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.100(C)", "x": "Establishment of Conditions. The planning commission or city council may im"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.100#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.100(D)", "x": "Subsequent Entitlements within the Master Plan Area. Following approval of "}]}, {"t": "19.16.110 Development standards\u2014Single-family subdivisions including those proposing lot sizes smaller than the baseline lot size.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.110", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.16.110", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.16|19.16.110", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.110#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.110(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.110#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.110(A)(1)", "x": "Topographic and other physical constraints;"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.110#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.110(A)(2)", "x": "Lot sizes and intensities of surrounding land uses;"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.110#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.110(A)(3)", "x": "Proximity to common or public open spaces;"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.110#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.110(A)(4)", "x": "Preservation of significant environmental resources;"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.110#(A)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.110(A)(5)", "x": "The above standards are not applicable to areas designated multifamily on t"}], "x": "Baseline Lot Size/Mix of Lot Sizes. The baseline lot size shall be six thou"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.110#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.110(B)", "x": "Exceptions for Extraordinary Features. Exceptions to the lot size and mix l"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.110#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.110(C)", "x": "Lot Width. Lot widths shall be fifty feet or greater but may be less if it "}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.110#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.110(D)", "x": "Lot Depth. Lot depths shall be ninety feet or greater but may be less if it"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.110#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.110(E)", "x": "Lot Design. Lots shall generally be rectangular in shape and reasonably pro"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.110#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.110(F)", "x": "Dwelling/Garage Proportion. Garage door width shall not be the dominant arc"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.110#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.110(G)", "x": "Front Setbacks. The minimum front setback from back of sidewalk to the main"}, {"t": "(H)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.110#(H)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.110(H)", "x": "Front Setback Variation. No more than three consecutive dwellings shall con"}, {"t": "(I)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.110#(I)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.110(I)", "x": "Rear Setback. The minimum rear setback is twenty feet. The minimum setback "}, {"t": "(J)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.110#(J)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.110(J)", "x": "Side Yard Setbacks. A \"0\" lot line may be permitted on one side if a fiftee"}, {"t": "(K)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.110#(K)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.110(K)", "x": "Shared Driveways. Shall be encouraged whenever feasible."}, {"t": "(L)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.110#(L)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.110(L)", "x": "Maximum Building Height. Two and one-half stories or thirty feet measured t"}, {"t": "(M)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.110#(M)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.110(M)", "x": "Private Open Space. A minimum of five hundred square feet of fenced private"}, {"t": "(N)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.110#(N)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.110(N)", "x": "Building Elevations. Similar architectural treatment shall be utilized on a"}, {"t": "(O)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.110#(O)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.110(O)", "x": "Garage Doors. All garage doors shall be of equal or greater quality to that"}, {"t": "(P)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.110#(P)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.110(P)", "x": "Defined Dwelling Entries. All dwelling units shall incorporate architectura"}, {"t": "(Q)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.110#(Q)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.110(Q)", "x": "Passive Solar Design. All dwellings shall have sufficient roof overhangs to"}, {"t": "(R)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.110#(R)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.110(R)", "x": "Common Open Space/Public Facilities. All projects proposing single-family d"}, {"t": "(S)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.110#(S)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.110(S)", "x": "Perimeter Walls. Every effort shall be made to reduce the need for perimete"}, {"t": "(T)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.110#(T)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.110(T)", "x": "Private Streets. Private streets may be permitted if a homeowners associati"}]}, {"t": "19.16.120 Development standards\u2014Multifamily residential including apartments, townhouses and condominiums.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.120", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.16.120", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.16|19.16.120", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.120#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.120(A)", "x": "Required Setbacks. Minimum building setback for principal structures on all"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.120#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.120(B)", "x": "Maximum building height: Two and one-half stories or thirty feet measured t"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.120#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.120(C)", "x": "Minimum separation between buildings containing dwelling units: twenty feet"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.120#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.120(D)", "x": "Common Usable Open Space. A minimum thirty percent of the project area devo"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.120#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.120(E)", "x": "Private Open Spaces. Each dwelling unit shall have a defined private open s"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.120#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.120(F)", "x": "Building Design. Multiple-family residential structures, including townhous"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.120#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.120(G)", "x": "Design of Carports Garages Trash Enclosures and Other Accessory Structures."}, {"t": "(H)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.120#(H)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.120(H)", "x": "Garage Doors. All garage doors shall be of equal or greater quality to that"}, {"t": "(I)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.120#(I)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.120(I)", "x": "Climatic Conditions/Passive Solar Design. All dwellings shall incorporate a"}, {"t": "(J)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.120#(J)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.120(J)", "x": "Driveway Approaches/Design Features. All primary driveway approaches servin"}]}, {"t": "19.16.130 Findings.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.130", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.16.130", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.16|19.16.130", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.130#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.130(A)", "x": "That the land use and development plan proposed is consistent with the gene"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.130#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.130(B)", "x": "That the proposed planned community contains a development concept and stan"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.130#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.130(C)", "x": "That the proposed planned community contains adequate sites for any necessa"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.130#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.130(D)", "x": "That plan details have been provided indicating that unit design and orient"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.130#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.130(E)", "x": "That the automobile, bicycle and pedestrian traffic systems are adequately "}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.130#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.130(F)", "x": "That a phased development plan has been established that is consistent with"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.130#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.130(G)", "x": "That a mix of lot sizes and unit types is provided that is appropriate to p"}, {"t": "(H)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.130#(H)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.16.130(H)", "x": "That any exception to the baseline lot size and mix requirements is compens"}]}, {"t": "19.16.140 Master plan modifications.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.140", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.16.140", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.16|19.16.140"}, {"t": "19.16.150 Modifications\u2014Review procedures.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.150", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.16.150", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.16|19.16.150"}, {"t": "19.16.160 Revocation.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.160", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.16.160", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.16|19.16.160"}, {"t": "19.16.170 Expiration of planned community development permit.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.16.170", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.16.170", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.16|19.16.170"}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.17 SP SPECIFIC PLAN DISTRICT", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.17", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.17", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.17", "c": [{"t": "19.17.010 Purpose and intent.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.17.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.17.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.17|19.17.010", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.17.010#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.17.010(A)", "x": "Purpose. This chapter is intended to provide for the systematic implementat"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.17.010#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.17.010(B)", "x": "Intent. A specific plan prepared in accordance with the standards set forth"}]}, {"t": "19.17.020 Authority.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.17.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.17.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.17|19.17.020"}, {"t": "19.17.030 Applicability.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.17.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.17.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.17|19.17.030"}, {"t": "19.17.040 General plan conformity.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.17.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.17.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.17|19.17.040"}, {"t": "19.17.050 Designation.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.17.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.17.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.17|19.17.050"}, {"t": "19.17.060 Application.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.17.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.17.060", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.17|19.17.060", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.17.060#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.17.060(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.17.060#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.17.060(A)(1)", "x": "Application for a specific plan shall be filed with the community developme"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.17.060#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.17.060(A)(2)", "x": "The text and diagrams of the proposed specific plan shall be organized in a"}], "x": "Application."}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.17.060#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.17.060(B)", "x": "Preparation. Specific plans shall be prepared by the affected property owne"}]}, {"t": "19.17.070 Review and approval.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.17.070", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.17.070", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.17|19.17.070", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.17.070#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.17.070(A)", "x": "Approval Authority. An application for a specific plan shall be reviewed an"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.17.070#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.17.070(B)", "x": "Concurrent Processing. Where an application for a specific plan is concurre"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.17.070#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.17.070(C)", "x": "Ordinance Amendment. Simultaneous with the approval of a specific plan by t"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.17.070#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.17.070(D)", "x": "Subsequent Amendment. A specific plan may be amended as necessary, under th"}]}, {"t": "19.17.080 Required findings.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.17.080", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.17.080", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.17|19.17.080", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.17.080#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.17.080(A)", "x": "The distribution, location and extent of land uses, including open space, a"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.17.080#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.17.080(B)", "x": "The specific plan provides for public infrastructure and services needed to"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.17.080#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.17.080(C)", "x": "The standards and development criteria, including requirements for resource"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.17.080#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.17.080(D)", "x": "The specific plan contains implementation measures, including financing pro"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.17.080#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.17.080(E)", "x": "The site is suitable for the type and intensity of development proposed."}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.17.080#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.17.080(F)", "x": "The flexibility in development standards afforded by the specific plan proc"}]}, {"t": "19.17.090 Conditions of approval.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.17.090", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.17.090", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.17|19.17.090", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.17.090#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.17.090(A)", "x": "A specific plan may include such terms and conditions deemed appropriate or"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.17.090#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.17.090(B)", "x": "A specific plan or its conditions of approvals may be subsequently modified"}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.18 MHP MOBILEHOME PARK OVERLAY DISTRICT", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.18", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.18", "c": [{"t": "19.18.010 Purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.18.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.18|19.18.010", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.010#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.010(A)", "x": "Recognize the importance of existing mobilehome parks as a valuable city re"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.010#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.010(B)", "x": "Provide appropriate areas for residential mobilehome park development that "}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.010#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.010(C)", "x": "Ensure adequate light, air, privacy and open space for each dwelling, and p"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.010#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.010(D)", "x": "Achieve design compatibility with surrounding neighborhoods and promote and"}]}, {"t": "19.18.020 Allowable uses.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.18.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.18|19.18.020", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.020#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.020(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.020#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.020(A)(1)", "x": "Mobilehome park, defined as a site developed for the long-term placement of"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.020#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.020(A)(2)", "x": "Accessory structures and recreational facilities related to mobilehome park"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.020#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.020(A)(3)", "x": "Caretaker's quarters."}], "x": "Permitted Uses. The following uses may be allowed in the MHP overlay distri"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.020#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.020(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.020#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.020(B)(1)", "x": "Mobilehome subdivision;"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.020#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.020(B)(2)", "x": "The permitted and conditionally-permitted uses allowed by this title for th"}], "x": "Conditionally-Permitted Uses. The following uses may be allowed in the MHP "}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.020#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.020(C)", "x": "Mobilehome Park Conversion. All requests to convert a mobilehome park or su"}]}, {"t": "19.18.030 Development standards.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.18.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.18|19.18.030", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(A)", "x": "Project Area. A site proposed for a mobilehome park or subdivision shall be"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(B)(1)", "x": "The minimum and maximum overall density of a mobilehome park or subdivision"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(B)(2)", "x": "Individual mobilehome sites or lots shall have a minimum area of three thou"}], "x": "Density and Site Area."}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(C)", "x": "Site Width. Individual mobilehome sites or lots shall have a minimum width "}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(D)", "x": "Perimeter Buffer Area. A landscaped area with a minimum width of twenty fee"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(E)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(E)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(E)(1)", "x": "Side and Rear Yards. A five-foot minimum setback from the outer edge of any"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(E)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(E)(2)", "x": "Front Yard. A fifteen-foot minimum setback from the outer edge of any struc"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(E)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(E)(3)", "x": "Cornices, eaves, canopies, fireplaces and other similar architectural featu"}], "x": "Minimum Yards."}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(F)", "x": "Maximum Height. The maximum height in the MHP overlay district shall be twe"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(G)", "x": "Common Areas. Common areas shall be provided within a mobilehome park or su"}, {"t": "(H)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(H)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(H)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(H)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(H)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(H)(1)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(H)(1)(a)", "x": "All mobilehome spaces shall be served from internal private streets within "}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(H)(1)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(H)(1)(b)", "x": "Private streets shall have a clear and unobstructed access to a public thor"}], "x": "Access."}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(H)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(H)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(H)(2)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(H)(2)(a)", "x": "The minimum width for any street within a mobilehome park shall be no less "}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(H)(2)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(H)(2)(b)", "x": "No interior street shall be less than thirty-two feet in width, curb to cur"}], "x": "Street Widths."}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(H)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(H)(3)", "x": "Pedestrian Circulation. Sidewalks and pedestrian pathways shall be incorpor"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(H)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(H)(4)", "x": "Parking. Parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 19.21, Parkin"}], "x": "Circulation and Parking. All streets, access drives, parking bays and conne"}, {"t": "(I)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(I)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(I)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(I)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(I)(1)", "x": "All pleasure boats, trailers, campers and motor coaches shall be stored in "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(I)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(I)(2)", "x": "Such areas shall be screened from view and shall provide a minimum of one b"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(I)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(I)(3)", "x": "Such storage shall not be allowed on any street or individual mobilehome sp"}], "x": "Boat and Trailer Storage."}, {"t": "(J)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(J)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(J)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(J)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(J)(1)", "x": "A detailed landscaping plan shall be submitted for consideration with each "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(J)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(J)(2)", "x": "Substantial trees shall be planted throughout the mobilehome park or subdiv"}], "x": "Landscaping."}, {"t": "(K)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(K)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(K)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(K)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(K)(1)", "x": "All utilities in a mobilehome park or subdivision shall be installed underg"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(K)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(K)(2)", "x": "Individual exposed antennas are not permitted. Each mobilehome park or subd"}], "x": "Utilities."}, {"t": "(L)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(L)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(L)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(L)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(L)(1)", "x": "The approving authority may require that the park or subdivision property b"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(L)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(L)(2)", "x": "Fences up to six feet in height may be permitted in the front setback area "}], "x": "Fences."}, {"t": "(M)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(M)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(M)", "x": "Other Standards. Additional development standards may be prescribed as cond"}, {"t": "(N)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.030#(N)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.030(N)", "x": "Continued Maintenance. All recreation facilities, common open spaces, commo"}]}, {"t": "19.18.040 Signs.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.18.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.18|19.18.040", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.040#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.040(A)", "x": "Mobilehome park or subdivision signs shall be limited to one twenty-four sq"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.040#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.040(B)", "x": "Each mobilehome park or subdivision shall maintain a directory sign showing"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.040#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.040(C)", "x": "Signs shall be subject to the permit procedures and standards set forth in "}]}, {"t": "19.18.050 Senior mobile home park overlay zone.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.18.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.18|19.18.050", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.050#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.050(A)", "x": "\"Senior mobile home park\" is a mobile home park in the city located within "}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.050#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.050(B)", "x": "Coterminous with the existing zoning for mobile home park residential is th"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.050#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.050(C)", "x": "Mobile home units in a mobile home park in the senior mobile home overlay z"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.050#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.050(D)", "x": "The signage, advertising, park rules and regulations, and leases for spaces"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.050#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.050(E)", "x": "Senior mobile home park owners and/or their management personnel shall subm"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.18.050#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.18.050(F)", "x": "Failure to submit the verification required by this section or failure of t"}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.19 CS SPECIALTY COMMERCIAL OVERLAY DISTRICT", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.19", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.19", "c": [{"t": "19.19.010 Purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.19.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.19|19.19.010"}, {"t": "19.19.020 Allowable uses.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.19.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.19|19.19.020", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(A)", "x": "Property in the CS overlay district may be used either for industrial purpo"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(B)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(B)(1)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(B)(1)(a)", "x": "Public information center,"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(B)(1)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(B)(1)(b)", "x": "Public parking,"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(B)(1)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(B)(1)(c)", "x": "Utilities, minor;"}], "x": "Public and quasi-public uses:"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(B)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(B)(2)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(B)(2)(a)", "x": "Bank, savings and loan, including walk-up service,"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(B)(2)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(B)(2)(b)", "x": "Entertainment, indoor,"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(B)(2)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(B)(2)(c)", "x": "Long-term care,"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(B)(2)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(B)(2)(d)", "x": "Lodging services,"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(B)(2)(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(B)(2)(e)", "x": "Personal services,"}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(B)(2)(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(B)(2)(f)", "x": "Restaurant,"}, {"t": "(g)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(B)(2)(g)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(B)(2)(g)", "x": "Retail sales, visitor-oriented."}], "x": "Commercial uses:"}], "x": "Should the owner of property in the CS overlay district decide to use the p"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(C)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(C)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(C)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(C)(1)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(C)(1)(a)", "x": "Charitable uses;"}], "x": "Public and quasi-public uses:"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(C)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(C)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(C)(2)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(C)(2)(a)", "x": "Entertainment, indoor; amusement center,"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(C)(2)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(C)(2)(b)", "x": "Lodging services adjacent to a residential district,"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(C)(2)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(C)(2)(c)", "x": "On-premises liquor consumption, tasting room,"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(C)(2)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(C)(2)(d)", "x": "Liquor store;"}], "x": "Commercial uses:"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(C)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(C)(3)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(C)(3)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(C)(3)(a)", "x": "Commercial filming,"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(C)(3)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(C)(3)(b)", "x": "Live entertainment,"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(C)(3)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(C)(3)(c)", "x": "Mobile structure (subject to Chapter 19.30),"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(C)(3)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(C)(3)(d)", "x": "Tent;"}], "x": "Temporary uses:"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(C)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(C)(4)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(C)(4)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(C)(4)(a)", "x": "Antenna, commercial,"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(C)(4)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(C)(4)(b)", "x": "Antenna exceeding height limitations;"}], "x": "Public and quasi-public uses:"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(C)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(C)(5)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(C)(5)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(C)(5)(a)", "x": "Entertainment, indoor, gaming,"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(C)(5)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(C)(5)(b)", "x": "On-premises liquor consumption,"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(C)(5)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(C)(5)(c)", "x": "Restaurant, night use adjacent to residential district,"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.020#(C)(5)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.020(C)(5)(d)", "x": "Restaurant, take-out; night use adjacent to residential district."}], "x": "Commercial uses:"}], "x": "Should the owner of property in the CS overlay district decide to use the p"}]}, {"t": "19.19.030 Development standards.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.19.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.19|19.19.030", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.030#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.030(A)", "x": "The development standards set forth in the schedule of zoning district regu"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.030#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.030(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.030#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.030(B)(1)", "x": "Buildings shall be oriented to take advantage of the site's unique views, w"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.030#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.030(B)(2)", "x": "Architecture should blend with hillsides to the extent feasible."}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.030#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.030(B)(3)", "x": "Projects using the specialty commercial overlay zoning that require approva"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.030#(B)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.030(B)(4)", "x": "Long-term care facilities shall mitigate potential emergency service impact"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.030#(B)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.030(B)(5)", "x": "Prior to issuance of a building permit for a long-term care facility in Zon"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.030#(B)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.030(B)(6)", "x": "Prior to approval of any discretionary application for a long-term care fac"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.030#(B)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.030(B)(7)", "x": "Prior to approval of any discretionary application for a long-term care fac"}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.030#(B)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.030(B)(8)", "x": "Prior to issuance of a building permit for a long-term care facility, an ov"}, {"t": "(9)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.19.030#(B)(9)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.19.030(B)(9)", "x": "Any long-term care facility proposed in Napa County Airport Land Use Compat"}], "x": "The design of development in the CS district shall comply with the followin"}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.20 PAOLI LIGHT INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL OVERLAY DISTRICT", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.20", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.20", "c": [{"t": "19.20.010 Purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.20.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.20|19.20.010"}, {"t": "19.20.020 Allowable uses.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.20.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.20|19.20.020", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.020#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.20.020(A)", "x": "Property in the Paoli Light Industrial Commercial Overlay District may be u"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.020#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.20.020(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.020#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.20.020(B)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.020#(B)(1)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.20.020(B)(1)(a)", "x": "Charitable uses"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.020#(B)(1)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.20.020(B)(1)(b)", "x": "Public information center"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.020#(B)(1)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.20.020(B)(1)(c)", "x": "Utilities, minor"}], "x": "Public and quasi-public uses:"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.020#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.20.020(B)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.020#(B)(2)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.20.020(B)(2)(a)", "x": "Ambulance Services"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.020#(B)(2)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.20.020(B)(2)(b)", "x": "Bank, savings and loan, including walk-up service"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.020#(B)(2)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.20.020(B)(2)(c)", "x": "Bookstore"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.020#(B)(2)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.20.020(B)(2)(d)", "x": "Catering"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.020#(B)(2)(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.20.020(B)(2)(e)", "x": "Drugstore"}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.020#(B)(2)(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.20.020(B)(2)(f)", "x": "Food Sales"}, {"t": "(g)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.020#(B)(2)(g)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.20.020(B)(2)(g)", "x": "Lodging services"}, {"t": "(h)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.020#(B)(2)(h)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.20.020(B)(2)(h)", "x": "Maintenance and Repair Services"}, {"t": "(i)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.020#(B)(2)(i)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.20.020(B)(2)(i)", "x": "Personal services"}, {"t": "(j)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.020#(B)(2)(j)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.20.020(B)(2)(j)", "x": "Restaurant"}, {"t": "(k)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.020#(B)(2)(k)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.20.020(B)(2)(k)", "x": "Restaurant, Night Use"}, {"t": "(l)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.020#(B)(2)(l)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.20.020(B)(2)(l)", "x": "Restaurant, take-out"}, {"t": "(m)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.020#(B)(2)(m)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.20.020(B)(2)(m)", "x": "Retail sales"}, {"t": "(n)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.020#(B)(2)(n)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.20.020(B)(2)(n)", "x": "Zero Emission Vehicle Service Station"}], "x": "Commercial uses:"}], "x": "The following uses as defined in use classifications, are permitted1:"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.020#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.20.020(C)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.020#(C)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.20.020(C)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.020#(C)(1)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.20.020(C)(1)(a)", "x": "Automobile rental"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.020#(C)(1)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.20.020(C)(1)(b)", "x": "Entertainment, indoor"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.020#(C)(1)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.20.020(C)(1)(c)", "x": "On-premises liquor consumption, tasting room"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.020#(C)(1)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.20.020(C)(1)(d)", "x": "Personal Improvement Services"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.20.020#(C)(1)(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.20.020(C)(1)(e)", "x": "Vehicle/equipment sales and service"}], "x": "Commercial uses:"}], "x": "The following uses as defined in use classifications, are permitted subject"}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.21 PARKING AND LOADING STANDARDS*", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.21", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.21", "c": [{"t": "19.21.010 Purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.21.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.21|19.21.010", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.010#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.010(A)", "x": "To provide parking and loading facilities in proportion to the needs genera"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.010#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.010(B)", "x": "To provide accessible, attractive, secure, properly-lighted, and well-maint"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.010#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.010(C)", "x": "To reduce traffic congestion and hazards."}]}, {"t": "19.21.020 Applicability.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.21.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.21|19.21.020", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.020#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.020(A)", "x": "The requirements of this chapter shall apply to the establishment, alterati"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.020#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.020(B)", "x": "When a change in use or expansion in floor area within an existing developm"}]}, {"t": "19.21.030 Vehicle parking requirements.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.21.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.21|19.21.030", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(A)(1)", "x": "Automobile parking spaces shall be provided in the number set forth in Tabl"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(A)(2)", "x": "When two or more use are located in the same building or structure, or are "}], "x": "Number of Spaces Required."}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(3)", "x": "Requirements for uses not specifically listed herein shall be determined by"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(4)", "x": "Handicapped parking shall be provided according to the latest standards est"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(5)", "x": "No area maybe utilized and counted both as a required parking space and a r"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(B)(1)", "x": "The number of required parking spaces may be reduced for projects comprised"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(B)(2)", "x": "Shared parking may be approved through a conditional use permit for existin"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(B)(3)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(B)(3)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(B)(3)(a)", "x": "The applicant has provided substantial evidence and documentation (includin"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(B)(3)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(B)(3)(b)", "x": "All shared parking spaces shall be located so as to be reasonably accessibl"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(B)(3)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(B)(3)(c)", "x": "Reasonable pedestrian connections shall be provided from any shared parking"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(B)(3)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(B)(3)(d)", "x": "Covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&Rs), deed restrictions or other "}], "x": "Shared parking arrangements may only be approved if the following requireme"}], "x": "Shared Parking."}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(C)", "x": "Accessory Dwelling Unit Parking. Parking spaces required for accessory dwel"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(D)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(D)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(D)(1)", "x": "Minimum Dimensions. Required minimum parking dimensions are indicated in Ta"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(D)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(D)(2)", "x": "Compact Spaces. Reduced dimensions of eight feet in width and sixteen feet "}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(D)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(D)(3)", "x": "Covered Residential Spaces. Required covered residential parking spaces sha"}], "x": "Dimensional Requirements."}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(E)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(E)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(E)(1)", "x": "Garage door openings shall have a minimum height of seven feet and shall be"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(E)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(E)(2)", "x": "In front of any required garage there shall be a permanently surfaced area "}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(E)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(E)(3)", "x": "For all new construction or remodels and additions where a residence is req"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(E)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(E)(4)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(E)(4)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(E)(4)(a)", "c": [{"t": "(i)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(E)(4)(a)(i)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(E)(4)(a)(i)", "x": "A re-roof where no structural changes to the roof are required or proposed "}, {"t": "(ii)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(E)(4)(a)(ii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(E)(4)(a)(ii)", "x": "Changing windows and doors except in the converted area;"}, {"t": "(iii)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(E)(4)(a)(iii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(E)(4)(a)(iii)", "x": "Interior remodels where no changes are proposed to the converted area or wa"}], "x": "Building permits maybe issued for the following cosmetic improvements witho"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(E)(4)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(E)(4)(b)", "x": "Building permits maybe issued for minor additions to existing rooms, interi"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(E)(4)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(E)(4)(c)", "x": "Where a building permit is requested for the addition of one or more bedroo"}], "x": "For all garages and carports that may have been previously converted to a h"}], "x": "Garages."}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(F)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(F)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(F)(1)", "x": "Parking spaces in parking lots shall be clearly outlined with four-inch wid"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(F)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(F)(2)", "x": "The restriping of any parking space of lot shall require the approval of a "}], "x": "Striping."}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(G)", "x": "Surfacing."}, {"t": "(H)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(H)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(H)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(H)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(H)(1)", "x": "Access to a parking space may only be from an approved driveway approach co"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(H)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(H)(2)", "x": "Handicapped access ramps in city sidewalks shall not be used for access to "}], "x": "Access to Parking."}, {"t": "(I)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(I)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(I)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(I)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(I)(1)", "x": "Continuous concrete curbing at least six inches high and six inches wide sh"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(I)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(I)(2)", "x": "The clear width of a walkway that is adjacent to overhanging parked cars sh"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(I)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(I)(3)", "x": "Individual wheel stops shall not be used."}], "x": "Curbing and Walkways."}, {"t": "(J)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(J)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(J)", "x": "Drainage. All required off-street parking areas shall be so designed that s"}, {"t": "(K)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(K)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(K)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(K)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(K)(1)", "x": "Surface parking areas of ten or more spaces shall have a landscaped area eq"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(K)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(K)(2)", "x": "Landscaped areas shall be distributed throughout the parking area as evenly"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(K)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(K)(3)", "x": "Landscaped areas shall have a minimum width of five feet."}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(K)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(K)(4)", "x": "A minimum of one tree shall be provided for every six parking spaces in a d"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(K)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(K)(5)", "x": "A landscaped strip shall be provided adjacent to any public or private stre"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(K)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(K)(6)", "x": "Defined pedestrian routes shall be incorporated into parking and landscaped"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(K)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(K)(7)", "x": "Landscape areas shall be bordered by a concrete curb that has a minimum hei"}], "x": "Landscaping."}, {"t": "(L)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(L)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(L)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(L)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(L)(1)", "x": "Where vehicles are to be parked immediately adjacent to a public or private"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(L)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(L)(2)", "x": "Where a parking or loading area in a commercial or industrial district is l"}], "x": "Screening."}, {"t": "(M)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(M)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(M)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(M)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(M)(1)", "x": "Public parking areas designed to accommodate three or more vehicles shall h"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(M)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(M)(2)", "x": "Any parking area illumination, including security lighting shall be so arra"}], "x": "Lighting."}, {"t": "(N)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(N)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(N)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(N)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(N)(1)", "x": "Except as otherwise set forth in the shared parking section of this chapter"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(N)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(N)(2)", "x": "Required parking for single-family dwellings and secondary units shall be l"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(N)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(N)(3)", "x": "No vehicular parking shall be permitted in a required front yard in any res"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(N)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(N)(4)", "x": "No more than fifty percent of the required front yard for lots with sixty f"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(N)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(N)(5)", "x": "Required parking for multifamily dwellings shall be located on the same lot"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(N)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(N)(6)", "x": "Tandem parking may be allowed for single and two-family dwelling units when"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(N)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(N)(7)", "x": "Parking shall be designed so that all maneuvering may occur on-site and tha"}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(N)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(N)(8)", "x": "No space in a parking lot shall be located so that a vehicle must maneuver "}], "x": "Location of Parking Spaces."}, {"t": "(O)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.030#(O)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.030(O)", "x": "Maintenance. All required parking facilities, including surfacing and strip"}]}, {"t": "19.21.040 Loading requirements.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.21.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.21|19.21.040", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.040#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.040(A)", "x": "Number Required. Loading spaces shall be provided according to Table 19.21."}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.040#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.040(B)", "x": "Minimum Dimensions. Each loading space shall have an unobstructed minimum d"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.040#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.040(C)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.040#(C)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.040(C)(1)", "x": "Loading spaces required by this chapter shall be located immediately adjace"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.040#(C)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.040(C)(2)", "x": "Loading spaces shall not be located in any required front or side yard."}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.040#(C)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.040(C)(3)", "x": "The location of loading spaces should minimize potential impacts on adjacen"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.040#(C)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.040(C)(4)", "x": "Loading spaces should be so located and designed that trucks shall not be r"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.040#(C)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.040(C)(5)", "x": "Loading spaces should be concealed from offsite view to the maximum extent "}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.040#(C)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.040(C)(6)", "x": "Where a loading area in a commercial or industrial district is located dire"}], "x": "Location of Loading Spaces."}]}, {"t": "19.21.050 Bicycle parking requirements.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.21.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.21|19.21.050", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.050#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.050(A)", "x": "Bicycle parking shall be provided in commercial and employment areas accord"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.050#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.050(B)", "x": "Bicycle parking should be located in highly visible locations and should be"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.21.050#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.21.050(C)", "x": "The bicycle parking requirement may be phased for parking areas containing "}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.22 WATER-EFFICIENT LANDSCAPING", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.22", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.22", "c": [{"t": "19.22.010 Purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.22.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.22|19.22.010", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.010#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.010(A)", "x": "Shade vehicles in parking lots."}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.010#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.010(B)", "x": "Break up extensive stretches of paving."}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.010#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.010(C)", "x": "Reduce impervious areas."}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.010#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.010(D)", "x": "Provide natural solar insulation for buildings, to screen certain types of "}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.010#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.010(E)", "x": "Create interesting and defined entries to facilities."}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.010#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.010(F)", "x": "Soften project perimeters."}]}, {"t": "19.22.020 Applicability.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.22.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.22|19.22.020", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.020#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.020(A)", "x": "Applicability. A conceptual landscape plan shall be required for all entitl"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.020#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.020(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.020#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.020(B)(1)", "x": "Registered local, state or federal historical sites."}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.020#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.020(B)(2)", "x": "Ecological restoration projects that do not require a permanent irrigation "}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.020#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.020(B)(3)", "x": "Plant collections, as part of botanical gardens and arboretums open to the "}], "x": "This chapter does not apply to:"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.020#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.020(C)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.020#(C)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.020(C)(1)", "x": "Conceptual landscape plans shall be reviewed and approved by the planning c"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.020#(C)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.020(C)(2)", "x": "Final landscape plans, as defined by Chapter 16.13 of the municipal code, s"}], "x": "Review and Approval."}]}, {"t": "19.22.030 Definitions.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.22.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.22|19.22.030"}, {"t": "19.22.040 General requirements and standards.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.22.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.22|19.22.040", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.040#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.040(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.040#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.040(A)(1)", "x": "The setbacks from streets required by the schedule of zoning district regul"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.040#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.040(A)(2)", "x": "All landscaped areas shall be protected by six-inch concrete curbing."}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.040#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.040(A)(3)", "x": "Parking and circulation areas shall be landscaped according to the requirem"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.040#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.040(A)(4)", "x": "The use of turf in new residential projects is limited to the rear yard."}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.040#(A)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.040(A)(5)", "x": "Landscaping should be used to separate parking and vehicle circulation area"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.040#(A)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.040(A)(6)", "x": "Live plant materials generally should be used in all landscaped areas. Bark"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.040#(A)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.040(A)(7)", "x": "Landscape planters abutting parking areas shall be sufficiently large to al"}], "x": "General Requirements and Standards."}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.040#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.040(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.040#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.040(B)(1)", "x": "Landscape plans for sites on major streets should include large-scale stree"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.040#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.040(B)(2)", "x": "Tree planting shall consider passive solar heating and cooling opportunitie"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.040#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.040(B)(3)", "x": "Trees shall be provided in parking lot areas in a manner that provides shad"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.040#(B)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.040(B)(4)", "x": "Trees shall be properly supported. Stakes and ties on trees shall be checke"}], "x": "Trees."}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.040#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.040(C)", "x": "Hard Surfaces. Required planter or landscaped areas may be combined with pe"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.040#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.040(D)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.040#(D)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.040(D)(1)", "x": "All manufactured slopes over five feet in height created by grading shall b"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.040#(D)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.040(D)(2)", "x": "Stabilizing jute netting or equivalent netting shall be provided in conjunc"}], "x": "Slopes."}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.040#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.040(E)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.040#(E)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.040(E)(1)", "x": "All landscaping and planter areas shall be installed consistent with an app"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.040#(E)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.040(E)(2)", "x": "Prior to the installation of landscaping in any public right-of-way, the de"}], "x": "Installation."}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.040#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.040(F)", "x": "Maintenance. Required landscaped areas shall be continually maintained in g"}]}, {"t": "19.22.050 Elements of the conceptual landscape documentation plan.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.22.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.22|19.22.050", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.050#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.050(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.050#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.050(A)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.050#(A)(1)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.050(A)(1)(a)", "x": "Date;"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.050#(A)(1)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.050(A)(1)(b)", "x": "Project applicant;"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.050#(A)(1)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.050(A)(1)(c)", "x": "Project address (if available, parcel and/or lot number(s));"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.050#(A)(1)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.050(A)(1)(d)", "x": "Total landscape area (square feet);"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.050#(A)(1)(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.050(A)(1)(e)", "x": "Water supply type (e.g., potable, recycled, well);"}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.050#(A)(1)(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.050(A)(1)(f)", "x": "Landscape requirements identified in Sections 19.22.040 and 19.22.060;"}, {"t": "(g)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.050#(A)(1)(g)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.050(A)(1)(g)", "x": "Project contacts to include contact information for the project applicant a"}], "x": "Project information:"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.050#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.050(A)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.050#(A)(2)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.050(A)(2)(a)", "x": "Hydrozone information table;"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.050#(A)(2)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.050(A)(2)(b)", "c": [{"t": "(i)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.050#(A)(2)(b)(i)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.050(A)(2)(b)(i)", "x": "Maximum applied water allowance (MAWA),"}, {"t": "(ii)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.050#(A)(2)(b)(ii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.050(A)(2)(b)(ii)", "x": "Estimated total water use (ETWU)."}], "x": "Water budget calculations:"}], "x": "Water-efficient landscape worksheet in Section 19.22.060:"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.050#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.050(A)(3)", "x": "Plants shall be selected and planted appropriately based upon their adaptab"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.050#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.050(A)(4)", "x": "The use of turf in new residential projects is limited to twenty-five perce"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.050#(A)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.050(A)(5)", "x": "On nonresidential projects, turf is not allowed on slopes greater than twen"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.050#(A)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.050(A)(6)", "x": "Total irrigated areas specified as turf shall be limited to a maximum of tw"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.050#(A)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.050(A)(7)", "x": "Turf is prohibited in street medians, traffic islands or bulb outs of any s"}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.050#(A)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.050(A)(8)", "x": "A landscape design plan for projects in fire-prone areas shall address fire"}, {"t": "(9)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.050#(A)(9)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.050(A)(9)", "x": "Those species identified by CAL-IPC as invasive in the San Francisco Bay Ar"}, {"t": "(10)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.050#(A)(10)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.050(A)(10)", "x": "Landscape plans shall bear the signature of a licensed landscape architect,"}], "x": "The conceptual landscape documentation plan, submitted as part of the discr"}]}, {"t": "19.22.060 Water-efficient landscape worksheet.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.22.060", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.22|19.22.060", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.060#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.060(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.060#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.060(A)(1)", "x": "A hydrozone information table for the landscape project."}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.060#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.060(A)(2)", "x": "A water budget calculation for the landscape project. For the calculation o"}], "x": "A project applicant shall complete the water-efficient landscape worksheet "}, {"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.060#(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.060(1)", "x": "California Irrigation Management Information System (CIMIS);"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.060#(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.060(2)", "x": "Reference Evapotranspiration Zones Map, University of California, Davis - D"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.060#(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.060(3)", "x": "Reference Evapotranspiration for California, University of California, Davi"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.060#(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.060(4)", "x": "Determining Daily Reference Evapotranspiration, Cooperative Extension Unive"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.060#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.060(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.060#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.060(B)(1)", "x": "The plant factor used shall be from WUCOLS. The plant factor ranges from 0 "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.060#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.060(B)(2)", "x": "All water features shall be included in the high water use hydrozone and te"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.060#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.060(B)(3)", "x": "All special landscape areas shall be identified and their water use calcula"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.060#(B)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.060(B)(4)", "x": "ETAF for special landscape areas shall not exceed 1.0."}], "x": "Water budget calculations shall adhere to the following requirements:"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.060#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.060(C)", "x": "Maximum Applied Water Allowance. The maximum applied water allowance shall "}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.060#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.060(D)", "x": "Estimated Total Water Use. The estimated total water use shall be calculate"}]}, {"t": "19.22.070 Recycled water.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.070", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.22.070", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.22|19.22.070", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.070#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.070(A)", "x": "The installation of recycled water irrigation systems shall allow for the c"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.070#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.070(B)", "x": "Irrigation systems and decorative water features shall use recycled water u"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.070#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.070(C)", "x": "All recycled water irrigation systems shall be designed and operated in acc"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.070#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.22.070(D)", "x": "Landscapes using recycled water are considered special landscape areas. The"}]}, {"t": "19.22.080 Stormwater management.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.22.080", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.22.080", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.22|19.22.080"}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.23 SIGN REGULATIONS", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.23", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.23", "c": [{"t": "19.23.010 Purpose and intent.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.23.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.23|19.23.010", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.010#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.010(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.010#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.010(A)(1)", "x": "Encourage the effective use of signs as a means of communication in the cit"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.010#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.010(A)(2)", "x": "Maintain and enhance the aesthetic environment and the city's ability to at"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.010#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.010(A)(3)", "x": "Protect and improve pedestrian and traffic safety;"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.010#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.010(A)(4)", "x": "Minimize the possible adverse effect of signs on nearby public and private "}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.010#(A)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.010(A)(5)", "x": "Enable the fair and consistent enforcement of these sign restrictions and i"}], "x": "Purpose. The purpose of these sign regulations is to:"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.010#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.010(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.010#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.010(B)(1)", "x": "Establish a permit system to allow a variety of types of signs in commercia"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.010#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.010(B)(2)", "x": "Allow certain signs that are small, unobtrusive, and incidental to the prin"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.010#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.010(B)(3)", "x": "Prohibit all signs not expressly permitted by this chapter;"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.010#(B)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.010(B)(4)", "x": "Abate nonconforming signs; and"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.010#(B)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.010(B)(5)", "x": "Provide for the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter."}], "x": "Intent. The intent of this chapter is to:"}]}, {"t": "19.23.020 Applicability.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.23.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.23|19.23.020"}, {"t": "19.23.030 Definitions and interpretation.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.23.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.23|19.23.030"}, {"t": "19.23.040 Regulation of political signs.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.23.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.23|19.23.040", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.040#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.040(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.040#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.040(A)(1)", "x": "No political signs shall be installed or displayed sooner than one hundred "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.040#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.040(A)(2)", "x": "No political sign shall be lighted either directly or indirectly;"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.040#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.040(A)(3)", "x": "No political sign shall be placed on private property, vacant or otherwise,"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.040#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.040(A)(4)", "x": "No political sign shall be posted on any public property or in the public r"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.040#(A)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.040(A)(5)", "x": "No political signs shall be posted in violation of any other provisions of "}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.040#(A)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.040(A)(6)", "x": "All political signs shall be removed within ten days and recycled by the de"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.040#(A)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.040(A)(7)", "x": "No political sign may be placed within twenty-five feet of any existing com"}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.040#(A)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.040(A)(8)", "x": "The city manager and/or designee shall have the right to immediately remove"}, {"t": "(9)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.040#(A)(9)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.040(A)(9)", "x": "The city manager and/or designee shall have the right to remove all signs p"}, {"t": "(10)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.040#(A)(10)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.040(A)(10)", "x": "When it is determined that the sign in question poses an imminent safety ha"}, {"t": "(11)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.040#(A)(11)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.040(A)(11)", "x": "The city manager or designee shall remove or cause the removal of any polit"}, {"t": "(12)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.040#(A)(12)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.040(A)(12)", "x": "The city council shall from time to time establish procedures by resolution"}], "x": "Regulations. The placement or installation of political signs in the city s"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.040#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.040(B)", "x": "Unauthorized Removal of Political Signs. No person shall remove, destroy, r"}]}, {"t": "19.23.050 Exempt signs.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.23.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.23|19.23.050", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.050#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.050(A)", "x": "Any government official sign, public notice or warning required by a valid "}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.050#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.050(B)", "x": "Painting, cleaning, exact replacement and normal maintenance and repair of "}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.050#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.050(C)", "x": "Any sign inside a building, not attached to a window or door, and not legib"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.050#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.050(D)", "x": "Signs located within malls, courts, arcades, porches, patios and similar ar"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.050#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.050(E)", "x": "Holiday lights and decorations with no commercial message placed no more th"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.050#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.050(F)", "x": "Traffic control signs on private property with messages, such as \"Stop,\" \"Y"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.050#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.050(G)", "x": "Commemorative plaques of recognized historical societies and organizations;"}, {"t": "(H)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.050#(H)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.050(H)", "x": "Signs on vehicles that provide public transportation, including, but not li"}, {"t": "(I)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.050#(I)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.050(I)", "x": "Signs on licensed commercial vehicles, including trailers that are painted "}, {"t": "(J)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.050#(J)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.050(J)", "x": "One sign attached to and parallel to the front of a building or occupant en"}, {"t": "(K)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.050#(K)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.050(K)", "x": "One sign per residential unit not exceeding four square feet or three feet "}, {"t": "(L)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.050#(L)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.050(L)", "x": "One unlighted real estate sign post per residential unit, not exceeding twe"}, {"t": "(M)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.050#(M)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.050(M)", "x": "Directional signs for directing prospective buyers to property offered for "}, {"t": "(N)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.050#(N)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.050(N)", "x": "Flags of the United States, state of California, city of American Canyon an"}, {"t": "(O)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.050#(O)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.050(O)", "x": "Notwithstanding any provisions in this chapter to the contrary, no commerci"}]}, {"t": "19.23.060 Prohibited signs.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.23.060", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.23|19.23.060", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.060#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.060(A)", "x": "Abandoned signs;"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.060#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.060(B)", "x": "Animated, moving and flashing signs;"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.060#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.060(C)", "x": "Beacons;"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.060#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.060(D)", "x": "Damaged signs;"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.060#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.060(E)", "x": "Flashing signs;"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.060#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.060(F)", "x": "Human signs;"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.060#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.060(G)", "x": "Illegal signs, as defined in this chapter;"}, {"t": "(H)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.060#(H)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.060(H)", "x": "Inflatable signs and tethered balloons, except as allowed in this chapter;"}, {"t": "(I)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.060#(I)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.060(I)", "x": "Loudspeakers or signs which emit sound, odor, or visible matter, except as "}, {"t": "(J)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.060#(J)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.060(J)", "x": "Off-site subdivision directional signs except as may be approved under a si"}, {"t": "(K)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.060#(K)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.060(K)", "x": "Off-site signs identifying a use, facility or service other than those that"}, {"t": "(L)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.060#(L)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.060(L)", "x": "Roof signs;"}, {"t": "(M)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.060#(M)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.060(M)", "x": "Strings of lights not permanently mounted to a rigid background, except tho"}, {"t": "(N)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.060#(N)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.060(N)", "x": "Windblown devices, such as pennants, streamers, balloons, and permanent ban"}, {"t": "(O)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.060#(O)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.060(O)", "x": "Monument signs with a translucent face;"}, {"t": "(P)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.060#(P)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.060(P)", "x": "Signs with exposed or exterior raceways;"}, {"t": "(Q)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.060#(Q)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.060(Q)", "x": "T-frame signs."}]}, {"t": "19.23.070 Sign permit requirements.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.23.070", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.23|19.23.070", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(A)(1)", "x": "A-frame sign;"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(A)(2)", "x": "Construction sign;"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(A)(3)", "x": "Directional sign;"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(A)(4)", "x": "Future facility sign;"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(A)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(A)(5)", "x": "Garage sale sign;"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(A)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(A)(6)", "x": "Holiday lighting sign;"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(A)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(A)(7)", "x": "Incidental sign;"}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(A)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(A)(8)", "x": "Interior sign;"}, {"t": "(9)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(A)(9)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(A)(9)", "x": "Mobile sign;"}, {"t": "(10)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(A)(10)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(A)(10)", "x": "Real estate: residence for sale, open house identification (on-site), open "}, {"t": "(11)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(A)(11)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(A)(11)", "x": "Temporary subdivision and model home identification and directional sign;"}, {"t": "(12)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(A)(12)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(A)(12)", "x": "Window sign."}], "x": "Permit Not Required. Signs that are regulated by this chapter but that do n"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(B)", "x": "Permit Required. The following procedures shall govern the application for,"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(C)", "x": "Permit Applications. All applications for sign permits and for approval of "}, {"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(1)", "x": "Such applications shall be accompanied by detailed drawings to show the dim"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(2)", "x": "If plans submitted for a zoning clearance, development plan or conditional "}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(D)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(D)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(D)(1)", "x": "Freestanding signs that exceed eight feet in height;"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(D)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(D)(2)", "x": "Sign programs for projects of two acres or more;"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(D)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(D)(3)", "x": "Kiosk sign program for off-site subdivision directional signs;"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(D)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(D)(4)", "x": "Individual signs exceeding forty square feet in area;"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(D)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(D)(5)", "x": "Signs of unique design, character, and/or merit which are determined by the"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(D)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(D)(6)", "x": "Electronic reader boards, as defined herein, may be permitted upon approval"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(D)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(D)(7)", "x": "Referrals from the director;"}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(D)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(D)(8)", "x": "Appeals of community development director decisions."}], "x": "Review Authority. Sign permits and sign programs shall be reviewed and appr"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(E)", "x": "Decision of the Community Development Director. The community development d"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(F)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(F)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(F)(1)", "x": "The application complies with all applicable provisions of this chapter and"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(F)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(F)(2)", "x": "The application complies with any applicable design guidelines, plans and p"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(F)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(F)(3)", "x": "The application complies with any sign program in effect for the property."}], "x": "Required Findings by Planning Commission. Approval of a sign permit or sign"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(G)", "x": "Assignment of Sign Permits. A valid sign permit shall be freely assignable "}, {"t": "(H)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.070#(H)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.070(H)", "x": "Additional Permits. Building, electrical and fire permits shall be obtained"}]}, {"t": "19.23.080 Sign computation.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.080", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.23.080", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.23|19.23.080", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.080#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.080(A)", "x": "Height of a Sign. The height of a sign shall be computed by measuring the v"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.080#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.080(B)", "x": "Maximum Total Wall Sign Area. The maximum total wall sign area allowed for "}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.080#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.080(C)", "x": "Distinct Border or Boundary. For signs with a distinct border or boundary, "}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.080#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.080(D)", "x": "No Distinct Border or Boundary. For signs with no distinct border or bounda"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.080#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.080(E)", "x": "Double-Sided Sign. The sign area of signs which have two identical faces, a"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.080#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.080(F)", "x": "Multiple-Sided Sign. Signs which have more than one side and are not double"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.080#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.080(G)", "x": "Including Sign Structure or Support. Where a sign structure, support or oth"}]}, {"t": "19.23.090 Sign illumination.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.090", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.23.090", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.23|19.23.090", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.090#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.090(A)", "x": "Indirect Illumination. The sign has neither an internal light nor an extern"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.090#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.090(B)", "x": "Internal Message. The sign face is made of metal, wood or other material th"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.090#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.090(C)", "x": "Externally Lit Signs. Spotlights specifically directed at it lights the sig"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.090#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.090(D)", "x": "Internally Illuminated Channel Letter Sign. Individual letter or figures af"}]}, {"t": "19.23.100 Design, construction and maintenance.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.100", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.23.100", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.23|19.23.100", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.100#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.100(A)", "x": "All signs shall be consistent with any adopted design guidelines."}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.100#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.100(B)", "x": "All signs shall comply with applicable provisions of the city's building an"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.100#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.100(C)", "x": "Except for banners, flags, temporary signs and window signs, all signs shal"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.100#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.100(D)", "x": "Banners, canopies, suspended signs and flags shall maintain a vertical clea"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.100#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.100(E)", "x": "The illumination of a sign within three hundred feet of and visible from a "}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.100#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.100(F)", "x": "All signs shall be maintained in good structural condition, and in conforma"}]}, {"t": "19.23.110 Sign programs.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.110", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.23.110", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.23|19.23.110", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.110#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.110(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.110#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.110(A)(1)", "x": "An accurate plot plan of the lot(s), at such scale as the director may reas"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.110#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.110(A)(2)", "x": "Locations and dimensions of all existing and proposed signs, including the "}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.110#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.110(A)(3)", "x": "Exhibits showing the design, materials, colors and method of lighting for a"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.110#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.110(A)(4)", "x": "The sign program shall specify standards for consistency among all signs on"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.110#(A)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.110(A)(5)", "x": "If any new or amended sign program is filed for a site on which existing si"}], "x": "Application. For any lot, site or building on which the placement of one or"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.110#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.110(B)", "x": "Sign programs approved by the planning commission include commercial center"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.110#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.110(C)", "x": "Sign Programs for Contiguous Parcels. Owners of contiguous parcels may prop"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.110#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.110(D)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.110#(D)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.110(D)(1)", "x": "The panel and sign structure design shall be in accordance with this chapte"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.110#(D)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.110(D)(2)", "x": "No kiosk sign structure shall be located less than three hundred feet from "}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.110#(D)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.110(D)(3)", "x": "All kiosk signs shall be placed on private property with written consent of"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.110#(D)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.110(D)(4)", "x": "A kiosk sign location plan shall be prepared, showing the site of each kios"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.110#(D)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.110(D)(5)", "x": "There shall be no additions, tag signs, streamers, devices, display boards,"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.110#(D)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.110(D)(6)", "x": "All nonconforming subdivision kiosk directional signs associated with the s"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.110#(D)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.110(D)(7)", "x": "The kiosk subdivision directional signs shall be removed when the homes in "}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.110#(D)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.110(D)(8)", "x": "No more than eight kiosk signs may be permitted at any time within the city"}], "x": "Kiosk Sign Program. Subdivision directional signs and commercial signs may "}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.110#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.110(E)", "x": "Optional Provisions. A sign program may contain such other restrictions as "}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.110#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.110(F)", "x": "Binding Effect. After approval of a sign program, no sign shall be erected,"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.110#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.110(G)", "x": "Amendment. A sign program may be amended by filing a new plan that conforms"}]}, {"t": "19.23.120 Permitted signs.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.120", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.23.120", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.23|19.23.120", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.120#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.120(A)", "x": "Temporary signs;"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.120#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.120(B)", "x": "Signs permitted for residential uses;"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.120#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.120(C)", "x": "Signs Permitted for Nonresidential Uses. Signs shall be permitted in the Ci"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.120#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.120(D)", "x": "Any sign located on private property requires consent of the property owner"}]}, {"t": "19.23.130 Legal nonconforming signs.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.130", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.23.130", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.23|19.23.130", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.130#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.130(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.130#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.130(A)(1)", "x": "The requirements of the ordinance under which it was approved continue to b"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.130#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.130(A)(2)", "x": "Changes to the sign copy and sign faces are permitted when there is no chan"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.130#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.130(A)(3)", "x": "A nonconforming sign may not be expanded, moved or relocated."}], "x": "Continuation and Abatement. Any sign determined by the city to be a legal, "}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.130#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.130(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.130#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.130(B)(1)", "x": "Categorical Abatement. Whenever the city council determines to bring existi"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.130#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.130(B)(2)", "x": "Fair and Just Compensation\u2014Notice and Hearing. The community development di"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.130#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.130(B)(3)", "x": "Incentive Programs. The city council may establish a program or programs to"}], "x": "The city council may at any time elect to require that certain existing leg"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.130#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.130(C)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.130#(C)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.130(C)(1)", "x": "Abandoned or Ceased Use. Any nonconforming sign whose use has ceased, or th"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.130#(C)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.130(C)(2)", "x": "Destruction. Any nonconforming sign that has been more than fifty percent d"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.130#(C)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.130(C)(3)", "x": "Remodeling or Construction Projects. In the event a nonconforming sign is l"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.130#(C)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.130(C)(4)", "x": "Relocation of Signs. The relocation of any nonconforming sign shall be requ"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.130#(C)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.130(C)(5)", "x": "Agreement. An agreement between the owner of a nonconforming sign and the c"}], "x": "Exceptions Authorizing Immediate Abatement. Notwithstanding the foregoing:"}]}, {"t": "19.23.140 Sign removal.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.140", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.23.140", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.23|19.23.140", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.140#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.140(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.140#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.140(A)(1)", "x": "Prohibited signs: any sign prohibited by this chapter;"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.140#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.140(A)(2)", "x": "Illegal signs: any sign erected or altered in violation of any ordinance or"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.140#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.140(A)(3)", "x": "Abandoned signs: a sign which advertises or identifies a business, lessor, "}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.140#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.140(A)(4)", "x": "Damaged signs: any nonconforming sign which has been more than fifty percen"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.140#(A)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.140(A)(5)", "x": "Any sign which is or may become a danger to the public or is unsafe;"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.140#(A)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.140(A)(6)", "x": "Any sign which constitutes a traffic hazard not created by relocation of st"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.140#(A)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.140(A)(7)", "x": "Any sign failing to comply with the design, construction and maintenance st"}], "x": "The following signs shall be subject to removal:"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.140#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.140(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.140#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.140(B)(1)", "x": "Except for subsection (A)(6) above, such removal may occur fifteen days aft"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.140#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.140(B)(2)", "x": "If the owner disagrees with the opinion of the director, the owner may, wit"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.140#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.140(B)(3)", "x": "In addition to other remedies hereunder, the city shall have the right to r"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.140#(B)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.140(B)(4)", "x": "When it is determined that the sign in question poses an imminent safety ha"}], "x": "The community development director shall remove or cause the removal of any"}]}, {"t": "19.23.150 Exceptions.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.150", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.23.150", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.23|19.23.150", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.150#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.150(A)", "x": "That the proposed sign or signs does not exceed any of the adopted area, he"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.150#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.150(B)", "x": "That the scale, mass, and proportion of the proposed sign is in keeping wit"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.150#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.150(C)", "x": "That the proposed increase in area, height or width will not result in an u"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.150#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.150(D)", "x": "That the sign will not impair the visibility of any other permitted signs o"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.150#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.150(E)", "x": "That the location of the proposed sign will not interfere with sight distan"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.150#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.150(F)", "x": "That the required amount of landscaping around the base of the sign is incr"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.23.150#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.23.150(G)", "x": "That the granting of the exception will not be detrimental to the health, s"}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.24 SIGNIFICANT HABITATS", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.24", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.24", "c": [{"t": "19.24.010 Purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.24.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.24|19.24.010"}, {"t": "19.24.020 Applicability.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.24.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.24|19.24.020", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.020#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.020(A)", "x": "Riparian corridors, coastal saltmarsh, mixed hardwood forest, and oak savan"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.020#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.020(B)", "x": "Potential vernal pools designated on the generalized sensitivity maps in th"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.020#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.020(C)", "x": "Wetlands, as defined by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service."}]}, {"t": "19.24.030 Required studies.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.24.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.24|19.24.030", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.030#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.030(A)", "x": "Applications for development that may impact any of the habitat areas conta"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.030#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.030(B)", "x": "In instances where the potential for significant impacts exists, a biologic"}]}, {"t": "19.24.040 Riparian corridors.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.24.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.24|19.24.040", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.040#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.040(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.040#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.040(A)(1)", "x": "Education and research, excluding buildings and other structures;"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.040#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.040(A)(2)", "x": "Passive (nonmotorized) recreation, where not in conflict with the biologica"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.040#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.040(A)(3)", "x": "Trails and scenic overlooks on public lands;"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.040#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.040(A)(4)", "x": "Fish and wildlife management activities;"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.040#(A)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.040(A)(5)", "x": "Necessary water supply projects;"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.040#(A)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.040(A)(6)", "x": "Resource-consumptive uses as provided for in the Fish and Game Code and Tit"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.040#(A)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.040(A)(7)", "x": "Flood control projects where no other methods are available to protect the "}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.040#(A)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.040(A)(8)", "x": "Bridges when supports are not in significant conflict with riparian resourc"}, {"t": "(9)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.040#(A)(9)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.040(A)(9)", "x": "Underground utilities."}], "x": "Permitted Uses. Uses within riparian corridors shall be limited to the foll"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.040#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.040(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.040#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.040(B)(1)", "x": "Minimize the removal of vegetation, erosion, sedimentation, and runoff;"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.040#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.040(B)(2)", "x": "Provide for sufficient passage of native and anadromous fish;"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.040#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.040(B)(3)", "x": "Minimize wastewater discharges and entrapment;"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.040#(B)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.040(B)(4)", "x": "Prevent groundwater depletion or substantial interference with surface and "}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.040#(B)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.040(B)(5)", "x": "Minimize the channelization of streams and other watercourses;"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.040#(B)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.040(B)(6)", "x": "Provide habitat linkages (wildlife corridors) to adjacent open spaces, wher"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.040#(B)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.040(B)(7)", "x": "Use fences, walls, vegetative cover, additional setbacks, or other measures"}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.040#(B)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.040(B)(8)", "x": "Locate and design roads and utilities to avoid conflicts with biological re"}, {"t": "(9)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.040#(B)(9)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.040(B)(9)", "x": "Utilize appropriate open space or conservation easements in order to protec"}], "x": "Protective Measures. Development and grading that alters the biological int"}]}, {"t": "19.24.050 Wetlands and vernal pools.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.24.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.24|19.24.050", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.050#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.050(A)", "x": "Development in wetland areas and areas of existing or potential vernal pool"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.050#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.050(B)", "x": "Development in these areas shall be referred to the Army Corps of Engineers"}]}, {"t": "19.24.060 Other significant habitats.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.24.060", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.24|19.24.060", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.060#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.060(A)", "x": "Maintain a buffer from the edge of a designated zone as may be recommended "}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.060#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.060(B)", "x": "Maintain connectivity to surrounding habitats, where they exist;"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.24.060#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.24.060(C)", "x": "Limit public access in areas where damage to habitat may occur."}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.25 HILLSIDES", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.25", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.25", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.25"}, {"t": "Chapter 19.26 FLOODPLAINS", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.26", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.26", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.26"}, {"t": "Chapter 19.27 DENSITY BONUS", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.27", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.27", "c": [{"t": "19.27.000 Purpose of chapter.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.000", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.27.000", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.27|19.27.000"}, {"t": "19.27.005 Definitions.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.005", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.27.005", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.27|19.27.005"}, {"t": "19.27.010 General density bonus provisions.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.27.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.27|19.27.010", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.010#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.010(A)", "x": "Application. Any person that desires a density bonus shall make an applicat"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.010#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.010(B)", "x": "Incentives and Concessions. When an applicant seeks a density bonus for a h"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.010#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.010(C)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.010#(C)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.010(C)(1)", "x": "Ten percent of the total units of a housing development for lower income ho"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.010#(C)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.010(C)(2)", "x": "Five percent of the total units of a housing development for very low-incom"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.010#(C)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.010(C)(3)", "x": "A senior citizen housing development."}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.010#(C)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.010(C)(4)", "x": "Ten percent of the total dwelling units in a common interest development fo"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.010#(C)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.010(C)(5)", "x": "Ten percent of the total units of a housing development for transitional fo"}], "x": "Available Density Bonus Options. The planning commission or city council sh"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.010#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.010(D)", "x": "Applicant's Election of Basis for Bonus. For purposes of calculating the am"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.010#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.010(E)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.010#(E)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.010(E)(1)", "x": "Qualified Households. An applicant shall agree that the occupants of the lo"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.010#(E)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.010(E)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.010#(E)(2)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.010(E)(2)(a)", "x": "An applicant shall agree to set rents at affordable rent levels and to the "}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.010#(E)(2)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.010(E)(2)(b)", "x": "All for-sale units shall initially be sold at an affordable housing cost an"}], "x": "Term."}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.010#(E)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.010(E)(3)", "x": "Equity Sharing. The city shall require an equity-sharing agreement for all "}], "x": "Continued Affordability."}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.010#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.010(F)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.010#(F)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.010(F)(1)", "x": "Have been vacated or demolished in the five-year period preceding the appli"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.010#(F)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.010(F)(2)", "x": "Have been subject to a recorded covenant, ordinance, or law that restricts "}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.010#(F)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.010(F)(3)", "x": "Subject to any other form of rent or price control through a public entity'"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.010#(F)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.010(F)(4)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.010#(F)(4)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.010(F)(4)(a)", "x": "The proposed housing development replaces the existing affordable housing u"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.010#(F)(4)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.010(F)(4)(b)", "c": [{"t": "(i)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.010#(F)(4)(b)(i)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.010(F)(4)(b)(i)", "x": "The proposed housing development, inclusive of the units replaced, contains"}, {"t": "(ii)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.010#(F)(4)(b)(ii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.010(F)(4)(b)(ii)", "x": "Each unit in the development, exclusive of a manager's unit or units, is af"}], "x": "Either:"}], "x": "Occupied by lower or very low income households, for a proposed housing dev"}], "x": "Housing Development Involving Property Containing Existing Affordable Housi"}]}, {"t": "19.27.015 Requirements for equity-sharing agreement.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.015", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.27.015", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.27|19.27.015", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.015#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.015(A)", "x": "Upon resale, the seller of the unit may retain the value of any improvement"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.015#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.015(B)", "x": "For purposes of this section, the city's initial subsidy shall be equal to "}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.015#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.015(C)", "x": "For purposes of this section, the city's proportionate share of appreciatio"}]}, {"t": "19.27.020 Incentives and concessions.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.27.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.27|19.27.020", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.020#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.020(A)", "x": "An applicant for a density bonus pursuant to Section 19.27.010 may submit a"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.020#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.020(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.020#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.020(B)(1)", "x": "One incentive or concession for projects that include at least ten percent "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.020#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.020(B)(2)", "x": "Two incentives or concessions for projects that include at least twenty per"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.020#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.020(B)(3)", "x": "Three incentives or concessions for projects that include at least thirty p"}], "x": "Subject to subsection C below, the applicant shall receive the following nu"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.020#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.020(C)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.020#(C)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.020(C)(1)", "x": "The concession or incentive does not result in identifiable and actual affo"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.020#(C)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.020(C)(2)", "x": "The concession or incentive would have a specific, adverse impact upon publ"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.020#(C)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.020(C)(3)", "x": "The concession or improvement would be contrary to state or federal law."}], "x": "The planning commission or city council shall grant the concession or incen"}]}, {"t": "19.27.025 Waiver or reduction of development standards.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.025", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.27.025", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.27|19.27.025", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.025#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.025(A)", "x": "An applicant may submit a proposal to the city and request a meeting with t"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.025#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.025(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.025#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.025(B)(1)", "x": "The waiver or reduction would have a specific, adverse impact upon public h"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.025#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.025(B)(2)", "x": "The waiver or reduction would be contrary to state or federal law."}], "x": "The planning commission or city council shall waive or reduce an applicant'"}]}, {"t": "19.27.030 Calculation of density bonus.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.27.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.27|19.27.030", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.030#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.030(A)", "x": "The applicant is entitled to a density bonus that varies according to the p"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.030#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.030(B)", "x": "For housing developments meeting the lower income household criteria of Sec"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.030#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.030(C)", "x": "For housing developments meeting the very low income criteria of Section 19"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.030#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.030(D)", "x": "For housing developments meeting the criteria of Sections 19.27.010(C)(3), "}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.030#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.030(E)", "x": "For housing developments meeting the common interest development criteria o"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.030#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.030(F)", "x": "All density calculations resulting in fractional units shall be rounded up "}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.030#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.030(G)", "x": "A density bonus shall not require a general plan amendment, zoning change, "}, {"t": "(H)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.030#(H)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.030(H)", "x": "A density bonus shall not require the city to waive any unrelated developme"}]}, {"t": "19.27.035 Additional density bonus through donation of land.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.035", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.27.035", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.27|19.27.035", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.035#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.035(A)", "x": "When an applicant for a tentative subdivision map, parcel map, or other res"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.035#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.035(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.035#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.035(B)(1)", "x": "All density calculations resulting in fractional units shall be rounded up "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.035#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.035(B)(2)", "x": "Nothing in this section shall be construed to enlarge or diminish the autho"}], "x": "The land dedication density bonus shall be in addition to any increase in d"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.035#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.035(C)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.035#(C)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.035(C)(1)", "x": "The applicant donates and transfers land no later than the date of approval"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.035#(C)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.035(C)(2)", "x": "The developable acreage and zoning classification of the transferred land w"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.035#(C)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.035(C)(3)", "x": "The transferred land is at least one acre or of sufficient size to permit d"}, {"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.035#(C)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.035(C)(a)", "x": "The land must have appropriate zoning and development standards to make the"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.035#(C)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.035(C)(b)", "x": "No later than the final subdivision map, parcel map, or of the residential "}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.035#(C)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.035(C)(4)", "x": "The transferred land and the affordable units shall be subject to a deed re"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.035#(C)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.035(C)(5)", "x": "The land is transferred to the city or to a housing developer approved by t"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.035#(C)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.035(C)(6)", "x": "The transferred land must be within the boundary of the proposed developmen"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.035#(C)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.035(C)(7)", "x": "A proposed very low-income unit funding source shall be identified no later"}], "x": "An applicant shall be eligible for an increased density bonus described in "}]}, {"t": "19.27.040 Additional density bonus or concession or incentive through provision of housing with a child care facility.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.27.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.27|19.27.040", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.040#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.040(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.040#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.040(A)(1)", "x": "An additional residential square footage density bonus equal to or greater "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.040#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.040(A)(2)", "x": "An additional concession or incentive that contributes significantly to the"}], "x": "When an applicant proposes to construct a housing development that conforms"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.040#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.040(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.040#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.040(B)(1)", "x": "The child care facility must remain in operation as long as or longer than "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.040#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.040(B)(2)", "x": "Of the children who attend the child care facility, the children of very lo"}], "x": "The planning commission or city council shall require, as a condition of ap"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.040#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.040(C)", "x": "Notwithstanding any requirement of this section, the planning commission or"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.040#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.040(D)", "x": "Density bonus units do not have to be located in the same geographic area o"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.040#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.040(E)", "x": "Granting a concession or incentive shall not in and of itself, require a ge"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.040#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.040(F)", "x": "Section 9.27.040 does not limit or require the city to provide direct finan"}]}, {"t": "19.27.045 City's discretion in granting density bonus.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.045", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.27.045", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.27|19.27.045"}, {"t": "19.27.050 Parking requirements.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.27.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.27|19.27.050", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.050#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.050(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.050#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.050(A)(1)", "x": "Zero to one bedroom: one on-site parking space."}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.050#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.050(A)(2)", "x": "Two to three bedrooms: two on-site parking spaces."}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.050#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.050(A)(3)", "x": "Four and more bedrooms: two and one-half parking spaces."}], "x": "An applicant of a development meeting the criteria of Section 19.27.010(C) "}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.050#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.050(B)", "x": "An applicant of a development project meeting the criteria of Section 19.27"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.050#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.050(C)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.050#(C)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.050(C)(1)", "x": "Located within one-half mile of a major transit stop, and has unobstructed "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.050#(C)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.050(C)(2)", "x": "A for-rent housing development for individuals who are sixty-two years of a"}], "x": "An applicant of a development project that consists solely of rental units "}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.050#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.050(D)", "x": "An applicant of a special needs rental housing development project affordab"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.050#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.050(E)", "x": "If the total number of parking spaces required for a development is other t"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.050#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.050(F)", "x": "An applicant that meets the requirements of Section 19.27.010(C) may reques"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.050#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.050(G)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.050#(G)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.050(G)(1)", "x": "An analysis of parking availability;"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.050#(G)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.050(G)(2)", "x": "Differing levels of transit access;"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.050#(G)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.050(G)(3)", "x": "Walkability access to transit services;"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.050#(G)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.050(G)(4)", "x": "The potential for shared parking;"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.050#(G)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.050(G)(5)", "x": "The effect of parking requirements on the cost of market-rate and subsidize"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.050#(G)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.050(G)(6)", "x": "The lower rates of car ownership for low- and very low-income individuals, "}], "x": "Notwithstanding subsections B and C, the city may impose a higher vehicular"}]}, {"t": "19.27.060 Denial to grant a requested density bonus, incentive, or concession.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.27.060", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.27|19.27.060", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.060#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.060(A)", "x": "The applicant may initiate judicial proceedings if the city refuses to gran"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.27.060#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.27.060(B)", "x": "The city shall bear the burden of proof for the denial of a requested conce"}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.28 INCLUSIONARY HOUSING REQUIREMENTS", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.28", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.28", "c": [{"t": "19.28.010 Purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.28.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.28|19.28.010"}, {"t": "19.28.020 Definitions.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.28.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.28|19.28.020"}, {"t": "19.28.030 Applicability.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.28.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.28|19.28.030", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.030#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.030(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.030#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.030(A)(1)", "x": "Residential projects containing five or more residential parcels or units w"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.030#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.030(A)(2)", "x": "Residential rental projects containing five or more rental dwelling units."}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.030#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.030(A)(3)", "x": "Nonresidential projects."}], "x": "The provisions of this chapter shall apply to:"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.030#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.030(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.030#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.030(B)(1)", "x": "Any subdivision for which the final or parcel map was recorded, or any resi"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.030#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.030(B)(2)", "x": "New residential development that is owned and operated by a nonprofit entit"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.030#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.030(B)(3)", "x": "New residential development that is deed restricted to be affordable to low"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.030#(B)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.030(B)(4)", "x": "New nonresidential development with a bona fide tax-exempt status."}], "x": "These provisions shall not apply to:"}]}, {"t": "19.28.040 Inclusionary requirements.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.28.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.28|19.28.040", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.040#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.040(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.040#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.040(A)(1)", "x": "Ownership projects subject to the provisions of this chapter shall provide "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.040#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.040(A)(2)", "x": "Rental projects subject to the provisions of this chapter shall provide a n"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.040#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.040(A)(3)", "x": "In determining the number of inclusionary units to be provided, any decimal"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.040#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.040(A)(4)", "x": "Where an even number of inclusionary units are required of a rental housing"}], "x": "Required Number and Type of Inclusionary Units."}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.040#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.040(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.040#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.040(B)(1)", "x": "Inclusionary units should be constructed concurrently with market rate unit"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.040#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.040(B)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.040#(B)(2)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.040(B)(2)(a)", "x": "Significant topographic or other constraints exist rendering such distribut"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.040#(B)(2)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.040(B)(2)(b)", "x": "Substantially improved site design will result from such waiver."}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.040#(B)(2)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.040(B)(2)(c)", "x": "Substantially improved building design and an improved unit amenity level w"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.040#(B)(2)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.040(B)(2)(d)", "x": "Significant economic hardships will result from such distribution that does"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.040#(B)(2)(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.040(B)(2)(e)", "x": "Significant economic hardships will result from such distribution for the d"}], "x": "Inclusionary units shall be evenly distributed throughout the project, exce"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.040#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.040(B)(3)", "x": "Where feasible, the number of bedrooms of the inclusionary units should be "}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.040#(B)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.040(B)(4)", "x": "The design and appearance of the inclusionary units shall be compatible wit"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.040#(B)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.040(B)(5)", "x": "The applicant may reduce the size or interior amenities of the inclusionary"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.040#(B)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.040(B)(6)", "x": "Inclusionary units shall comply with all applicable development standards, "}], "x": "Development Standards for Target Units."}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.040#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.040(C)", "x": "Continued Affordability of Ownership Units. Inclusionary units shall remain"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.040#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.040(D)", "x": "Continued Affordability of Rental Units. Inclusionary units shall remain re"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.040#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.040(E)", "x": "Determination of Affordable Rents and Sales Prices. In determining the maxi"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.040#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.040(F)", "x": "Housing Agreement. A housing agreement consistent with this chapter shall b"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.040#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.040(G)", "x": "In the event a project exceeds the total number of inclusionary units requi"}]}, {"t": "19.28.050 Inclusionary alternatives.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.28.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.28|19.28.050", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.050#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.050(A)", "x": "It is the intent of these provisions that the inclusionary units be provide"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.050#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.050(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.050#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.050(B)(1)", "x": "The provision of some or all of the required inclusionary units at an off-s"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.050#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.050(B)(2)", "x": "The dedication of suitable land to the city, or entity acceptable to the ci"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.050#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.050(B)(3)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.050#(B)(3)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.050(B)(3)(a)", "x": "The term of existing rental unit affordability shall be extended fifty-five"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.050#(B)(3)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.050(B)(3)(b)", "x": "The existing units shall be affordable to the same income groups as the on-"}], "x": "Acquisition and rehabilitation of existing rental units."}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.050#(B)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.050(B)(4)", "x": "Incorporate attached or detached accessory dwelling units (ADUs) into the p"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.050#(B)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.050(B)(5)", "x": "Provide an affordability term longer than fifty-five years for fewer than f"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.050#(B)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.050(B)(6)", "x": "Provide fewer than fifteen percent inclusionary units, but increase the num"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.050#(B)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.050(B)(7)", "x": "Provide fewer than fifteen percent inclusionary units, but increase the per"}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.050#(B)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.050(B)(8)", "x": "Provide greater than fifteen percent inclusionary overall, but a smaller pe"}, {"t": "(9)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.050#(B)(9)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.050(B)(9)", "x": "Extend the affordability terms of existing inclusionary units."}, {"t": "(10)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.050#(B)(10)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.050(B)(10)", "x": "Any combination of the above alternatives."}, {"t": "(11)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.050#(B)(11)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.050(B)(11)", "x": "Other alternatives that achieve inclusionary housing not listed above."}, {"t": "(12)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.050#(B)(12)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.050(B)(12)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.050#(B)(12)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.050(B)(12)(a)", "x": "The in-lieu contribution shall be paid to the city at the issuance of the b"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.050#(B)(12)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.050(B)(12)(b)", "x": "Such contribution shall be deposited in the city housing fund and can only "}], "x": "As a last resort, the developer may be allowed to pay in-lieu nexus fees."}], "x": "The following alternatives to providing inclusionary units on-site may be a"}]}, {"t": "19.28.060 City assistance.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.28.060", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.28|19.28.060", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.060#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.060(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.060#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.060(A)(1)", "x": "Increase the allowable density limits of the zoning district (i.e., a densi"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.060#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.060(A)(2)", "x": "Reduced minimum lot sizes and/or dimensions;"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.060#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.060(A)(3)", "x": "Reduced minimum lot setbacks;"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.060#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.060(A)(4)", "x": "Reduced minimum outdoor and/or private outdoor living area;"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.060#(A)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.060(A)(5)", "x": "Increased maximum lot coverage;"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.060#(A)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.060(A)(6)", "x": "Increased maximum building height and/or stories;"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.060#(A)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.060(A)(7)", "x": "Reduced on-site parking standards, including the number or size of spaces a"}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.060#(A)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.060(A)(8)", "x": "Reduced minimum building separation requirements;"}, {"t": "(9)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.060#(A)(9)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.060(A)(9)", "x": "Reduced street standards, e.g., reduced minimum street widths;"}, {"t": "(10)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.060#(A)(10)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.060(A)(10)", "x": "Waived, reduced, or deferred planning, plan check, building permit, and/or "}, {"t": "(11)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.060#(A)(11)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.060(A)(11)", "x": "Any development standard concession not listed above."}], "x": "A reduction of site development standards or a modification of zoning code "}]}, {"t": "19.28.070 Application procedures.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.070", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.28.070", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.28|19.28.070", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.070#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.070(A)", "x": "The number of proposed inclusionary units and an indication of the target h"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.070#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.070(B)", "x": "Proposed sales prices or rents for the inclusionary units;"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.070#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.070(C)", "x": "The location, unit size (square feet), and number of bedrooms of inclusiona"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.070#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.070(D)", "x": "A description of any proposed differences between the inclusionary units an"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.070#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.070(E)", "x": "A schedule for completion and occupancy of the inclusionary units compared "}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.070#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.070(F)", "x": "An offer to reserve inclusionary units for target households for at least f"}]}, {"t": "19.28.080 Housing agreement.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.080", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.28.080", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.28|19.28.080", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.080#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.080(A)", "x": "Where required by this chapter, applicants/developers shall draft and agree"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.080#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.080(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.080#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.080(B)(1)", "x": "The number of inclusionary units, bedroom counts for the inclusionary units"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.080#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.080(B)(2)", "x": "The standards for determining the affordable rent or affordable sales price"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.080#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.080(B)(3)", "x": "The location, unit size (square feet), and number of bedrooms of the inclus"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.080#(B)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.080(B)(4)", "x": "The tenure of use restrictions for the inclusionary units;"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.080#(B)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.080(B)(5)", "x": "A schedule for completion and occupancy of the inclusionary units and marke"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.080#(B)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.080(B)(6)", "x": "A description of remedies for breach of the agreement by either party (the "}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.080#(B)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.080(B)(7)", "x": "Other provisions to ensure implementation and compliance with this chapter."}], "x": "The housing agreement shall include at least the following:"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.080#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.080(C)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.080#(C)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.080(C)(1)", "x": "The inclusionary units shall be sold to and owner-occupied by eligible lowe"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.080#(C)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.080(C)(2)", "x": "The initial and subsequent purchasers of an inclusionary unit shall execute"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.080#(C)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.080(C)(3)", "x": "The city shall establish maximum resale prices for inclusionary units durin"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.080#(C)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.080(C)(4)", "x": "The owner of an inclusionary unit who wishes to sell the unit shall provide"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.080#(C)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.080(C)(5)", "x": "The owner shall share with the city any amount received by the owner as a r"}], "x": "In the case of for-sale inclusionary units, the housing agreement shall inc"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.080#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.080(D)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.080#(D)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.080(D)(1)", "x": "The rules and procedures for qualifying tenants, establishing affordable re"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.080#(D)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.080(D)(2)", "x": "Provisions requiring owners of the rental project to verify tenant incomes "}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.080#(D)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.080(D)(3)", "x": "Provisions requiring owners of the rental project to submit an annual repor"}], "x": "In the case of rental inclusionary units, the housing agreement shall provi"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.080#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.28.080(E)", "x": "Following execution of the agreement by all parties, the completed housing "}]}, {"t": "19.28.090 Nonresidential inclusionary requirements.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.090", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.28.090", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.28|19.28.090"}, {"t": "19.28.100 Waiver.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.28.100", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.28.100", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.28|19.28.100"}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.29 HOME OCCUPATIONS", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.29", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.29", "c": [{"t": "19.29.010 Purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.29.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.29|19.29.010", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.010#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.010(A)", "x": "The purpose of this chapter is to establish standards for home occupations "}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.010#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.010(B)", "x": "In recognition of the unique rural nature of neighborhoods in the rural res"}]}, {"t": "19.29.020 Definition.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.29.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.29|19.29.020"}, {"t": "19.29.030 Home occupation standards.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.29.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.29|19.29.030", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.030#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.030(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.030#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.030(A)(1)", "x": "No person other than those persons who are residents of the premises shall "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.030#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.030(A)(2)", "x": "The use of the dwelling for the home occupation shall be clearly incidental"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.030#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.030(A)(3)", "x": "There shall be no change in the outside appearance of the building or premi"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.030#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.030(A)(4)", "x": "A home occupation may be conducted only within an enclosed building, whethe"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.030#(A)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.030(A)(5)", "x": "There shall be no sales in connection with such home occupation other than "}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.030#(A)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.030(A)(6)", "x": "No pedestrian or vehicular traffic shall be generated by such home occupati"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.030#(A)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.030(A)(7)", "x": "No equipment or process shall be used in such home occupation that creates "}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.030#(A)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.030(A)(8)", "x": "No vehicle over one ton carrying capacity may be used in conduct of a home "}, {"t": "(9)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.030#(A)(9)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.030(A)(9)", "x": "Every home occupation shall fully comply with all city, county, state and f"}], "x": "A home occupation shall comply with the following minimum standards:"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.030#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.030(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.030#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.030(B)(1)", "x": "Up to twenty-five percent of the rear yard may be used for outside storage "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.030#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.030(B)(2)", "x": "Vehicles and other wheeled equipment shall be stored on an all-weather surf"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.030#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.030(B)(3)", "x": "All vehicles, equipment and materials stored in the rear yard shall not be "}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.030#(B)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.030(B)(4)", "x": "Storage of vehicles in excess of one ton may be considered subject to revie"}], "x": "The above standards may be modified as follows for home occupations in the "}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.030#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.030(C)", "x": "The director may impose additional standards and restrictions on home occup"}]}, {"t": "19.29.040 Home occupation permits.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.29.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.29|19.29.040", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.040#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.040(A)", "x": "Applicability. No person shall commence or carry on any home occupation wit"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.040#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.040(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.040#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.040(B)(1)", "x": "An application for a home occupation permit shall be filed in writing with "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.040#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.040(B)(2)", "x": "The application shall be upon forms furnished by and in a manner prescribed"}], "x": "Application."}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.040#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.040(C)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.040#(C)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.040(C)(1)", "x": "Within ten working days after the filing of an application for a home occup"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.040#(C)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.040(C)(2)", "x": "The director shall serve a notice of such action upon the applicant by mail"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.040#(C)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.040(C)(3)", "x": "Any person aggrieved by the action of the director upon an application for "}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.040#(C)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.040(C)(4)", "x": "An appeal of a commission decision may be made by filing a notice of appeal"}], "x": "Review and Approval."}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.040#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.040(D)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.040#(D)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.040(D)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.040#(D)(1)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.040(D)(1)(a)", "x": "In violation of any city, county and/or state code, ordinance, rule or regu"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.040#(D)(1)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.040(D)(1)(b)", "x": "In a disorderly manner;"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.040#(D)(1)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.040(D)(1)(c)", "x": "To the detrimental of the general public; or"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.040#(D)(1)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.040(D)(1)(d)", "x": "In a different form than which the permit was issued."}], "x": "Any home occupation permit may be suspended or revoked when it is determine"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.040#(D)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.040(D)(2)", "x": "Any home occupation permit that has been issued shall not be revoked or sus"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.040#(D)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.040(D)(3)", "x": "Any person aggrieved by the action of the director upon an application for "}], "x": "Suspension and Revocation."}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.040#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.040(E)", "x": "Transferability. No home occupation permit shall be transferred or assigned"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.040#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.29.040(F)", "x": "Existing County Home Occupation Permits. Those home occupations already ope"}]}, {"t": "19.29.050 Business license required.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.29.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.29.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.29|19.29.050"}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.30 TEMPORARY MOBILE STRUCTURES", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.30", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.30", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.30", "c": [{"t": "19.30.010 Purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.30.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.30.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.30|19.30.010"}, {"t": "19.30.020 Approval process.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.30.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.30.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.30|19.30.020"}, {"t": "19.30.030 Length of use.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.30.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.30.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.30|19.30.030"}, {"t": "19.30.040 Conditions of approval.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.30.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.30.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.30|19.30.040", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.30.040#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.30.040(A)", "x": "The requirement of a cash deposit or other security provided by the applica"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.30.040#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.30.040(B)", "x": "The provision of adequate sanitary facilities for the temporary mobile stru"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.30.040#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.30.040(C)", "x": "For temporary mobile structures that are visible from a public right-of-way"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.30.040#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.30.040(D)", "x": "All parking areas with direct access to a public street or highway right-of"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.30.040#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.30.040(E)", "x": "For temporary mobile structures without direct access to a public street or"}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.31 ANIMAL KEEPING REGULATIONS", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.31", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.31", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.31", "c": [{"t": "19.31.010 Purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.31.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.31.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.31|19.31.010"}, {"t": "19.31.020 Animal keeping standards.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.31.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.31.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.31|19.31.020", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.31.020#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.31.020(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.31.020#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.31.020(A)(1)", "x": "All buildings housing animals, all animal enclosures and all pasture areas "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.31.020#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.31.020(A)(2)", "x": "The premises shall be maintained in a neat and sanitary manner."}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.31.020#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.31.020(A)(3)", "x": "Reasonable measures shall be taken by the owners of animals subject to thes"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.31.020#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.31.020(A)(4)", "x": "If animals are not maintained in compliance with these standards, or are ot"}], "x": "Maintenance."}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.31.020#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.31.020(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.31.020#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.31.020(B)(1)", "x": "Pets. Domestic creatures commonly sold in pet stores and kept as household "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.31.020#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.31.020(B)(2)", "x": "Livestock. Large animals, including equines, bovines, sheep, and goats, but"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.31.020#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.31.020(B)(3)", "x": "Other animals, including those of a species normally considered wild, may b"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.31.020#(B)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.31.020(B)(4)", "x": "Anyone keeping an animal that is of a species for which a license or permit"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.31.020#(B)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.31.020(B)(5)", "x": "Indemnification and Notification Policy. In conjunction with the furnishing"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.31.020#(B)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.31.020(B)(6)", "x": "Insurance. In addition to the indemnification requirements of Section 19.31"}], "x": "Permitted Animals."}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.31.020#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.31.020(C)", "x": "Minimum Lot Size. A minimum lot area of twenty thousand square feet is requ"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.31.020#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.31.020(D)", "x": "Setbacks. All buildings and areas used to house or confine nondomestic anim"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.31.020#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.31.020(E)", "x": "Disclosure. Where development or subdivision of property is proposed to occ"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.31.020#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.31.020(F)", "x": "Pre-Existing Animal Keeping. Any property upon which animal keeping existed"}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.32 MOBILEHOME PARK CONVERSION ORDINANCE", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.32", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.32", "c": [{"t": "Article I General Provisions", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32/I", "et": "container", "sc": "Article I", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.32|I", "c": [{"t": "19.32.010 Purpose and intent.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.32.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.32|I|19.32.010"}, {"t": "19.32.020 Definitions.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.32.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.32|I|19.32.020"}, {"t": "19.32.030 Vacancy rate in excess of twenty percent\u2014Notice required.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.32.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.32|I|19.32.030", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.030#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.030(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.030#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.030(A)(1)", "x": "Unoccupied by a mobilehome; or"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.030#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.030(A)(2)", "x": "Occupied by a mobilehome in which no persons reside;"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.030#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.030(A)(3)", "x": "A mobilehome shall not be considered vacant for purposes of this chapter if"}], "x": "Whenever twenty percent or more of the total number of mobilehome sites or "}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.030#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.030(B)", "x": "The written notice to the community development director from the owner or "}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.030#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.030(C)", "x": "If it is determined that the owner of the mobilehome park intends to apply "}]}, {"t": "19.32.040 Use permit required.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.32.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.32|I|19.32.040", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.040#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.040(A)", "x": "A detailed narrative description of the proposed use to which the mobilehom"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.040#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.040(B)", "x": "The proposed timetable for implementation of the conversion and development"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.040#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.040(C)", "x": "Evidence that any tenant's rent had not been increased within the two month"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.040#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.040(D)", "x": "A report on the impact of the conversion of the mobilehome park on its resi"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.040#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.040(E)", "x": "Upon filing an application for a use permit for conversion, the community d"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.040#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.040(F)", "x": "No use permit application for the conversion of a mobilehome park to anothe"}]}, {"t": "19.32.050 Conversion impact report required.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.32.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.32|I|19.32.050", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.050#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.050(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.050#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.050(A)(1)", "x": "The total number of mobilehome spaces in the park and the number of spaces "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.050#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.050(A)(2)", "x": "The length of time each space has been occupied by the present resident(s) "}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.050#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.050(A)(3)", "x": "The age, size, and type of mobilehome occupying each space,"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.050#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.050(A)(4)", "x": "The monthly rent currently charged for each space, including any utilities "}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.050#(A)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.050(A)(5)", "x": "Name and mailing address of the primary resident(s) of each mobilehome with"}], "x": "A detailed description of the mobilehome spaces within the mobilehome park "}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.050#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.050(B)", "x": "A list of all comparable mobilehome parks within the city and Napa County. "}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.050#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.050(C)", "x": "A detailed analysis of the economic impact of the relocation on the tenants"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.050#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.050(D)", "x": "A list of the names, addresses and telephone numbers of one or more housing"}]}, {"t": "19.32.060 Relocation plan required.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.32.060", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.32|I|19.32.060", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.060#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.060(A)", "x": "The names, addresses, telephone numbers, and fee schedules of persons in th"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.060#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.060(B)", "x": "The names, addresses, telephone numbers, and fee schedules of persons in th"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.060#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.060(C)", "x": "The relocation plan shall provide specifically for relocation assistance to"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.060#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.060(D)", "x": "The relocation plan shall specifically provide guarantees that all tenants "}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.060#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.060(E)", "x": "The relocation plan shall provide for the applicant to pay all reasonable m"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.060#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.060(F)", "x": "If the city council determines that a particular mobilehome cannot be reloc"}]}, {"t": "19.32.070 Required findings for conversion.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.070", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.32.070", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.32|I|19.32.070", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.070#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.070(A)", "x": "The proposed use of the property is consistent with the general plan and an"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.070#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.070(B)", "x": "The residents of the mobilehome park have, been adequately notified of the "}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.070#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.070(C)", "x": "There exists land zoned for new or replacement comparable mobilehome parks "}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.070#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.070(D)", "x": "The conversion will not result in the displacement of very low, low, or mod"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.070#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.070(E)", "x": "The age, type, size, and style of mobilehomes to be displaced as a result o"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.070#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.070(F)", "x": "Any mobilehome residents displaced as a result of the conversion shall be c"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.070#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.070(G)", "x": "The relocation plan mitigates the impacts of the displacement of individual"}]}, {"t": "19.32.080 Conditions of approval.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.080", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.32.080", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.32|I|19.32.080"}, {"t": "19.32.090 Effective date of conversion.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.090", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.32.090", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.32|I|19.32.090"}, {"t": "19.32.100 Issuance of grading and/or building permits.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.100", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.32.100", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.32|I|19.32.100"}, {"t": "19.32.110 Violations.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.110", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.32.110", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.32|I|19.32.110"}]}, {"t": "Article II Relocation Assistance", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32/II", "et": "container", "sc": "Article II", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.32|II", "c": [{"t": "19.32.120 Statement of purposes.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.120", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.32.120", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.32|II|19.32.120"}, {"t": "19.32.130 Definitions.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.130", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.32.130", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.32|II|19.32.130"}, {"t": "19.32.140 Relocation assistance required.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.140", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.32.140", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.32|II|19.32.140", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.140#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.140(A)", "x": "General Rule. The management of a mobilehome park shall provide relocation "}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.140#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.140(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.140#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.140(B)(1)", "x": "The change of use results from the city's refusal to extend a conditional u"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.140#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.140(B)(2)", "x": "Where the California Department of Housing and Community Development suspen"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.140#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.140(B)(3)", "x": "Where the tenant or resident, received actual written notice from managemen"}], "x": "Exception. This section shall not apply where:"}]}, {"t": "19.32.150 Manner of providing relocation assistance.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.150", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.32.150", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.32|II|19.32.150", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.150#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.150(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.150#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.150(A)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.150#(A)(1)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.150(A)(1)(a)", "x": "Make available to each resident, at no cost, a reasonably complete and curr"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.150#(A)(1)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.150(A)(1)(b)", "x": "Make a reasonable and good faith effort to assure that residents without ca"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.150#(A)(1)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.150(A)(1)(c)", "x": "Hire an ambulance or similar vehicle, at no cost to the resident, and other"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.150#(A)(1)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.150(A)(1)(d)"}, {"t": "(i)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.150#(A)(1)(i)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.150(A)(1)(i)", "c": [{"t": "(ii)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.150#(A)(1)(i)(ii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.150(A)(1)(i)(ii)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.150#(A)(1)(i)(ii)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.150(A)(1)(i)(ii)(A)", "x": "In the case of a tenant residing in the mobilehome subject to the tenancy a"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.150#(A)(1)(i)(ii)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.150(A)(1)(i)(ii)(B)", "x": "In the case of a tenant residing in the mobilehome subject to the tenancy a"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.150#(A)(1)(i)(ii)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.150(A)(1)(i)(ii)(C)", "x": "In the case of a tenant who does not reside in the mobilehome subject to th"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.150#(A)(1)(i)(ii)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.150(A)(1)(i)(ii)(D)", "x": "In the case of a tenant who does not reside in the mobilehome subject to th"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.150#(A)(1)(i)(ii)(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.150(A)(1)(i)(ii)(E)", "x": "In the case of a resident who is not also a tenant, a fee of three thousand"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.150#(A)(1)(i)(ii)(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.150(A)(1)(i)(ii)(F)", "x": "The entire fee shall be paid to a person who is the only tenant or resident"}], "x": "This payment shall be made as follows:"}], "x": "Pay a relocation fee in order to assist the recipient in meeting costs of r"}], "x": "Management shall:"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.150#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.150(A)(2)", "x": "In lieu of the assistance provided for in subsection (A)(1) of this section"}], "x": "Management's Responsibility."}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.150#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.150(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.150#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.150(B)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.150#(B)(1)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.150(B)(1)(a)", "x": "The assistance specified in subsections (A)(1)(a) and (d) of this section s"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.150#(B)(1)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.150(B)(1)(b)", "x": "The assistance specified in subsections (A)(1)(b) and (c) of this section s"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.150#(B)(1)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.150(B)(1)(c)", "x": "The assistance specified in subsection (A)(2) of this section shall be made"}], "x": "General Rule. Where the notice to quit is served after the effective date o"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.150#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.150(B)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.150#(B)(2)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.150(B)(2)(a)", "x": "The assistance specified in subsections (A)(1)(a) and (d) of this section s"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.150#(B)(2)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.150(B)(2)(b)", "x": "The assistance specified in subsections (A)(1)(b) and (c) of this section s"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.150#(B)(2)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.150(B)(2)(c)", "x": "The assistance specified in subsection (A)(2) of this section shall be made"}], "x": "Special Transition Rule. Where the notice to quit was served on or before t"}], "x": "When Assistance Is to Be Provided."}]}, {"t": "19.32.160 Affirmative defense.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.160", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.32.160", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.32|II|19.32.160"}, {"t": "19.32.170 Applicability.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.170", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.32.170", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.32|II|19.32.170"}, {"t": "19.32.180 Notification to city.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.180", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.32.180", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.32|II|19.32.180", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.180#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.180(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.180#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.180(A)(1)", "x": "Where the notice to quit is served on or after the effective date of the or"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.180#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.180(A)(2)", "x": "Where the notice to quit is served prior to the effective date of the ordin"}], "x": "The management shall serve, by personal service or by United States mail, w"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.180#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.180(B)", "x": "The notice referred to in subsection A of this section shall be accompanied"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.32.180#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.32.180(C)", "x": "If management fails to substantially comply with this section, as determine"}]}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.33 LARGE FAMILY CHILD CARE HOMES", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.33", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.33", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.33", "c": [{"t": "19.33.010 Purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.33.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.33.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.33|19.33.010"}, {"t": "19.33.020 Limitations.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.33.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.33.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.33|19.33.020", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.33.020#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.33.020(A)", "x": "The operator of a family child care home obtains and maintains a state lice"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.33.020#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.33.020(B)", "x": "The licensee obtains a permit in accordance with Section 19.33.040 of this "}]}, {"t": "19.33.030 Operational standards.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.33.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.33.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.33|19.33.030", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.33.030#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.33.030(A)", "x": "Large family child care homes shall arrange staggered times for clients to "}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.33.030#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.33.030(B)", "x": "Any side or rear yard areas intended for child care use shall be surrounded"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.33.030#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.33.030(C)", "x": "Outdoor recreational equipment and play areas shall be set back a minimum o"}]}, {"t": "19.33.040 Large family child care homes permit.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.33.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.33.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.33|19.33.040", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.33.040#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.33.040(A)", "x": "An application for a large family child care home permit shall be filed wit"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.33.040#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.33.040(B)", "x": "The application shall contain a written list of the purpose, limitations, a"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.33.040#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.33.040(C)", "x": "Within five calendar days after filing the application, the community devel"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.33.040#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.33.040(D)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.33.040#(D)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.33.040(D)(a)", "x": "In violation of any city, state, or federal code, ordinance, or regulation;"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.33.040#(D)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.33.040(D)(b)", "x": "To the detriment of the public's health, safety, or welfare;"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.33.040#(D)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.33.040(D)(c)", "x": "Inconsistently with the purpose, limitations, and standards of this chapter"}], "x": "Any large family child care home permit may be suspended or revoked by the "}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.33.040#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.33.040(E)", "x": "No large family child care home permit shall be transferred or assigned to "}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.34 CONVERSIONS OF SENIOR HOUSING TO NON-SENIOR HOUSING", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.34", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.34", "c": [{"t": "19.34.010 Purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.34.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.34|19.34.010"}, {"t": "19.34.020 Findings.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.34.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.34|19.34.020", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.020#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.020(A)", "x": "California's Unruh Civil Rights Act (Civil Code Section 51.1 et seq.) expre"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.020#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.020(B)", "x": "State law encourages \"senior citizen housing developments.\" Specifically, G"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.020#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.020(C)", "x": "On average, senior citizens make less impact on the environment than do non"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.020#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.020(D)", "x": "Because, on average, senior citizens occupy few persons per dwelling unit t"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.020#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.020(E)", "x": "Based on the foregoing, newly created or authorized non-senior facilities h"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.020#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.020(F)", "x": "Government Code Section 65595 et seq., permit all of the following developm"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.020#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.020(G)", "x": "Government Code Sections 65595.1 and 65595.2 demonstrate that cities should"}, {"t": "(H)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.020#(H)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.020(H)", "x": "If a previously approved facility obtained concessions or incentives becaus"}, {"t": "(I)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.020#(I)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.020(I)", "x": "If the city applied reduced public park dedications for senior restricted d"}]}, {"t": "19.34.030 Definitions.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.34.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.34|19.34.030", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.030#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.030(A)", "x": "\"Concessions or incentives\" mean any concession or incentive issued or awar"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.030#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.030(B)", "x": "\"Convert\" or \"conversion\" means changing from existing senior housing or a "}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.030#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.030(C)", "x": "\"Director\" shall mean the city of American Canyon director of community dev"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.030#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.030(D)", "x": "\"Senior citizen\" shall mean any individual who is fifty-five years or older"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.030#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.030(E)", "x": "\"Senior housing project\" means any project qualifying as senior housing und"}]}, {"t": "19.34.040 Duty to obtain conversion permit.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.34.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.34|19.34.040"}, {"t": "19.34.050 Procedure to obtain a conversion permit.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.34.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.34|19.34.050", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.050#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.050(A)", "x": "The proposed use of the property as something other than a senior housing p"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.050#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.050(B)", "x": "The new use and operation is consistent with the general plan."}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.050#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.050(C)", "x": "The project will comply with all parking requirements of Municipal Code Cha"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.050#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.050(D)", "x": "The applicant has paid or is required to pay as a condition of granting the"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.050#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.050(E)", "x": "All required notices were given, including those required by Government Cod"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.050#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.050(F)", "x": "The applicant has complied with all actions required by the California Envi"}]}, {"t": "19.34.060 Conversion permit applications.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.34.060", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.34|19.34.060"}, {"t": "19.34.070 Application fees and refunds.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.070", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.34.070", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.34|19.34.070", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.070#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.070(A)", "x": "An application fee for a conversion permit shall accompany the application "}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.070#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.070(B)", "x": "Application fee refunds shall be authorized by the director for application"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.070#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.070(C)", "x": "Portions of application fees paid to another jurisdiction or agency for ser"}]}, {"t": "19.34.080 Investigation.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.080", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.34.080", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.34|19.34.080"}, {"t": "19.34.090 Hearing and notice procedure required.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.090", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.34.090", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.34|19.34.090", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.090#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.090(A)", "x": "Responsible Parties. The director, in the case of the planning commission a"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.090#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.090(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.090#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.090(B)(1)", "x": "For applications that have adjacent parcels which are five acres or larger,"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.090#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.090(B)(2)", "x": "For applications that the director deems to have greater effect than the no"}], "x": "Public Hearing Notice. Notice of public hearings shall be given in accordan"}]}, {"t": "19.34.100 Review of applications and approving authority.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.100", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.34.100", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.34|19.34.100", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.100#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.100(A)", "x": "Planning Commission. The planning commission shall be responsible for the r"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.100#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.100(B)", "x": "City Council. The city council shall be responsible for the review and appr"}]}, {"t": "19.34.110 Findings required.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.110", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.34.110", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.34|19.34.110"}, {"t": "19.34.120 Appeals.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.120", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.34.120", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.34|19.34.120"}, {"t": "19.34.130 New application following a denial.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.130", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.34.130", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.34|19.34.130"}, {"t": "19.34.140 Expiration and time extensions.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.140", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.34.140", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.34|19.34.140", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.140#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.140(A)", "x": "The new use has commenced; or"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.140#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.140(B)", "x": "Where improvements are required, applicable permits were issued, and constr"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.140#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.34.140(C)", "x": "An application for a time extension is filed prior to the expiration of the"}]}, {"t": "19.34.150 Modifications and/or revisions.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.150", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.34.150", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.34|19.34.150"}, {"t": "19.34.160 Applications to shall run with the land.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.160", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.34.160", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.34|19.34.160"}, {"t": "19.34.170 Suspension and/or revocation.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.34.170", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.34.170", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.34|19.34.170"}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.35 OUTDOOR SALE OF SEASONAL AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.35", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.35", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.35", "c": [{"t": "19.35.010 Outdoor sale of seasonal agricultural products.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.35.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.35.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.35|19.35.010", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.35.010#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.35.010(A)", "x": "Establishment of Use/Time Limit. Prior to beginning sale of any product, th"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.35.010#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.35.010(B)", "x": "Merchandise to be Sold. The activity shall be limited to the sale of agricu"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.35.010#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.35.010(C)", "x": "Electrical Permit. The applicant shall secure an electrical permit from the"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.35.010#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.35.010(D)", "x": "Fire Prevention Standards. The facility shall comply with the fire preventi"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.35.010#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.35.010(E)", "x": "Removal of Facility. The facility shall be removed and the premises cleared"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.35.010#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.35.010(F)", "x": "Temporary Outdoor Permit. In lieu of the above requirements, an approved te"}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.36 COTTAGE FOOD OPERATIONS", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.36", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.36", "c": [{"t": "19.36.010 Purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.36.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.36|19.36.010"}, {"t": "19.36.020 Definition.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.36.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.36|19.36.020"}, {"t": "19.36.030 Applicability.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.36.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.36|19.36.030"}, {"t": "19.36.040 Standards.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.36.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.36|19.36.040", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.040#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.040(A)", "x": "Size. The use is confined to the registered or permitted area, as defined b"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.040#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.040(B)", "x": "Indoors. The use, including any storage, is conducted entirely indoors with"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.040#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.040(C)", "x": "Employees. The use is carried on only by an immediate family member or hous"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.040#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.040(D)", "x": "Traffic. The operation shall not invite customers to the residence and the "}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.040#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.040(E)", "x": "Traffic. No pedestrian or vehicular traffic shall be generated by such home"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.040#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.040(F)", "x": "Signage. No on-site signage or advertisement identifying the CFO is permitt"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.040#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.040(G)", "x": "Vehicle. No vehicle over one ton carrying capacity may be used in conduct o"}, {"t": "(H)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.040#(H)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.040(H)", "x": "Parking. One parking space that may be covered or uncovered shall be availa"}, {"t": "(I)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.040#(I)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.040(I)", "x": "Deliveries. Merchandise produced on the premises may be delivered to custom"}, {"t": "(J)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.040#(J)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.040(J)", "x": "Noise. No equipment or process shall be used in such CFO that creates noise"}, {"t": "(K)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.040#(K)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.040(K)", "x": "No On-Site Dining. On-site dining or tasting events for customers are prohi"}, {"t": "(L)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.040#(L)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.040(L)", "x": "County Authorization Required. The applicant shall furnish to the city evid"}]}, {"t": "19.36.050 Cottage food operation permits.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.36.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.36|19.36.050", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.050#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.050(A)", "x": "Applicability. No person shall commence or carry on any cottage food operat"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.050#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.050(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.050#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.050(B)(1)", "x": "An application for a cottage food operation permit shall be filed in writin"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.050#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.050(B)(2)", "x": "The application shall be upon forms furnished by and in a manner prescribed"}], "x": "Application."}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.050#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.050(C)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.050#(C)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.050(C)(1)", "x": "Within ten working days after the filing of an application for a cottage fo"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.050#(C)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.050(C)(2)", "x": "The director shall serve a notice of such action upon the applicant by mail"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.050#(C)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.050(C)(3)", "x": "Any person aggrieved by the action of the director upon an application for "}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.050#(C)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.050(C)(4)", "x": "An appeal of a commission decision may be made by filing a notice of appeal"}], "x": "Review and Approval."}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.050#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.050(D)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.050#(D)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.050(D)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.050#(D)(1)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.050(D)(1)(a)", "x": "In violation of any city, county and/or state code, ordinance, rule or regu"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.050#(D)(1)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.050(D)(1)(b)", "x": "In a disorderly manner;"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.050#(D)(1)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.050(D)(1)(c)", "x": "To the detriment of the general public; or"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.050#(D)(1)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.050(D)(1)(d)", "x": "In a different form than which the permit was issued."}], "x": "Any cottage food operation permit may be suspended or revoked when it is de"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.050#(D)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.050(D)(2)", "x": "Any cottage food operation permit that has been issued shall not be revoked"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.050#(D)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.050(D)(3)", "x": "Any person aggrieved by the action of the director upon an application for "}], "x": "Suspension and Revocation."}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.050#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.36.050(E)", "x": "Transferability. No cottage food operation permit shall be transferred or a"}]}, {"t": "19.36.060 Business license required.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.36.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.36.060", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.36|19.36.060"}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.37 MOBILE SERVICES AND VENDORS", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.37", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.37", "c": [{"t": "19.37.010 Purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.37.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.37|19.37.010"}, {"t": "19.37.020 Definitions.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.37.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.37|19.37.020"}, {"t": "19.37.030 Operational requirements.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.37.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.37|19.37.030", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.030#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.030(A)", "x": "The following table defines the general operation requirements:"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.030#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.030(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.030#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.030(B)(1)", "x": "Each operator shall conspicuously display a city of American Canyon busines"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.030#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.030(B)(2)", "x": "All mobile service and vendor staff shall carry legal identification."}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.030#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.030(B)(3)", "x": "Every mobile vending vehicle shall permanently affix the name, address, and"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.030#(B)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.030(B)(4)", "x": "Vending may not occur until the mobile vending vehicle has been brought to "}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.030#(B)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.030(B)(5)", "x": "A mobile vending vehicle may not be restocked while the vehicle is on any p"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.030#(B)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.030(B)(6)", "x": "A mobile vending vehicle may not receive electrical power or other utilitie"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.030#(B)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.030(B)(7)", "x": "Class 1 and Class 2 mobile vendor operators shall conspicuously display a f"}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.030#(B)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.030(B)(8)", "x": "All mobile vendors shall be equipped with refuse containers large enough to"}], "x": "All operators shall comply with the following additional regulations:"}]}, {"t": "19.37.040 Mobile service and vendor permit.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.37.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.37|19.37.040", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.040#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.040(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.040#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.040(A)(1)", "x": "A written application."}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.040#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.040(A)(2)", "x": "An application fee."}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.040#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.040(A)(3)", "x": "A city of American Canyon business license."}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.040#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.040(A)(4)", "x": "A copy of a current Napa County environmental health permit, if applicable."}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.040#(A)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.040(A)(5)", "x": "Current business mailing address."}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.040#(A)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.040(A)(6)", "x": "Legal names of the mobile vendor and all persons operating or vending or pr"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.040#(A)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.040(A)(7)", "x": "Proof of current vehicle registration."}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.040#(A)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.040(A)(8)", "x": "Proof of automobile insurance as required by the Vehicle Code."}, {"t": "(9)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.040#(A)(9)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.040(A)(9)", "x": "A photograph of the front, rear and each side of each mobile vending vehicl"}, {"t": "(10)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.040#(A)(10)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.040(A)(10)", "x": "Dimensioned sample or rendering of proposed signage."}, {"t": "(11)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.040#(A)(11)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.040(A)(11)", "x": "A signed affidavit agreeing to the operational standards in Section 19.37.0"}], "x": "A person desiring to engage in a mobile vendor operation shall obtain a mob"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.040#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.040(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.040#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.040(B)(1)", "x": "A site plan depicting the location of the primary use and operation of the "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.040#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.040(B)(2)", "x": "A table identifying the number of required parking spaces, and the number o"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.040#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.040(B)(3)", "x": "A note identifying the hours and days of week of operation."}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.040#(B)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.040(B)(4)", "x": "An affidavit in a form approved by the city from the property owner (if oth"}], "x": "If the mobile vendor is proposed at a fixed location, the mobile vendor sha"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.040#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.040(C)", "x": "Class 2 mobile vendors shall also provide written proof of a current contra"}]}, {"t": "19.37.050 Renewal permit.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.37.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.37|19.37.050", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.050#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.050(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.050#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.050(A)(1)", "x": "A written application."}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.050#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.050(A)(2)", "x": "An application fee."}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.050#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.050(A)(3)", "x": "A city of American Canyon business license."}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.050#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.050(A)(4)", "x": "A copy of a current Napa County environmental health permit, if applicable."}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.050#(A)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.050(A)(5)", "x": "Current business mailing address."}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.050#(A)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.050(A)(6)", "x": "Legal names of the mobile vendor and all persons operating or vending out o"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.050#(A)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.050(A)(7)", "x": "Proof of current vehicle registration."}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.050#(A)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.050(A)(8)", "x": "Proof of automobile insurance as required by the Vehicle Code."}, {"t": "(9)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.050#(A)(9)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.050(A)(9)", "x": "A photograph of the front, rear and each side of each mobile vending vehicl"}, {"t": "(10)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.050#(A)(10)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.050(A)(10)", "x": "Dimensioned sample or rendering of proposed signage (if vehicle or graphics"}, {"t": "(11)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.050#(A)(11)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.050(A)(11)", "x": "A signed affidavit agreeing to the operational standards in Section 19.37.0"}, {"t": "(12)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.050#(A)(12)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.050(A)(12)", "x": "Class 2 mobile vendors must also provide written proof of payment to a comm"}], "x": "Each mobile vendor shall submit the following information for an annual mob"}]}, {"t": "19.37.060 Exemptions.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.37.060", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.37|19.37.060", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.060#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.060(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.060#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.060(A)(1)", "x": "The operations of a state certified farmers' market."}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.060#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.060(A)(2)", "x": "An event authorized by a temporary outdoor promotion permit, encroachment p"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.060#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.060(A)(3)", "x": "An event at a private school facility."}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.060#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.060(A)(4)", "x": "A public park with prior written authorization from the parks and recreatio"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.060#(A)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.060(A)(5)", "x": "A construction site of one acre or larger with active grading or building p"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.060#(A)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.060(A)(6)", "x": "A private event or party on the site of the event with no retail sale to th"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.060#(A)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.060(A)(7)", "x": "A single request for service or sales where the mobile vendor conducts no r"}], "x": "Mobile vending conducted in connection with:"}]}, {"t": "19.37.070 Penalty for violation.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.070", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.37.070", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.37|19.37.070"}, {"t": "19.37.080 Permit denial.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.080", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.37.080", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.37|19.37.080", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.080#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.080(A)", "x": "The proposed mobile vending activity does not comply with all applicable la"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.080#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.080(B)", "x": "The applicant has knowingly made a material misstatement in the application"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.080#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.080(C)", "x": "The mobile service and vendor permit application and/or renewal permit appl"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.080#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.37.080(D)", "x": "The director of community development concludes that such business has been"}]}, {"t": "19.37.090 Appeal.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.37.090", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.37.090", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.37|19.37.090"}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.38 EMERGENCY SHELTERS", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.38", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.38", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.38", "c": [{"t": "19.38.010 Location of emergency shelters.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.38.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.38.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.38|19.38.010"}, {"t": "19.38.020 Standards.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.38.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.38.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.38|19.38.020", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.38.020#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.38.020(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.38.020#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.38.020(A)(1)", "x": "Compliance with applicable state and local uniform housing and building cod"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.38.020#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.38.020(A)(2)", "x": "The facility shall have on-site security during all hours when the shelter "}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.38.020#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.38.020(A)(3)", "x": "Facilities shall provide exterior lighting on pedestrian pathways and parki"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.38.020#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.38.020(A)(4)", "x": "Facilities shall provide secure areas for personal property."}], "x": "Physical Characteristics."}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.38.020#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.38.020(B)", "x": "Limited Number of Beds per Facility. Emergency shelters shall not exceed fo"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.38.020#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.38.020(C)", "x": "Limited Terms of Stay. The maximum term of staying at an emergency shelter "}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.38.020#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.38.020(D)", "x": "Parking. The emergency shelter shall provide on-site parking at a rate of t"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.38.020#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.38.020(E)", "x": "Emergency Shelter Management. A management plan is required for all emergen"}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.39 ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.39", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.39", "c": [{"t": "19.39.010 Purpose of the chapter", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.39.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.39|19.39.010"}, {"t": "19.39.020 Applicability", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.39.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.39|19.39.020"}, {"t": "19.39.030 General plan consistency", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.39.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.39|19.39.030"}, {"t": "19.39.040 Definitions", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.39.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.39|19.39.040", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.040#(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.040(1)", "x": "One dwelling unit attached to, within, or detached from the proposed or exi"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.040#(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.040(2)", "x": "An efficiency unit, as defined in Section 17958.1 of the Health and Safety "}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.040#(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.040(3)", "x": "A manufactured home, as defined in Section 18007 of the Health and Safety C"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.040#(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.040(4)", "x": "Multiple accessory dwelling units up to 25 percent of the existing multifam"}]}, {"t": "19.39.050 Development standards\u2014Generally", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.39.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.39|19.39.050", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(A)", "x": "Each accessory dwelling unit requires approval of a building permit."}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(B)", "x": "The applicant of each accessory dwelling unit building permit application s"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(C)", "x": "One detached accessory dwelling unit, one attached accessory dwelling unit,"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(D)", "x": "A multi-family or single-family primary residence dwelling must exist on th"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(E)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(E)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(E)(1)", "x": "The accessory dwelling unit is built in the garage and the garage setback i"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(E)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(E)(2)", "x": "If the accessory dwelling unit is built in a previously-permitted accessory"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(E)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(E)(3)", "x": "Development standards shall be waived to permit a detached accessory dwelli"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(E)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(E)(4)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(E)(4)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(E)(4)(a)", "x": "A height of 16 feet for a detached accessory dwelling unit on a lot with an"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(E)(4)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(E)(4)(b)", "x": "A height of 18 feet for a detached accessory dwelling unit on a lot with an"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(E)(4)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(E)(4)(c)", "x": "A local agency shall also allow an additional two feet in height to accommo"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(E)(4)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(E)(4)(d)", "x": "A height of 18 feet for a detached accessory dwelling unit on a lot with an"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(E)(4)(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(E)(4)(e)", "x": "A height of 25 feet or the height limitation in the local zoning ordinance "}], "x": "The maximum ADU height depends on these conditions:"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(E)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(E)(5)", "x": "The applicant shall not be required to correct pre-existing nonconforming z"}], "x": "Accessory dwelling units shall comply with the lot area, yard setback, heig"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(F)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(F)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(F)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(F)(1)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(F)(1)(a)", "x": "On a single-family lot, the detached ADU converts a previously-permitted ac"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(F)(1)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(F)(1)(b)", "x": "On a lot with a multifamily primary dwelling, the detached ADU is not subje"}], "x": "A Detached accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed one 1,200 square feet, "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(F)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(F)(2)", "x": "An Attached accessory dwelling unit may occupy up to fifty percent of the p"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(F)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(F)(3)", "x": "A Junior accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed 500 square feet."}], "x": "Accessory Dwelling Living Area Standard."}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(G)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(G)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(G)(1)", "x": "Accessory dwelling units shall comply with all applicable fire safety provi"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(G)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(G)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(G)(2)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(G)(2)(a)", "x": "When the primary residence has fire sprinklers, the accessory dwelling unit"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(G)(2)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(G)(2)(b)", "x": "When the primary residence does not have fire sprinklers, the junior access"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(G)(2)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(G)(2)(c)", "x": "Detached accessory dwelling units require fire sprinklers unless the primar"}], "x": "Accessory dwelling units shall not be required to be equipped with fire spr"}], "x": "Fire Sprinkler Requirements."}, {"t": "(H)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(H)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(H)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(H)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(H)(1)", "x": "The accessory dwelling unit shall not be sold separately."}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(H)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(H)(2)", "x": "The restrictions are binding upon any successor in ownership of the propert"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(H)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(H)(3)", "x": "The property owner must occupy as a primary residence one of the two dwelli"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(H)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(H)(4)", "x": "When the applicant is a qualified nonprofit housing organization, a deed re"}], "x": "Deed Restrictions. Prior to issuing a building permit for an accessory dwel"}, {"t": "(I)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(I)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(I)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(I)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(I)(1)", "x": "Accessory dwelling units less than 750 square feet are exempt from all city"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(I)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(I)(2)", "x": "Impact fees for accessory dwelling units equal or greater than 750 square f"}], "x": "Impact Fees."}, {"t": "(J)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(J)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(J)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(J)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(J)(1)", "x": "Non-habitable area within an existing multifamily dwelling structure, inclu"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(J)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(J)(2)", "x": "An existing multifamily dwelling shall be permitted to accommodate addition"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(J)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(J)(3)", "x": "An existing multifamily dwelling is permitted a minimum of one accessory dw"}], "x": "Accessory Dwelling Units on Multifamily Dwellings. The building division sh"}, {"t": "(K)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.050#(K)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.050(K)", "x": "CC&Rs. As defined in California Civil Code Section 4751 or any successor st"}]}, {"t": "19.39.060 Junior accessory dwelling unit standards", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.39.060", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.39|19.39.060", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.060#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.060(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.060#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.060(A)(1)", "x": "The dwelling must have its own exterior entrance."}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.060#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.060(A)(2)", "x": "The kitchen must include a cooking facility with appliances and includes a "}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.060#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.060(A)(3)", "x": "The bathroom may be included in the unit or shared with the primary residen"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.060#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.060(A)(4)", "x": "Junior accessory dwelling units are exempt from the building code wall sepa"}], "x": "Each junior accessory dwelling unit shall comply with the following buildin"}]}, {"t": "19.39.070 Parking standards", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.070", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.39.070", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.39|19.39.070", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.070#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.070(A)", "x": "When accessory dwelling unit parking is required by this chapter or provide"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.070#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.070(B)", "x": "Primary Residence. Parking for the primary residence must comply with Chapt"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.070#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.070(C)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.070#(C)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.070(C)(1)", "x": "A minimum of one on-site parking space is required."}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.070#(C)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.070(C)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.070#(C)(2)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.070(C)(2)(a)", "x": "The detached accessory dwelling unit is located within one-half mile walkin"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.070#(C)(2)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.070(C)(2)(b)", "x": "The ADU is located within an architecturally and historically significant h"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.070#(C)(2)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.070(C)(2)(c)", "x": "The ADU is part of the proposed or existing primary residence or an accesso"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.070#(C)(2)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.070(C)(2)(d)", "x": "On-street parking permits are required but not offered to the occupant of t"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.070#(C)(2)(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.070(C)(2)(e)", "x": "A car share vehicle is located within one block of the accessory dwelling u"}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.070#(C)(2)(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.070(C)(2)(f)", "x": "An accessory dwelling unit building permit application is submitted in conj"}], "x": "Notwithstanding subsection (C)(1), on-site ADU parking is not required when"}], "x": "Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit."}, {"t": "D.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.070#D.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.070D.", "x": "Attached Accessory Dwelling Unit. No on-site parking is required."}, {"t": "E.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.070#E.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.070E.", "x": "Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit. No on-site parking is required."}, {"t": "F.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.070#F.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.070F.", "x": "When a garage, carport, or covered parking structure is demolished in conju"}]}, {"t": "19.39.080 Operational standards", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.080", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.39.080", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.39|19.39.080", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.080#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.080(A)", "x": "The accessory dwelling unit may not be sold separately from the primary res"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.080#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.080(B)", "x": "Owner-Occupancy. The property owner shall reside in either the primary resi"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.080#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.080(C)", "x": "An accessory dwelling unit may not be rented for transient occupancy (less "}]}, {"t": "19.39.090 Design standards", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.090", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.39.090", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.39|19.39.090", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.090#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.090(A)", "x": "An accessory dwelling unit connected to an onsite water treatment system re"}]}, {"t": "19.39.100 Review and approval process", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.100", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.39.100", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.39|19.39.100", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.100#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.100(A)", "x": "The building division shall 'approve or deny' the application to create an "}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.100#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.100(B)", "x": "If the City denies an accessory dwelling unit building permit application, "}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.100#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.100(C)", "x": "If the permit application to create an accessory dwelling unit or junior ac"}]}, {"t": "19.39.110 Code enforcement", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.110", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.39.110", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|2|19.39|19.39.110", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.110#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.110(A)", "x": "There shall be no delays granted after January 1, 2030."}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.39.110#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.39.110(B)", "x": "There shall be no delays granted if the delay of the correction will cause "}]}]}]}, {"t": "DIVISION 3 ADMINISTRATION", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19/3", "et": "container", "sc": "DIVISION 3", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3", "c": [{"t": "Chapter 19.40 REVIEW AND APPROVAL PROCEDURES", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.40", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.40", "c": [{"t": "19.40.010 Purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.40.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.40|19.40.010"}, {"t": "19.40.020 Community development director approvals.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.40.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.40|19.40.020", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(A)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(A)(1)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(A)(1)(a)", "x": "Sign permits, pursuant to Chapter 19.23."}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(A)(1)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(A)(1)(b)", "x": "Home occupation permits, pursuant to Chapter 19.29."}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(A)(1)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(A)(1)(c)", "x": "Design permits, pursuant to Chapter 19.41."}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(A)(1)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(A)(1)(d)", "x": "Temporary trailer permits, pursuant to Chapter 19.30."}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(A)(1)(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(A)(1)(e)", "x": "Classifications of use, pursuant to Chapter 19.05."}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(A)(1)(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(A)(1)(f)", "x": "Minor modifications, pursuant to Chapter 19.45."}, {"t": "(g)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(A)(1)(g)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(A)(1)(g)", "x": "Minor variations, pursuant to Chapter 19.44."}, {"t": "(h)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(A)(1)(h)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(A)(1)(h)", "x": "Reasonable accommodation, pursuant to Chapter 19.52."}], "x": "The following may be approved without a public hearing by the community dev"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(A)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(A)(2)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(A)(2)(a)", "x": "Conditional fence permits, pursuant to Chapter 19.10."}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(A)(2)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(A)(2)(b)", "x": "Minor use permits, pursuant to Chapter 19.42."}], "x": "The following may be approved following a public hearing by the community d"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(A)(3)", "x": "The director may refer any of the above entitlements to the planning commis"}], "x": "Authority."}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(B)(1)", "x": "An application subject to the approval of the community development directo"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(B)(2)", "x": "An application shall be accompanied by any fee established by the city coun"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(B)(3)", "x": "The director shall inform the applicant in writing within thirty calendar d"}], "x": "Application."}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(C)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(C)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(C)(1)", "x": "When a public hearing is required for an application, upon acceptance of th"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(C)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(C)(2)", "x": "Notice of the public hearing shall be given in the manner specified in this"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(C)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(C)(3)", "x": "A public hearing shall be held before the director at the time and place sp"}], "x": "Public Hearings."}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(D)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(D)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(D)(1)", "x": "The director shall comply with the time limits stipulated in California Gov"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(D)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(D)(2)", "x": "When a public hearing is required for an application, the director shall ap"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(D)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(D)(3)", "x": "Written notice of the director's decision, including any conditions of appr"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(D)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(D)(4)", "x": "The director's decision, including any conditions of approval, is final on "}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(D)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(D)(5)", "x": "Conditions of approval may be deleted or modified through a minor or major "}], "x": "Decision."}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(E)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(E)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(E)(1)", "x": "Any decision of the community development director made pursuant to this ch"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(E)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(E)(2)", "x": "Notice of the hearing on the appeal shall be given in the manner and time p"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(E)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(E)(3)", "x": "The commission may affirm wholly or partly, reverse, modify, or attach addi"}], "x": "Appeal Procedures."}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.020#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.020(F)", "x": "Permit Issuance. No permit shall be issued prior to the expiration of any a"}]}, {"t": "19.40.030 Planning commission approvals.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.40.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.40|19.40.030", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.030#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.030(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.030#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.030(A)(1)", "x": "Conditional use permits, pursuant to Chapter 19.42;"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.030#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.030(A)(2)", "x": "Variances, pursuant to Chapter 19.43;"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.030#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.030(A)(3)", "x": "Sign permits and programs, pursuant to Chapter 19.23;"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.030#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.030(A)(4)", "x": "Planned community development permits, pursuant to Chapter 19.16;"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.030#(A)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.030(A)(5)", "x": "Major modifications of previous planning commission approvals, pursuant to "}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.030#(A)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.030(A)(6)", "x": "Applications and entitlements normally subject to community development dir"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.030#(A)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.030(A)(7)", "x": "Applications referred to the commission by the community development direct"}], "x": "Authority. The following may be approved by the planning commission, as spe"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.030#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.030(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.030#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.030(B)(1)", "x": "An application subject to the approval of the planning commission shall be "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.030#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.030(B)(2)", "x": "An application shall be accompanied by any fee established by the city coun"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.030#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.030(B)(3)", "x": "The director shall inform the applicant in writing within thirty calendar d"}], "x": "Application."}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.030#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.030(C)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.030#(C)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.030(C)(1)", "x": "Upon acceptance of an application as complete and following completion of a"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.030#(C)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.030(C)(2)", "x": "Notice of the public hearing shall be given in the manner specified in this"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.030#(C)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.030(C)(3)", "x": "A public hearing shall be held before the commission at the time and place "}], "x": "Public Hearings."}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.030#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.030(D)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.030#(D)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.030(D)(1)", "x": "The commission shall comply with the time limits stipulated in California G"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.030#(D)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.030(D)(2)", "x": "The commission shall approve, conditionally approve, or deny an application"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.030#(D)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.030(D)(3)", "x": "Written notice of the commission's decision, including any conditions of ap"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.030#(D)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.030(D)(4)", "x": "The commission's decision, including any conditions of approval, is final o"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.030#(D)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.030(D)(5)", "x": "Requests to delete or modify a condition of approval, or to modify a projec"}], "x": "Decision."}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.030#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.030(E)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.030#(E)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.030(E)(1)", "x": "Any decision of the planning commission made pursuant to this chapter may b"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.030#(E)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.030(E)(2)", "x": "Notice of the hearing on the appeal shall be given in the manner and time p"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.030#(E)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.030(E)(3)", "x": "The city council may affirm wholly or partly, reverse, modify, or attach ad"}], "x": "Appeal Procedures."}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.030#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.030(F)", "x": "Permit Issuance. No permit shall be issued prior to the expiration of any a"}]}, {"t": "19.40.040 City council approvals.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.40.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.40|19.40.040", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.040#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.040(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.040#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.040(A)(1)", "x": "Zoning map and ordinance text amendments, pursuant to Chapter 19.48;"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.040#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.040(A)(2)", "x": "Planned community conceptual master plans, pursuant to Chapter 19.16;"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.040#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.040(A)(3)", "x": "Specific plans, pursuant to Chapter 19.17;"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.040#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.040(A)(4)", "x": "Development agreements;"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.040#(A)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.040(A)(5)", "x": "Entitlements otherwise subject to community development director or plannin"}], "x": "Authority. The following entitlements may be approved by the city council, "}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.040#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.040(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.040#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.040(B)(1)", "x": "An application for an entitlement subject to the approval of the city counc"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.040#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.040(B)(2)", "x": "An application shall be accompanied by any fee established by the council."}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.040#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.040(B)(3)", "x": "The director shall inform the applicant in writing within thirty calendar d"}], "x": "Applications."}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.040#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.040(C)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.040#(C)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.040(C)(1)", "x": "Upon acceptance of an application subject to city council approval as compl"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.040#(C)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.040(C)(2)", "x": "Should the commission fail to act upon the referral within a reasonable tim"}], "x": "Planning Commission Review."}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.040#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.040(D)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.040#(D)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.040(D)(1)", "x": "Upon receipt of the recommendation of the planning commission, the city cle"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.040#(D)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.040(D)(2)", "x": "Notice of the public hearing shall be given in the manner specified in this"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.040#(D)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.040(D)(3)", "x": "A public hearing shall be held before the council at the time and place spe"}], "x": "Public Hearings."}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.040#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.040(E)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.040#(E)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.040(E)(1)", "x": "The council may approve, modify, or disapprove the recommendation of the pl"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.040#(E)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.040(E)(2)", "x": "Any modification of the application by the council not previously considere"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.040#(E)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.040(E)(3)", "x": "Written notice of the council's decision, including any conditions of appro"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.040#(E)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.040(E)(4)", "x": "The council's decision, including any conditions of approval, is final on a"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.040#(E)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.040(E)(5)", "x": "Subsequent requests to delete or modify a condition of approval, or modify "}], "x": "Decision."}]}, {"t": "19.40.050 Notice of public hearing.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.40.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.40|19.40.050", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.050#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.050(A)", "x": "Contents of Notice. A required public hearing notice shall contain at least"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.050#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.050(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.050#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.050(B)(1)", "x": "Publishing such notice once in a newspaper of general circulation within th"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.050#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.050(B)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.050#(B)(2)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.050(B)(2)(a)", "x": "The property owner,"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.050#(B)(2)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.050(B)(2)(b)", "x": "The applicant,"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.050#(B)(2)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.050(B)(2)(c)", "x": "The owners of all property within five hundred (500) feet of the exterior b"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.050#(B)(2)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.050(B)(2)(d)", "x": "Any person who has filed a written request for such notice;"}], "x": "Mailing or delivering notice, postage prepaid, to all of the following:"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.050#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.050(B)(3)", "x": "For the purposes of this mailed or delivered notice, the last known names a"}], "x": "Method of Noticing. At least ten calendar days before the date of any publi"}]}, {"t": "19.40.060 Permit revocation and modification.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.40.060", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.40|19.40.060", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.060#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.060(A)", "x": "Any term or condition of the entitlement has not been complied with."}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.060#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.060(B)", "x": "The property or portion thereof subject to the entitlement is used or maint"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.060#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.060(C)", "x": "The use for which the entitlement was granted has been so exercised as to b"}]}, {"t": "19.40.070 Indemnification as condition of discretionary land use and development permits and approvals.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.070", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.40.070", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.40|19.40.070"}, {"t": "19.40.080 Scope of indemnification requirement.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.080", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.40.080", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.40|19.40.080", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.080#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.080(A)", "x": "The obligation to defend, indemnify and hold the city harmless shall includ"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.080#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.080(B)", "x": "The obligation to defend, indemnify, and hold the city harmless shall inclu"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.40.080#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.40.080(C)", "x": "In the event a legal challenge to a city permit, approval, conditional appr"}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.41 DESIGN PERMITS", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.41", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.41", "c": [{"t": "19.41.010 Purpose", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.41.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.41|19.41.010"}, {"t": "19.41.020 Applicability", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.41.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.41|19.41.020", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.020#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.020(A)", "x": "New structures, except single-family detached dwellings and their attendant"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.020#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.020(B)", "x": "Proposed outdoor land use(s)."}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.020#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.020(C)", "x": "Alterations of land in commercial or industrial districts, and/or of sites "}]}, {"t": "19.41.030 Design permit approval", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.41.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.41|19.41.030", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.030#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.030(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.030#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.030(A)(1)", "x": "Two-family dwellings and appurtenant accessory structures."}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.030#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.030(A)(2)", "x": "Multifamily projects containing fewer than five units."}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.030#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.030(A)(3)", "x": "Commercial structures containing less than five thousand square feet total,"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.030#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.030(A)(4)", "x": "Proposed outdoor land use(s)."}], "x": "Community Development Department Director Approvals. The community developm"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.030#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.030(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.030#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.030(B)(1)", "x": "Multifamily dwelling projects containing five or more units."}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.030#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.030(B)(2)", "x": "The construction in one year by a single builder of three or more single-fa"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.030#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.030(B)(3)", "x": "Commercial structures containing five thousand total square feet or more an"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.030#(B)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.030(B)(4)", "x": "Sign programs requiring commission approval, pursuant to Chapter 19.23."}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.030#(B)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.030(B)(5)", "x": "Small-cell antenna facilities that do not comply with standards described i"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.030#(B)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.030(B)(6)", "x": "Design permit applications referred to the commission by the director becau"}], "x": "Planning Commission Approvals. The planning commission may approve the foll"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.030#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.030(C)", "x": "City Council Approvals. The City Council may approve a design permit follow"}]}, {"t": "19.41.040 Scope of design permit review", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.41.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.41|19.41.040", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.040#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.040(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.040#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.040(A)(1)", "x": "Setbacks, site coverage, building heights, and outdoor use areas,"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.040#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.040(A)(2)", "x": "Parking, and vehicular and pedestrian circulation,"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.040#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.040(A)(3)", "x": "Preservation of natural site amenities,"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.040#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.040(A)(4)", "x": "Required landscaping, outdoor lighting, and outdoor furniture,"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.040#(A)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.040(A)(5)", "x": "Usability of required public and private open spaces."}], "x": "Site Planning."}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.040#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.040(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.040#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.040(B)(1)", "x": "Compliance with required scale, mass, bulk, and proportions,"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.040#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.040(B)(2)", "x": "Compliance with required building materials and detailing for all structure"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.040#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.040(B)(3)", "x": "Screening of utility, mechanical facilities, and outdoor storage,"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.040#(B)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.040(B)(4)", "x": "Compliance with required fence and wall design,"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.040#(B)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.040(B)(5)", "x": "Compliance with required architectural elements that contribute to visual i"}], "x": "Structural Design."}]}, {"t": "19.41.050 Required findings", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.41.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.41|19.41.050", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.050#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.050(A)", "x": "The project complies with all applicable provisions of this title and any a"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.050#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.050(B)", "x": "The project and its design complies with any applicable design guidelines."}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.050#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.050(C)", "x": "The project and its design complies with all applicable general plan polici"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.050#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.050(D)", "x": "The project complies with applicable policies of the Napa County Airport la"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.050#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.050(E)", "x": "The proposed design provides for adequate and safe on-site vehicular and pe"}]}, {"t": "19.41.060 Expiration of approval", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.41.060", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.41|19.41.060", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.060#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.060(A)", "x": "If the project for which a design permit has been approved pursuant to this"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.060#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.060(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.060#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.060(B)(1)", "x": "There have been no changes in the approved plans; and"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.41.060#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.41.060(B)(2)", "x": "There has been no change of circumstances which would prevent any of the re"}], "x": "An extension of time may be granted by the community development director u"}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.42 CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.42", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.42", "c": [{"t": "19.42.010 Purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.42.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.42|19.42.010"}, {"t": "19.42.020 Review and approval procedures.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.42.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.42|19.42.020", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.020#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.020(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.020#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.020(A)(1)", "x": "Applications for conditional use permits and minor use permits shall be fil"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.020#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.020(A)(2)", "x": "If other approvals are necessary, an application for a conditional use perm"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.020#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.020(A)(3)", "x": "Following the denial or revocation of a conditional use permit or minor use"}], "x": "Application."}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.020#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.020(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.020#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.020(B)(1)", "x": "The community development director may approve minor use permits for those "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.020#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.020(B)(2)", "x": "The planning commission may approve conditional use permits for those uses "}], "x": "Approval Authority."}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.020#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.020(C)", "x": "Terms and Conditions. Any minor use permit or conditional use permit may in"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.020#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.020(D)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.020#(D)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.020(D)(1)", "x": "The proposed use is consistent with the policies and programs of the genera"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.020#(D)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.020(D)(2)", "x": "The proposed use is consistent with the purpose(s) and standards of the app"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.020#(D)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.020(D)(3)", "x": "The proposed use complies with applicable policies of the Napa County Airpo"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.020#(D)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.020(D)(4)", "x": "The project site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of land "}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.020#(D)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.020(D)(5)", "x": "The proposed use will not be a nuisance or materially detrimental to the ge"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.020#(D)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.020(D)(6)", "x": "The site for the proposed use has adequate access, and meets parking and ci"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.020#(D)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.020(D)(7)", "x": "There are adequate provisions for water and sanitary services, and other pu"}], "x": "Required Findings. The planning commission may approve or conditionally app"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.020#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.020(E)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.020#(E)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.020(E)(1)", "x": "The applicant has demonstrated that the type and size of homeless shelter p"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.020#(E)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.020(E)(2)", "x": "Approval of the permit will not result in an over concentration of homeless"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.020#(E)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.020(E)(3)", "x": "The land uses and development in the immediate vicinity of the project will"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.020#(E)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.020(E)(4)", "x": "The shelter will have ready access to public transportation and planned or "}], "x": "Required Findings\u2014Homeless Shelters. In addition to the findings required b"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.020#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.020(F)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.020#(F)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.020(F)(1)", "x": "Access separate from the on-site commercial use(s) is provided for the acce"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.020#(F)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.020(F)(2)", "x": "Noise levels within the accessory dwelling unit(s) will not exceed any adop"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.020#(F)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.020(F)(3)", "x": "The accessory dwelling unit(s) will be protected from any obnoxious odors g"}], "x": "Required Findings\u2014Accessory Dwelling Units. In addition to the findings req"}]}, {"t": "19.42.030 Expiration of approval.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.42.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.42|19.42.030", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.030#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.030(A)", "x": "Expiration of Approval. If the use for which a conditional use permit has b"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.030#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.030(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.030#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.030(B)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.030#(B)(1)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.030(B)(1)(a)", "x": "There have been no changes in the approved plans; and"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.030#(B)(1)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.030(B)(1)(b)", "x": "There has been no change of circumstances which would prevent any of the re"}], "x": "An extension of time for initiation of the approved use may be granted by t"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.030#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.030(B)(2)", "x": "Only one such extension for a period not to exceed one year from the expira"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.030#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.030(B)(3)", "x": "An additional extension not to exceed two years from the initial expiration"}], "x": "Time Extensions."}]}, {"t": "19.42.040 Revocation and modification.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.42.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.42|19.42.040", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.040#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.040(A)", "x": "The planning commission may periodically review any use permit to ensure th"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.040#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.040(B)", "x": "Any conditional use permit issued pursuant to this chapter may be revoked o"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.040#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.42.040(C)", "x": "Minor and major modifications to approved conditional use permits may be ap"}]}, {"t": "19.42.050 Existing conditional uses.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.42.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.42.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.42|19.42.050"}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.43 VARIANCES", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.43", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.43", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.43", "c": [{"t": "19.43.010 Purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.43.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.43.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.43|19.43.010"}, {"t": "19.43.020 Allowable variances.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.43.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.43.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.43|19.43.020", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.43.020#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.43.020(A)", "x": "Variances may be granted to site development regulations and standards pres"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.43.020#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.43.020(B)", "x": "The power to grant variances does not extend to allowing variations to the "}]}, {"t": "19.43.030 Review and approval procedures.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.43.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.43.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.43|19.43.030", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.43.030#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.43.030(A)", "x": "Application. An application for a variance shall be filed with the communit"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.43.030#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.43.030(B)", "x": "Review and Approval Authority. A variance application shall be reviewed and"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.43.030#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.43.030(C)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.43.030#(C)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.43.030(C)(1)", "x": "Special circumstances exist applicable to the subject property, including s"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.43.030#(C)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.43.030(C)(2)", "x": "Granting of the variance does not constitute a grant of special privileges "}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.43.030#(C)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.43.030(C)(3)", "x": "Granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public h"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.43.030#(C)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.43.030(C)(4)", "x": "Granting of the variance does not allow a use or activity that is not other"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.43.030#(C)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.43.030(C)(5)", "x": "Granting of the variance will not result in an inconsistency with the gener"}], "x": "Required Findings. The planning commission may approve or conditionally app"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.43.030#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.43.030(D)", "x": "Terms and Conditions. Any variance approval may include such terms and cond"}]}, {"t": "19.43.040 Expiration of approval.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.43.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.43.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.43|19.43.040", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.43.040#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.43.040(A)", "x": "One-Year Expiration. If the project for which a variance has been approved "}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.43.040#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.43.040(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.43.040#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.43.040(B)(1)", "x": "There have been no changes in the approved plans; and"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.43.040#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.43.040(B)(2)", "x": "There has been no change of circumstances which would prevent any of the re"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.43.040#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.43.040(B)(3)", "x": "Only one such extension for a period not to exceed one year from the expira"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.43.040#(B)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.43.040(B)(4)", "x": "An additional extension not to exceed two years from the initial expiration"}], "x": "Extensions. An extension of time for project inauguration may be granted by"}]}, {"t": "19.43.050 Variance revocation and modification.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.43.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.43.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.43|19.43.050"}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.44 MINOR VARIATIONS", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.44", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.44", "c": [{"t": "19.44.010 Purpose and intent.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.44.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.44|19.44.010", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.010#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.44.010(A)", "x": "The purpose of this chapter is to provide limited relief from the strict ap"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.010#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.44.010(B)", "x": "It is the intent of the city to limit the use of minor variations to new an"}]}, {"t": "19.44.020 Applicability.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.44.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.44|19.44.020", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.020#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.44.020(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.020#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.44.020(A)(1)", "x": "Off-street parking and loading requirements in commercial and industrial di"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.020#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.44.020(A)(2)", "x": "On an existing residential lot created prior to the effective date of the i"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.020#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.44.020(A)(3)", "x": "In commercial and industrial districts, a ten percent maximum waiver to set"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.020#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.44.020(A)(4)", "x": "Sign area and height: ten percent deviation from the standards set forth in"}], "x": "A minor variation to the following standards may be approved:"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.020#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.44.020(B)", "x": "Any minor variation request that exceeds the prescribed limitation set fort"}]}, {"t": "19.44.030 Review and approval procedures.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.44.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.44|19.44.030", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.030#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.44.030(A)", "x": "Application. An application for a minor variation shall be filed with the c"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.030#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.44.030(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.030#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.44.030(B)(1)", "x": "A minor variation application shall be reviewed and approved, conditionally"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.030#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.44.030(B)(2)", "x": "If other approvals are necessary, the minor variation shall be filed concur"}], "x": "Review and Approval Authority."}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.030#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.44.030(C)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.030#(C)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.44.030(C)(1)", "x": "The granting of the minor variation will not be materially detrimental to t"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.030#(C)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.44.030(C)(2)", "x": "The granting of the minor variation will not result in any inconsistencies "}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.030#(C)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.44.030(C)(3)", "x": "The minor variation does not exceed the maximum waiver permitted by this ch"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.030#(C)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.44.030(C)(4)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.030#(C)(4)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.44.030(C)(4)(a)", "x": "The minor variation will promote uniformity in development on the lot or in"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.030#(C)(4)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.44.030(C)(4)(b)", "x": "The minor variation will alleviate an unreasonable hardship on the property"}], "x": "Either of the following:"}], "x": "Required Findings. The community development director, planning commission,"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.030#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.44.030(D)", "x": "Terms and Conditions. Any minor variation approval may include such terms a"}]}, {"t": "19.44.040 Terms and conditions.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.44.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.44|19.44.040", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.040#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.44.040(A)", "x": "One-Year Expiration. If the project for which a minor variation has been ap"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.040#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.44.040(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.040#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.44.040(B)(1)", "x": "There have been no changes in the approved plans; and"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.040#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.44.040(B)(2)", "x": "There has been no change of circumstances, which would prevent any of the r"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.040#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.44.040(B)(3)", "x": "Only one such extension for a period not to exceed one year from the expira"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.040#(B)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.44.040(B)(4)", "x": "An additional extension not to exceed two years from the initial expiration"}], "x": "Time Extensions. An extension of time for project inauguration may be grant"}]}, {"t": "19.44.050 Revocation and modification.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.44.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.44.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.44|19.44.050"}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.45 MINOR AND MAJOR MODIFICATIONS", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.45", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.45", "c": [{"t": "19.45.010 Purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.45.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.45|19.45.010"}, {"t": "19.45.020 Definitions.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.45.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.45|19.45.020", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.020#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.45.020(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.020#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.45.020(A)(1)", "x": "To allow the minor reconfiguration of an architectural feature or features "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.020#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.45.020(A)(2)", "x": "To allow minor changes to approved building footprints within the buildable"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.020#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.45.020(A)(3)", "x": "To allow the minor reconfiguration or striping of parking lots that will no"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.020#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.45.020(A)(4)", "x": "To allow minor changes in building materials and colors for an approved pro"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.020#(A)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.45.020(A)(5)", "x": "To allow the addition of minor structures or structural additions to an app"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.020#(A)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.45.020(A)(6)", "x": "To allow the fulfillment of a condition of approval in a manner that may va"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.020#(A)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.45.020(A)(7)", "x": "To allow minor changes to conditions of approval;"}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.020#(A)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.45.020(A)(8)", "x": "Other requests similar to the above-listed minor modifications, as determin"}], "x": "A minor modification is defined as a nonsubstantive change of a previously-"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.020#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.45.020(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.020#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.45.020(B)(1)", "x": "An increase in the number of dwelling units proposed in a residential subdi"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.020#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.45.020(B)(2)", "x": "A greater than five percent increase in the square footage of an approved s"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.020#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.45.020(B)(3)", "x": "A change to the overall architectural design concept of an approved buildin"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.020#(B)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.45.020(B)(4)", "x": "A significant reduction in site landscaping or open space shown on an appro"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.020#(B)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.45.020(B)(5)", "x": "A significant reconfiguration of roadway or parking lot design;"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.020#(B)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.45.020(B)(6)", "x": "A significant increase in grading and earth moving activities;"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.020#(B)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.45.020(B)(7)", "x": "Significant changes to or deletions of conditions of approval;"}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.020#(B)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.45.020(B)(8)", "x": "Other similar changes of a substantive nature as determined by the communit"}], "x": "A major modification is defined as a significant revision of a previously-a"}]}, {"t": "19.45.030 Review and approval procedures.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.45.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.45|19.45.030", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.030#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.45.030(A)", "x": "Application. An application for a minor or major modification shall be file"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.030#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.45.030(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.030#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.45.030(B)(1)", "x": "A minor modification application shall be reviewed and approved, conditiona"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.030#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.45.030(B)(2)", "x": "A major modification application shall be reviewed and approved, conditiona"}], "x": "Review and Approval Authority."}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.030#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.45.030(C)", "x": "Terms and Conditions. Any minor or major modification approval may include "}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.030#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.45.030(D)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.030#(D)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.45.030(D)(1)", "x": "The modification is in substantial conformity with the previously approved "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.030#(D)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.45.030(D)(2)", "x": "The modification will not create impacts substantially different from those"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.030#(D)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.45.030(D)(3)", "x": "The granting of the modification will not be materially detrimental to the "}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.030#(D)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.45.030(D)(4)", "x": "The proposed modification is consistent with the policies and exhibits cont"}], "x": "Required Findings. The director or commission may approve or conditionally "}]}, {"t": "19.45.040 Revocation and modification.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.45.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.45.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.45|19.45.040"}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.46 ZONING CLEARANCES AND CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.46", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.46", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.46", "c": [{"t": "19.46.010 Purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.46.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.46.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.46|19.46.010"}, {"t": "19.46.020 Applicability.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.46.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.46.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.46|19.46.020"}, {"t": "19.46.030 Review and approval procedures.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.46.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.46.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.46|19.46.030", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.46.030#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.46.030(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.46.030#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.46.030(A)(1)", "x": "Prior to the issuance of a business license or building permit for any esta"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.46.030#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.46.030(A)(2)", "x": "Prior to the issuance of a zoning clearance, the applicant shall provide ev"}], "x": "Zoning Clearances."}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.46.030#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.46.030(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.46.030#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.46.030(B)(1)", "x": "Building Certificates of Occupancy. A certificate of occupancy for a new bu"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.46.030#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.46.030(B)(2)", "x": "Use Certificates of Occupancy. A certificate of occupancy for a change in t"}], "x": "Certificates of Occupancy. A certificate of occupancy shall state that the "}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.47 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.47", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.47", "c": [{"t": "19.47.010 Purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.47.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.47|19.47.010"}, {"t": "19.47.020 Qualifications and standards for filing application for development agreement.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.47.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.47|19.47.020", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.020#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.47.020(A)", "x": "Only a qualified applicant may file an application for a development agreem"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.020#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.47.020(B)", "x": "Applications from qualified applicants for development agreements for prope"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.020#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.47.020(C)", "x": "An application for a development agreement may be filed concurrently with o"}]}, {"t": "19.47.030 Application procedure.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.47.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.47|19.47.030", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.030#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.47.030(A)", "x": "An application for a development agreement shall be made in the form of a w"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.030#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.47.030(B)", "x": "A draft of the proposed development agreement may be submitted along with t"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.030#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.47.030(C)", "x": "The application shall be accompanied by an application fee in the amount (i"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.030#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.47.030(D)", "x": "Any legal fees incurred by the city in drafting or reviewing a development "}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.030#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.47.030(E)", "x": "The community development director, city manager, and/or city attorney may "}]}, {"t": "19.47.040 Contents of development agreements.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.47.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.47|19.47.040", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.040#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.47.040(A)", "x": "A development agreement shall specify the duration of the agreement, the pe"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.040#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.47.040(B)", "x": "The agreement may also include terms and conditions relating to applicant f"}]}, {"t": "19.47.050 Rules, ordinances, regulations and official policies of city applicable to property subject to development agreement.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.47.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.47|19.47.050"}, {"t": "19.47.060 Action by the planning commission.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.47.060", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.47|19.47.060", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.060#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.47.060(A)", "x": "The planning commission shall hold at least one public hearing on an applic"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.060#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.47.060(B)", "x": "Following the close of the public hearing, the planning commission shall de"}]}, {"t": "19.47.070 Action by the city council.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.070", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.47.070", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.47|19.47.070", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.070#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.47.070(A)", "x": "Upon receiving a recommendation from the planning commission on a proposed "}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.070#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.47.070(B)", "x": "Following the closing of a public hearing, the council shall determine if t"}]}, {"t": "19.47.080 Required findings for approval.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.080", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.47.080", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.47|19.47.080", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.080#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.47.080(A)", "x": "The proposal for which the development agreement is requested conforms with"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.080#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.47.080(B)", "x": "The proposal for which the development agreement is requested complies with"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.080#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.47.080(C)", "x": "The proposal for which the development agreement is requested is consistent"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.080#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.47.080(D)", "x": "The proposal for which the development agreement is requested will not be d"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.080#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.47.080(E)", "x": "The proposal for which the development agreement is requested provides clea"}]}, {"t": "19.47.090 Recordation of development agreement.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.090", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.47.090", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.47|19.47.090"}, {"t": "19.47.100 Ongoing review/termination of development agreement.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.100", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.47.100", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.47|19.47.100"}, {"t": "19.47.110 Amendments to approved development agreements.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.110", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.47.110", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.47|19.47.110", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.110#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.47.110(A)", "x": "Any proposed amendments to previously approved development agreements shall"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.110#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.47.110(B)", "x": "All amendments to development agreements must be in writing, and approved b"}]}, {"t": "19.47.120 Effect of new state or federal laws or regulations on development agreements.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.47.120", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.47.120", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.47|19.47.120"}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.48 ZONING MAP AND ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENTS", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.48", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.48", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.48", "c": [{"t": "19.48.010 Purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.48.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.48.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.48|19.48.010"}, {"t": "19.48.020 Initiation by planning commission or city council.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.48.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.48.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.48|19.48.020", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.48.020#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.48.020(A)", "x": "An amendment to the text of this title not changing regulations or standard"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.48.020#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.48.020(B)", "x": "An amendment to the text of this title changing regulations or standards af"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.48.020#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.48.020(C)", "x": "Amendment to the official zoning map reclassifying property from one distri"}]}, {"t": "19.48.030 Initiation by interested person(s).", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.48.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.48.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.48|19.48.030"}, {"t": "19.48.040 Review and approval procedures.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.48.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.48.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.48|19.48.040", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.48.040#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.48.040(A)", "x": "Approval Authority. An application for a zoning map or ordinance text amend"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.48.040#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.48.040(B)", "x": "Planning Commission Review. An application for a zoning map or ordinance te"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.48.040#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.48.040(C)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.48.040#(C)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.48.040(C)(1)", "x": "The amendment is consistent with the goals and policies of the general plan"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.48.040#(C)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.48.040(C)(2)", "x": "The amendment is consistent with the purposes of this title, as set forth i"}], "x": "Required Findings. The city council may approve an application for a zoning"}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.49 NONCONFORMING USES, STRUCTURES AND LOTS", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.49", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.49", "c": [{"t": "19.49.010 Purpose and intent.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.49.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.49|19.49.010", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.010#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.010(A)", "x": "The purpose of this chapter is to regulate buildings and uses which do not "}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.010#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.010(B)", "x": "This chapter is intended to prevent the expansion of nonconforming building"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.010#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.010(C)", "x": "Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed or implied so as to al"}]}, {"t": "19.49.020 Definitions.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.49.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.49|19.49.020"}, {"t": "19.49.030 Limitations to nonconforming structures.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.49.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.49|19.49.030", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.030#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.030(A)", "x": "A nonconforming structure shall not be moved, altered, enlarged, or reconst"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.030#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.030(B)", "x": "A nonconforming structure which is damaged to the extent that the cost of r"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.030#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.030(C)", "x": "Repairs and changes to interior partitions or other nonstructural improveme"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.030#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.030(D)", "x": "Subject to the valuation limit in subsection (C) of this section, structura"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.030#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.030(E)", "x": "If the use of a nonconforming structure is discontinued for a period of twe"}]}, {"t": "19.49.040 Limitations to nonconforming uses.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.49.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.49|19.49.040", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.040#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.040(A)", "x": "A nonconforming use may be continued, provided that a nonconforming use whi"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.040#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.040(B)", "x": "Change of ownership, tenancy, or management of nonconforming use shall not "}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.040#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.040(C)", "x": "A nonconforming use shall not be enlarged or extended to occupy any part of"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.040#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.040(D)", "x": "A nonconforming use shall not be intensified. For example, it may not be mo"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.040#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.040(E)", "x": "A lot or portion thereof occupied by a nonconforming use may be further dev"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.040#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.040(F)", "x": "No structure, the use of which is nonconforming, shall be moved or altered "}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.040#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.040(G)", "x": "A conditional use permit shall be required for the reconstruction of a stru"}, {"t": "(H)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.040#(H)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.040(H)", "x": "No use of land or structure existing at the time of adoption of this title "}]}, {"t": "19.49.050 Use of nonconforming lots.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.49.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.49|19.49.050"}, {"t": "19.49.060 Certificates of nonconformity.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.49.060", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.49|19.49.060"}, {"t": "19.49.070 Nonconforming signs.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.070", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.49.070", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.49|19.49.070"}, {"t": "19.49.080 Public utility exceptions.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.080", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.49.080", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.49|19.49.080"}, {"t": "19.49.090 Regulation of fossil fuel service station uses and structures.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.090", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.49.090", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.49|19.49.090", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.090#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.090(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.090#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.090(A)(1)", "x": "Accommodate continued fossil fuel service station operation as a legal nonc"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.090#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.090(A)(2)", "x": "Allow alterations to fossil fuel service station when such changes provide "}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.090#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.090(A)(3)", "x": "Prohibit fossil fuel service station operations from increasing the storage"}], "x": "Purpose."}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.090#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.090(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.090#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.090(B)(1)", "x": "All lawfully developed and operating fossil fuel service station uses in ex"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.090#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.090(B)(2)", "x": "All fossil fuel service station uses not yet developed and/or operating but"}], "x": "Applicability. This section applies to:"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.090#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.090(C)", "x": "Modifications to Fossil Fuel Service Station Uses, Generally. Except as pro"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.090#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.090(D)", "x": "Modifications to Improve Public Health and Safety. Fossil fuel service stat"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.090#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.090(E)", "x": "Modifications to Enable Zero Emission Vehicles (Battery Charging Station). "}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.090#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.090(F)", "x": "Modifications to Enable Zero Emission Vehicles (Hydrogen Fuel Cell Station)"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.090#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.090(G)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.090#(G)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.090(G)(1)", "x": "If the use has discontinued for one hundred eighty days or longer because t"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.49.090#(G)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.49.090(G)(2)", "x": "If the use has discontinued for one hundred eighty days or longer due to a "}], "x": "Discontinuation of Fossil Fuel Service Station Uses or Structures. A fossil"}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.50 SPECIAL STUDY ZONE DISTRICT", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.50", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.50", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.50", "c": [{"t": "19.50.010 Purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.50.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.50.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.50|19.50.010", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.50.010#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.50.010(A)", "x": "Allow properties to be zoned or prezoned until the city has completed appro"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.50.010#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.50.010(B)", "x": "Allow agricultural, grazing, open space and public uses within the district"}]}, {"t": "19.50.020 Applicability.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.50.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.50.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.50|19.50.020"}, {"t": "19.50.030 Permitted uses.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.50.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.50.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.50|19.50.030"}, {"t": "19.50.040 Conditionally permitted uses.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.50.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.50.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.50|19.50.040"}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.52 REQUEST FOR REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.52", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.52", "c": [{"t": "19.52.010 Intent and purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.52.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.52|19.52.010"}, {"t": "19.52.020 Applicability.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.52.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.52|19.52.020", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.020#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.020(A)", "x": "Reasonable accommodation in the land use and zoning context means providing"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.020#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.020(B)", "x": "An individual with a disability is someone who has a physical or mental imp"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.020#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.020(C)", "x": "A request for reasonable accommodation may be made by any person with a dis"}]}, {"t": "19.52.030 Application.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.52.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.52|19.52.030", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.030#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.030(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.030#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.030(A)(1)", "x": "Name and address of the individual(s) requesting reasonable accommodation;"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.030#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.030(A)(2)", "x": "Name, address and telephone number of the property owner(s);"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.030#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.030(A)(3)", "x": "Address of the property for which accommodation is requested;"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.030#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.030(A)(4)", "x": "The current actual use of the property;"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.030#(A)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.030(A)(5)", "x": "Description of the requested accommodation and the zoning code provision, r"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.030#(A)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.030(A)(6)", "x": "The basis for the claim that the individual is considered disabled under th"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.030#(A)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.030(A)(7)", "x": "Reason that the requested accommodation is necessary for the individual(s) "}], "x": "Requests for reasonable accommodation shall be submitted by completing the "}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.030#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.030(B)", "x": "If the project for which the request for reasonable accommodation is being "}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.030#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.030(C)", "x": "No application fee shall apply to a request for reasonable accommodation (u"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.030#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.030(D)", "x": "Any information related to a disability status and identified by an applica"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.030#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.030(E)", "x": "A request for reasonable accommodation in regulations, policies, practices "}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.030#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.030(F)", "x": "If an individual needs assistance in making the request for reasonable acco"}]}, {"t": "19.52.040 Reviewing authority.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.52.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.52|19.52.040", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.040#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.040(A)", "x": "Requests for reasonable accommodation shall be reviewed by the community de"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.040#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.040(B)", "x": "A request for reasonable accommodation submitted for concurrent review with"}]}, {"t": "19.52.050 Findings.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.52.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.52|19.52.050", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.050#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.050(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.050#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.050(A)(1)", "x": "The accommodation is reasonable, considering the nature of the applicant's "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.050#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.050(A)(2)", "x": "The accommodation is necessary to afford the applicant equal opportunity to"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.050#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.050(A)(3)", "x": "The accommodation will have only incidental economic or monetary benefits t"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.050#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.050(A)(4)", "x": "The accommodation does not create a substantial adverse impact on surroundi"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.050#(A)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.050(A)(5)", "x": "The accommodation is reasonably feasible, considering the physical attribut"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.050#(A)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.050(A)(6)", "x": "There are no alternative accommodations which may provide an equivalent lev"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.050#(A)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.050(A)(7)", "x": "In the case of a determination involving a one-family dwelling, whether the"}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.050#(A)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.050(A)(8)", "x": "The requested accommodation does not impose an undue financial or administr"}, {"t": "(9)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.050#(A)(9)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.050(A)(9)", "x": "The requested accommodation does not require a fundamental alteration in th"}], "x": "In approving or denying the request, the following criteria shall apply:"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.050#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.050(B)", "x": "In granting a request for reasonable accommodation, any conditions of appro"}]}, {"t": "19.52.060 Appeals.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.52.060", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.52|19.52.060", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.060#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.060(A)", "x": "Any decision of the community development director made pursuant to this ch"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.060#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.060(B)", "x": "Notice of the hearing on the appeal shall be given in the manner and time p"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.060#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.060(C)", "x": "The planning commission may affirm wholly or partly, reverse, modify, or at"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.060#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.060(D)", "x": "Any decision of the planning commission made pursuant to this chapter may b"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.060#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.060(E)", "x": "Notice of the hearing on the appeal shall be given in the manner and time p"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.060#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.060(F)", "x": "The city council may affirm wholly or partly, reverse, modify, or attach ad"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.52.060#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.52.060(G)", "x": "Permit Issuance. No permit shall be issued prior to the expiration of any a"}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.53 SMALL-CELL ANTENNA FACILITIES", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.53", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.53", "c": [{"t": "19.53.010 Purpose and intent.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.53.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.53|19.53.010"}, {"t": "19.53.020 Applicability.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.53.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.53|19.53.020"}, {"t": "19.53.030 Definitions.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.53.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.53|19.53.030"}, {"t": "19.53.040 Review and approval.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.53.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.53|19.53.040", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.040#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.040(A)", "x": "All SAFs require a SAF permit and building permit."}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.040#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.040(B)", "x": "All SAFs on city property require master licensing agreements."}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.040#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.040(C)", "x": "All SAFs on public right-of-way require an encroachment permit with the cit"}]}, {"t": "19.53.050 Development standards\u2014All SAFs.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.53.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.53|19.53.050", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.050#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.050(A)", "x": "A maximum of one SAF is permitted on a single support structure."}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.050#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.050(B)", "x": "All SAFs shall be designed as a stealth facility as defined in Section 19.5"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.050#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.050(C)", "x": "The combined volume of SAF accessory equipment, including an electric meter"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.050#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.050(D)", "x": "The antenna enclosure and accessory equipment is permitted a maximum of ten"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.050#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.050(E)", "x": "Equipment normally placed at ground level must be placed in an underground "}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.050#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.050(F)", "x": "All conduit and facility wiring must be concealed within the support struct"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.050#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.050(G)", "x": "Unless otherwise required by city, county, state or federal rules or regula"}, {"t": "(H)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.050#(H)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.050(H)", "x": "SAFs shall be painted a non-reflective neutral color finish consistent with"}, {"t": "(I)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.050#(I)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.050(I)", "x": "Unless otherwise required by applicable county, state, or federal rules, th"}, {"t": "(J)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.050#(J)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.050(J)", "x": "All SAFs shall be designed with passive cooling."}, {"t": "(K)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.050#(K)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.050(K)", "x": "All facilities shall be designed so as to be graffiti resistant."}, {"t": "(L)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.050#(L)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.050(L)", "x": "To protect residential views, a SAF proposed within nine feet of a resident"}, {"t": "(M)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.050#(M)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.050(M)", "x": "A SAF on city property outside of the public right-of-way is required to ob"}, {"t": "(N)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.050#(N)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.050(N)", "x": "Outside the public right-of-way, the overall height of the SAF may not exce"}, {"t": "(O)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.050#(O)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.050(O)", "x": "The Director retains the discretion to determine the applicability of CEQA "}]}, {"t": "19.53.060 Development standards\u2014SAFs in public right-of-way.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.53.060", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.53|19.53.060", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.060#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.060(A)", "x": "No major street trenching is permitted."}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.060#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.060(B)", "x": "A SAF antenna shall be positioned on top of the support structure. A SAF an"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.060#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.060(C)", "x": "A SAF may not include any ground-mounted equipment."}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.060#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.060(D)", "x": "Where feasible, support structure-mounted accessory equipment shall be inst"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.060#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.060(E)", "x": "The overall height of the SAF may not exceed six feet above any adjacent st"}]}, {"t": "19.53.070 Conditions of approval.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.070", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.53.070", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.53|19.53.070", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.070#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.070(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.070#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.070(A)(1)", "x": "The minimum tree size shall be fifteen-gallon size."}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.070#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.070(A)(2)", "x": "The tree shall match the species of trees along the same street. If no stre"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.070#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.070(A)(3)", "x": "If installing a street tree is infeasible on the basis of inadequate sidewa"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.070#(A)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.070(A)(4)", "x": "Care and Maintenance of Street Trees. The city shall assume the duty of a \""}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.070#(A)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.070(A)(5)", "x": "The applicant shall provide a security bond that is reviewed and found sati"}], "x": "To help screen each proposed SAF in the public right-of-way, the encroachme"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.070#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.070(B)", "x": "The applicant shall verify that the SAF when operational complies with the "}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.070#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.070(C)", "x": "The applicant shall provide written agreement to relocate the SAF facility "}]}, {"t": "19.53.080 Application and submittal requirements.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.080", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.53.080", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.53|19.53.080", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.080#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.080(A)", "x": "Each SAF requires a SAF permit."}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.080#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.080(B)", "x": "Each SAF requires a building permit."}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.080#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.080(C)", "x": "Each SAF in the public right-of-way requires an encroachment permit."}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.080#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.080(D)", "x": "Each SAF requires a security bond that is reviewed and found satisfactory t"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.080#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.080(E)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.080#(E)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.080(E)(1)", "x": "Site Plan. Provide a site plan of each project area drawn to scale depictin"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.080#(E)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.080(E)(2)", "x": "Elevations. Provide elevation plans for each location, drawn to scale depic"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.080#(E)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.080(E)(3)", "x": "Provide a sheet with specifications of all proposed equipment."}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.080#(E)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.080(E)(4)", "x": "Provide scale drawings of each SAF component."}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.080#(E)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.080(E)(5)", "x": "Identify location of power source."}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.080#(E)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.080(E)(6)", "x": "EMF Report. Provide documentation demonstrating that the facility will comp"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.080#(E)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.080(E)(7)", "x": "Interference Report. Provide a written description of the proposed method(s"}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.080#(E)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.080(E)(8)", "x": "Noise Study. Include manufacturer information on the amount of noise genera"}, {"t": "(9)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.080#(E)(9)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.080(E)(9)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.080#(E)(9)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.080(E)(9)(a)", "x": "Map showing all current and planned facility sites within and adjacent to t"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.080#(E)(9)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.080(E)(9)(b)", "x": "Name(s), address(es), telephone number(s), and e-mail(s) that own the facil"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.080#(E)(9)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.080(E)(9)(c)", "x": "Any proposed access roads or parking areas."}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.080#(E)(9)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.080(E)(9)(d)", "x": "Documentation verifying that the operator has obtained licenses and/or appr"}], "x": "Coverage Maps. Each application shall include the following:"}, {"t": "(10)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.080#(E)(10)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.080(E)(10)", "x": "Visual impact analysis showing a silhouette or other visualization(s) or ph"}, {"t": "(11)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.080#(E)(11)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.080(E)(11)", "x": "Written authorization for the city to hire an independent, qualified consul"}, {"t": "(12)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.080#(E)(12)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.080(E)(12)", "x": "Payment of the applicable SAF plan review fee."}, {"t": "(13)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.080#(E)(13)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.080(E)(13)", "x": "Security bond to ensure the proper removal of older, obsolete, or abandoned"}, {"t": "(14)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.080#(E)(14)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.080(E)(14)", "x": "Master lease agreement (Type 2)."}, {"t": "(15)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.080#(E)(15)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.080(E)(15)", "x": "Applicants that propose SAF projects adjacent to a public school, property "}, {"t": "(16)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.080#(E)(16)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.080(E)(16)", "x": "Applicants that propose a SAF project in a residential zoning district shal"}, {"t": "(17)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.080#(E)(17)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.080(E)(17)", "x": "Design standards self-assessment checklist."}, {"t": "(18)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.080#(E)(18)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.080(E)(18)", "x": "Electronic copies of all submitted items."}], "x": "In conjunction with the building permit application, each SAF application s"}]}, {"t": "19.53.090 Operation standards.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.090", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.53.090", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.53|19.53.090", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.090#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.090(A)", "x": "Health and Safety Regulations, EMF Report. No SAF by itself or in combinati"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.090#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.090(B)", "x": "Noise Compliance. Each SAF shall be operated in such a manner so as to mini"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.090#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.090(C)", "x": "Each SAF installed on a streetlight in the public right-of-way shall obtain"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.090#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.090(D)", "x": "Maintenance. A SAF Applicant or property-owner shall, at its sole cost, be "}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.090#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.090(E)", "x": "Interference. To the extent allowed under applicable federal rules and regu"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.090#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.090(F)", "x": "Applicant shall warrant and ensure that its services will be made available"}]}, {"t": "19.53.100 Density of small-cell antenna facilities.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.100", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.53.100", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.53|19.53.100", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.100#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.100(A)", "x": "No wireless service provider may locate a SAF within one hundred feet of an"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.100#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.100(B)", "x": "A SAF proposed on two or more support structures may not be placed on adjac"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.100#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.100(C)", "x": "All SAFs on city property require a master lease agreement (\"MLA\") prior ob"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.100#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.100(D)", "x": "Local Preference. For projects where two applicants propose a SAF on the sa"}]}, {"t": "19.53.110 Permit duration and renewal.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.110", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.53.110", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.53|19.53.110", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.110#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.110(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.110#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.110(A)(1)", "x": "Renewal Permitted. At the end of the term set forth above, the department m"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.110#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.110(A)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.110#(A)(2)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.110(A)(2)(a)", "x": "That the permitted wireless facility complies with the Public Health Compli"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.110#(A)(2)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.110(A)(2)(b)", "x": "The SAF continues to remain in operation."}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.110#(A)(2)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.110(A)(2)(c)", "x": "That the SAF meets or exceeds current stealthing technology."}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.110#(A)(2)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.110(A)(2)(d)", "x": "The SAF renewal application fee is paid."}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.110#(A)(2)(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.110(A)(2)(e)", "x": "For Type 2 permits, the revised MLA shall be recorded with the Napa County "}], "x": "SAF Renewal Application Required. An applicant seeking to renew a SAF permi"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.110#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.110(A)(3)", "x": "SAF permit renewal on city property requires a renewed master lease agreeme"}], "x": "A Type 2 SAF permit shall be renewed on the ten-year anniversary of its ori"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.110#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.110(B)", "x": "Modifications to existing SAF projects will require a new SAF permit and su"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.110#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.53.110(C)", "x": "A SAF facility shall be relocated at the applicant's expense, upon receipt "}]}, {"t": "19.53.120 Discontinuation of use.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.53.120", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.53.120", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.53|19.53.120"}]}, {"t": "Chapter 19.54 Sustainable, Energy-Efficient Warehouse Design Permit", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.54", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 19.54", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.54", "c": [{"t": "19.54.010 Purpose and applicability.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.54.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.54.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.54|19.54.010"}, {"t": "19.54.020 Review.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.54.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.54.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.54|19.54.020"}, {"t": "19.51.030 Design and appearance.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.51.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.54|19.51.030", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.030#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.030(A)", "x": "Warehouse buildings shall be of Type VB construction, site cast, tilted con"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.030#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.030(B)", "x": "Typical wall panel shall be enhanced with reveals and a textured elastomeri"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.030#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.030(C)", "x": "Areas around building entries must be enhanced with tinted glazing in alumi"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.030#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.030(D)", "x": "Rooftop mechanical equipment for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning"}]}, {"t": "19.51.050 Sustainability standards", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.51.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.54|19.51.050", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(A)", "x": "Stormwater and drainage. A stormwater pollution prevention plan to minimize"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(B)", "x": "Storage and collection of recyclable materials. Provide readily accessible "}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(C)", "x": "Construction waste management, including recycling. A minimum of 65 percent"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(D)", "x": "Environmental tobacco smoke control."}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(E)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(E)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(E)(1)", "x": "All exterior site lighting, including mounted building lighting and lightin"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(E)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(E)(2)", "x": "Lighting shall be shielded as appropriate and avoid light spillage or glare"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(E)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(E)(3)", "x": "Exterior light fixtures on buildings shall be shielded to return potential "}], "x": "Light pollution reduction."}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(F)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(F)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(F)(1)", "x": "The project shall be landscaped using plants adapted to the of American Can"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(F)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(F)(2)", "x": "The project shall comply with Section 8.20.110 of the City of American Cany"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(F)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(F)(3)", "x": "The landscape palette shall not include oleander."}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(F)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(F)(4)", "x": "All landscaping shall be designed to use recycled water for irrigation. Rec"}], "x": "Water-efficient landscaping."}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(G)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(G)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(G)(1)", "x": "The project shall comply with the City's Zero Water Footprint policy adopte"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(G)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(G)(2)", "x": "All buildings shall be dual plumbed to use recycled water for non-potable u"}], "x": "Water use reduction methods."}, {"t": "(H)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(H)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(H)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(H)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(H)(1)", "x": "\"Low-VOC\" architectural coatings used during project construction shall not"}], "x": "Use of low volatile organic compound (VOC) emitting sealants, adhesives, co"}, {"t": "(I)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(I)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(I)", "x": "Roof structures that are designed to accommodate additional weight for roof"}, {"t": "(J)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(J)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(J)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(J)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(J)(1)", "x": "Parking areas for passenger automobiles and trucks shall be designed and co"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(J)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(J)(2)", "x": "According to California Building Code section 11B-, the applicable"}], "x": "California Green Building Code compliant electric vehicle charging stations"}, {"t": "(K)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(K)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(K)", "x": "Application of United States Green Building Council Leadership in Energy an"}, {"t": "(L)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(L)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(L)", "x": "Covered parking for bicycles."}, {"t": "(M)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(M)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(M)", "x": "Preservation of open space and wetlands either onsite or offsite."}, {"t": "(N)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(N)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(N)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(N)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(N)(1)", "x": "Buildings shall be designed and constructed to, at a minimum, the Tier 2 ad"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(N)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(N)(2)", "x": "Parking areas for passenger automobiles and trucks shall be designed and co"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(N)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(N)(3)", "x": "Electricity demand will be satisfied with 100 percent carbon-free electrici"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(N)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(N)(4)", "x": "To the extent permitted by federal law, the project shall be designed witho"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(N)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(N)(5)", "x": "Project applicants shall incorporate GHG-reducing construction best managem"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.050#(N)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.050(N)(6)", "x": "Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) for the project shall be 15 percent or more be"}], "x": "Greenhouse gas emissions and energy."}]}, {"t": "19.51.060 Standard Conditions of Approval.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 19.51.060", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|19|3|19.54|19.51.060", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(A)", "x": "Lighting. Prior to issuance of building permits for the project, the projec"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(B)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(B)(1)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(B)(1)(a)", "x": "All active construction areas shall be watered at least two times per day."}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(B)(1)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(B)(1)(b)", "x": "All exposed non-paved surfaces (e.g., parking areas, staging areas, soil pi"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(B)(1)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(B)(1)(c)", "x": "All haul trucks transporting soil, sand, or other loose material off-site s"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(B)(1)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(B)(1)(d)", "x": "All visible mud or dirt tracked out onto adjacent public roads shall be rem"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(B)(1)(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(B)(1)(e)", "x": "All vehicle speeds on unpaved roads shall be limited to 15 miles per hours."}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(B)(1)(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(B)(1)(f)", "x": "Idling time shall be minimized either by shutting equipment off when in use"}, {"t": "(g)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(B)(1)(g)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(B)(1)(g)", "x": "All construction equipment shall be maintained and properly tuned in accord"}, {"t": "(h)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(B)(1)(h)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(B)(1)(h)", "x": "The prime construction contractor shall post a publicly visible sign with t"}], "x": "The following best management practices (BMPs), as recommended by the Bay A"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(B)(2)", "x": "Prior to issuance of grading or building permits, the project applicant sha"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(B)(3)", "x": "Prior to issuing the certificate of occupancy for the project, the project "}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(B)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(B)(4)", "x": "Prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy for a building with dock "}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(B)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(B)(5)", "x": "Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, as part of future leas"}], "x": "Air quality."}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(C)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(C)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(C)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(C)(1)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(C)(1)(a)", "x": "The applicant must provide a biological study from a qualified biologist ev"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(C)(1)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(C)(1)(b)", "x": "Pre-construction surveys for Swainson's hawk shall be conducted in the proj"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(C)(1)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(C)(1)(c)", "x": "If no nesting Swainson's hawk are found during the first or second required"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(C)(1)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(C)(1)(d)", "x": "If Swainson's hawk are found to be nesting within 0.25 miles of the project"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(C)(1)(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(C)(1)(e)", "x": "Surveys and the biological study shall be conducted by a qualified raptor b"}], "x": "Swainson's hawk."}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(C)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(C)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(C)(2)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(C)(2)(a)", "x": "No more than 30 days prior to the first ground disturbance activity, pre-co"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(C)(2)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(C)(2)(b)", "x": "If active golden eagle nests are identified within any trees within the sur"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(C)(2)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(C)(2)(c)", "x": "No construction or earth moving activity shall occur within the established"}], "x": "Golden eagle."}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(C)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(C)(3)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(C)(3)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(C)(3)(a)", "x": "Prior to ground disturbance, a pre-construction nesting survey shall be con"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(C)(3)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(C)(3)(b)", "x": "To determine whether northern harrier or short-eared owl is nesting on-site"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(C)(3)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(C)(3)(c)", "x": "An active northern harrier or short-eared owl nest must be protected by imp"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(C)(3)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(C)(3)(d)", "x": "No construction or earthmoving activity shall occur within the established "}], "x": "Northern harrier and short-eared owl."}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(C)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(C)(4)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(C)(4)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(C)(4)(a)", "x": "If burrowing owl are found to occupy the project site during the nonbreedin"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(C)(4)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(C)(4)(b)", "x": "If burrowing owl are found to be present during the breeding season (Februa"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(C)(4)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(C)(4)(c)", "x": "If burrowing owls are ultimately found on the site and burrow eviction/relo"}], "x": "Burrowing owl. Prior to any ground disturbance, pre-construction surveys fo"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(C)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(C)(5)", "x": "If construction occurs during the breeding season of migratory and resident"}], "x": "Wildlife."}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(D)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(D)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(D)(1)", "x": "There shall be no net loss of wetlands as a result of the project, as deter"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(D)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(D)(2)", "x": "The project applicant shall submit to the City a jurisdictional delineation"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(D)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(D)(3)", "x": "Prior to issuance of grading permits, the project applicant shall submit to"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(D)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(D)(4)", "x": "Prior to issuance of grading permits, the project applicant shall apply for"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(D)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(D)(5)", "x": "Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the Wetland Mitigation and Monitorin"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(D)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(D)(6)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(D)(6)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(D)(6)(a)", "x": "Provide financial assurances to ensure a high level of confidence that the "}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(D)(6)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(D)(6)(b)", "x": "Design ecological performance standards to assess whether the Wetland Mitig"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(D)(6)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(D)(6)(c)", "x": "Monitor the site for a duration of time determined to be necessary by the q"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(D)(6)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(D)(6)(d)", "x": "Protect preserved and created wetlands in perpetuity using an irrevocable i"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(D)(6)(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(D)(6)(e)", "x": "An overall assessment of the condition of the wetlands that shall be perman"}], "x": "The Wetland Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall include in irrevocable ins"}], "x": "Wetlands."}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(E)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(E)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(E)(1)", "x": "Appropriate buffer zones shall be determined per recommendations of an Arch"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(E)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(E)(2)", "x": "An Archaeologist who meets the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qua"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(E)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(E)(3)", "x": "The Archaeologist shall inspect the findings within 24 hours of discovery. "}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(E)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(E)(4)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(E)(4)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(E)(4)(a)", "x": "There shall be no further excavation or disturbance within 100 feet of the "}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(E)(4)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(E)(4)(b)", "c": [{"t": "(i)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(E)(4)(b)(i)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(E)(4)(b)(i)", "x": "The NAHC is unable to identify an MLD or the MLD failed to make a recommend"}, {"t": "(ii)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(E)(4)(b)(ii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(E)(4)(b)(ii)", "x": "The descendant identified fails to make a recommendation."}, {"t": "(iii)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(E)(4)(b)(iii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(E)(4)(b)(iii)", "x": "The landowner or authorized representative rejects the recommendation of th"}], "x": "Where the following conditions occur, the landowner or authorized represent"}], "x": "In the event of the accidental discovery or recognition of any human remain"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(E)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(E)(5)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(E)(5)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(E)(5)(a)", "x": "Human Remains: Any human remains which are found in conjunction with projec"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(E)(5)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(E)(5)(b)", "x": "Inadvertent Discovery of Native American Human Remains: Whenever Native Ame"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(E)(5)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(E)(5)(c)", "x": "Treatment of Native American Remains: In the event that Native American hum"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(E)(5)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(E)(5)(d)", "x": "Non-Disclosure of Location of Reburials: Unless otherwise required by law, "}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(E)(5)(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(E)(5)(e)", "x": "Treatment of Cultural Resources: Treatment of all cultural items, including"}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(E)(5)(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(E)(5)(f)", "x": "Inadvertent Discoveries: If additional significant sites or sites not ident"}], "x": "The project applicant must make reasonable efforts to consult with represen"}], "x": "Cultural Resources."}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(F)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(F)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(F)(1)", "x": "Where a project site lies astride, or immediately adjacent to, the West Nap"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(F)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(F)(2)", "x": "Prior to the issuance of building permits for any phase of the project, the"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(F)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(F)(3)", "x": "If potential fossils are discovered during project implementation, all eart"}], "x": "Geology."}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(G)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(G)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(G)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(G)(1)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(G)(1)(a)", "x": "At least 15 percent of the construction fleet for each project phase shall "}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(G)(1)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(G)(1)(b)", "x": "At least 10 percent of building materials used for project construction sha"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(G)(1)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(G)(1)(c)", "x": "At least 65 percent of construction and demolition waste materials shall be"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(G)(1)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(G)(1)(d)", "x": "At least one contractor that has a business location in American Canyon sha"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(G)(1)(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(G)(1)(e)", "x": "All construction contracts shall include language that requires all off-roa"}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(G)(1)(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(G)(1)(f)", "x": "Architectural coatings used for project construction shall be \"Low-VOC,\" co"}, {"t": "(g)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(G)(1)(g)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(G)(1)(g)", "x": "Idling times shall be minimized either by shutting equipment off when not i"}, {"t": "(h)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(G)(1)(h)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(G)(1)(h)", "x": "All construction equipment shall be maintained and properly tuned in accord"}, {"t": "(i)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(G)(1)(i)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(G)(1)(i)", "x": "The prime construction contractor shall post a publicly visible sign with t"}], "x": "Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, the project applicant shall p"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(G)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(G)(2)", "x": "Prior to issuance of any building permits, the project applicant shall demo"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(G)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(G)(3)", "x": "Prior to issuance of any building permits, the project applicant shall demo"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(G)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(G)(4)", "x": "Prior to the issuance of any building permit for a proposed project, the pr"}], "x": "Greenhouse gas emissions."}, {"t": "(H)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(H)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(H)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(H)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(H)(1)", "x": "Prior to issuance of grading permits for the proposed project, the applican"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(H)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(H)(2)", "x": "Prior to the issuance of building permits, the project applicant shall subm"}], "x": "Stormwater."}, {"t": "(I)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(I)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(I)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(I)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(I)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(I)(1)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(I)(1)(a)", "x": "The construction contractor shall ensure that all equipment driven by inter"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(I)(1)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(I)(1)(b)", "x": "The construction contractor shall ensure that unnecessary idling of interna"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(I)(1)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(I)(1)(c)", "x": "The construction contractor shall utilize \"quiet\" models of air compressors"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(I)(1)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(I)(1)(d)", "x": "At all times during project grading and construction, the construction cont"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(I)(1)(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(I)(1)(e)", "x": "The construction contractor shall ensure that the construction staging area"}], "x": "Implementation of the following multi-part mitigation measure is required t"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(I)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(I)(2)", "x": "The construction contractor shall ensure that all on-site construction acti"}], "x": "Noise."}, {"t": "(J)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(J)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(J)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(J)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(J)(1)", "x": "Prior to building permit issuance, Landscape plans must comply with the Sta"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(J)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(J)(2)", "x": "All trees shown on the landscape plans must be 15 gallons in size or larger"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(J)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(J)(3)", "x": "The landscape plans must provide cross sections for landscaping areas showi"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(J)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(J)(4)", "x": "Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the project landscape arch"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(J)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(J)(5)", "x": "All tree stakes and ties shall be removed within one year following install"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(J)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(J)(6)", "x": "Clear sight triangles shall be maintained at all driveways. Low-lying plant"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(J)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(J)(7)", "x": "All planting shall be maintained in good growing condition. Such maintenanc"}], "x": "Landscaping."}, {"t": "(K)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(K)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(K)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(K)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(K)(1)", "x": "Construction and grading activities on the site shall be limited to between"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(K)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(K)(2)", "x": "All construction plans and buildings onsite shall conform to the California"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(K)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(K)(3)", "x": "Prior to the final inspection, the applicant or developer shall submit a le"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(K)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(K)(4)", "x": "Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a Constr"}], "x": "Building and Safety."}, {"t": "(L)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(L)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(L)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(L)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(L)(1)", "x": "Prior to issuance of any building permits, the project applicant shall pay "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(L)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(L)(2)", "x": "Where a qualified engineer determines that the payment of Fire Impact Fees "}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(L)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(L)(3)", "x": "There shall be no deferred submittals for fire protection equipment and rel"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(L)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(L)(4)", "x": "All fire-related underground piping and fire appurtenances shall be shown o"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(L)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(L)(5)", "x": "Prior to issuance of a building permit, the underground utility contractor,"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(L)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(L)(6)", "x": "An approved water supply capable of supplying the required fire flow for fi"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(L)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(L)(7)", "x": "New buildings and additions to existing buildings shall conform to requirem"}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(L)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(L)(8)", "x": "The fire protection equipment shall be located within an interior room havi"}, {"t": "(9)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(L)(9)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(L)(9)", "x": "Prior to issuance of a building permit, a fire department circulation plan "}, {"t": "(10)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(L)(10)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(L)(10)", "x": "Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed in accordance with provisions"}, {"t": "(11)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(L)(11)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(L)(11)", "x": "Fire apparatus access roads shall have an unobstructed minimum width of 20 "}, {"t": "(12)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(L)(12)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(L)(12)", "x": "Fire apparatus access roads shall be completed with all-weather surfaces pr"}, {"t": "(13)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(L)(13)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(L)(13)", "x": "Fire apparatus access roads shall not be obstructed in any manner, includin"}, {"t": "(14)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(L)(14)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(L)(14)", "x": "When required by the Fire Chief, fire apparatus access roads shall be desig"}, {"t": "(15)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(L)(15)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(L)(15)", "x": "Where applicable, plan submittals shall include locations of fire lane red "}, {"t": "(16)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(L)(16)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(L)(16)", "x": "The City requires that a fire hydrant be in service within 250 feet of the "}, {"t": "(17)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(L)(17)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(L)(17)", "x": "The Fire Department Connections (FDCs) shall be located not more than 100ft"}, {"t": "(18)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(L)(18)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(L)(18)", "x": "Plans submitted for permit shall include City of American Canyon \"Undergrou"}, {"t": "(19)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(L)(19)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(L)(19)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(L)(19)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(L)(19)(a)", "x": "Light Hazard \u2013 52,000 sf \u2013 per riser"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(L)(19)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(L)(19)(b)", "x": "Ordinary Hazard - 52,000 sf \u2013 per riser"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(L)(19)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(L)(19)(c)", "x": "*Extra Hazard \u2013 Hydraulically calculated - 40,000 sf \u2013 per riser"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(L)(19)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(L)(19)(d)", "x": "Storage \u2013 High-piled storage (as defined in and storage covered b"}], "x": "System Protection Area Limitations NFPA 13-8.2.1 Maximum floor area on any "}], "x": "Fire Protection."}, {"t": "(M)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(1)", "x": "The applicant shall be responsible for all City plan check and inspection c"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(2)", "x": "All improvements shall be designed in accordance with the American Canyon M"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(3)", "x": "All new utilities to serve the project, shall be placed underground with th"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(4)", "x": "Unless otherwise explicitly permitted, all existing wells, septic tanks, an"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(5)", "x": "A detailed Soils Investigation/Geotechnical Report shall be prepared and su"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(6)", "x": "A drainage report prepared by a California Registered Civil Engineer shall "}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(7)", "x": "A final detailed post-construction Stormwater Control Plan (SWCP) that iden"}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(8)", "x": "A Post Construction Stormwater Operations Maintenance Plan meeting the defi"}, {"t": "(9)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(9)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(9)", "x": "The applicant shall secure all necessary rights-of-way and public and priva"}, {"t": "(10)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(10)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(10)", "x": "To the extent any offsite public improvements require the acquisition of pr"}, {"t": "(11)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(11)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(11)", "x": "The applicant shall submit the Building Permit Plan Set, prepared by a regi"}, {"t": "(12)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(12)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(12)", "x": "All public water service laterals or services (domestic, recycled, and fire"}, {"t": "(13)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(13)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(13)", "x": "Cathodic protection shall be provided for all water valves, fittings, hydra"}, {"t": "(14)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(14)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(14)", "x": "The applicant shall keep adjoining public and private streets free and clea"}, {"t": "(15)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(15)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(15)", "x": "If any hazardous material is encountered during the construction of this pr"}, {"t": "(16)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(16)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(16)", "x": "Prior to final preparation of the subgrade and placement of base materials,"}, {"t": "(17)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(17)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(17)", "x": "Where soil or geologic conditions encountered in grading operations are dif"}, {"t": "(18)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(18)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(18)", "x": "All new fire hydrants shall be covered with burlap sacks until the hydrants"}, {"t": "(19)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(19)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(19)", "x": "Prior to placing the final lift of asphalt, all public storm drains and san"}, {"t": "(20)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(20)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(20)", "x": "All streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks or other public facilities damaged i"}, {"t": "(21)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(21)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(21)", "x": "After all the new underground utilities within existing public streets have"}, {"t": "(22)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(22)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(22)", "x": "All construction stormwater pollution prevention BMPs shall be installed as"}, {"t": "(23)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(23)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(23)", "x": "With the exception of water used for loading and testing of potable water l"}, {"t": "(24)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(24)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(24)", "x": "Plans submitted to Public Works shall be tied to the State of California co"}, {"t": "(25)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(25)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(25)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(25)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(25)(a)", "x": "Storm Drain Facilities: Construct private on-site drainage facilities, dete"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(25)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(25)(b)", "x": "Stormwater Quality Facilities: Permanent on-site private post-construction "}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(25)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(25)(c)", "x": "Recycled Water Services: Separate recycled water services shall be provided"}], "x": "The applicant shall construct all of the on-site private streets, water, re"}, {"t": "(26)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(26)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(26)", "x": "The applicant shall reimburse the City for the project's fair share of the "}, {"t": "(27)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(27)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(27)", "x": "The applicant shall reimburse the City for the project's fair share of the "}, {"t": "(28)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(28)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(28)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(28)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(28)(a)", "x": "Submit to the City a Building Permit Plan Set modeled on the City's \"Improv"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(28)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(28)(b)", "x": "Pay an initial cash deposit for City plan check services in an amount to be"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(28)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(28)(c)", "c": [{"t": "(i)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(28)(c)(i)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(28)(c)(i)", "x": "Public Street Repair Plan"}, {"t": "(ii)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(28)(c)(ii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(28)(c)(ii)", "x": "Utility Plan and Joint Trench Plan"}, {"t": "(iii)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(28)(c)(iii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(28)(c)(iii)", "x": "SWPPP and City Erosion and Sediment Control Plan"}, {"t": "(iv)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(28)(c)(iv)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(28)(c)(iv)", "x": "Drainage Report"}, {"t": "(v)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(28)(c)(v)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(28)(c)(v)", "x": "Post-Construction SWCP"}, {"t": "(vi)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(28)(c)(vi)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(28)(c)(vi)", "x": "Geotechnical Report"}, {"t": "(vii)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(28)(c)(vii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(28)(c)(vii)", "x": "Construction Traffic Control Plan"}, {"t": "(viii)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(28)(c)(viii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(28)(c)(viii)", "x": "Traffic Impact Study"}, {"t": "(ix)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(28)(c)(ix)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(28)(c)(ix)", "x": "Application for Water and Sewer Service"}], "x": "Provide the following:"}], "x": "Prior to submittal of the Building Permit Plan Set, the applicant shall:"}, {"t": "(29)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(29)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(29)", "x": "Pothole and physically determine (by way of a survey performed by the Engin"}, {"t": "(30)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(30)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(30)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(30)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(30)(a)", "x": "Provide written acknowledgement by the Geotechnical Engineer of Record that"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(30)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(30)(b)", "x": "Furnish proof of acquisition of all rights of entry and/or temporary and pe"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(30)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(30)(c)", "x": "Furnish proof that all permits that may be required by the California Depar"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(30)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(30)(d)", "x": "Fill out and submit the City's Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) Tem"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(30)(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(30)(e)", "x": "Submit a copy of the Notice of Intent and Wastewater Discharge Identificati"}], "x": "Prior to approval of the Building Permit Plan Set, the applicant shall:"}, {"t": "(31)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(31)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(31)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(31)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(31)(a)", "x": "Pay off all current account balances with the City."}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(31)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(31)(b)", "x": "Pay an inspection fee in an amount to be determined at the time of commence"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(31)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(31)(c)", "c": [{"t": "(i)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(31)(c)(i)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(31)(c)(i)", "x": "Six (6) full-size bond copies of the approved Building Permit Plan Set for "}, {"t": "(ii)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(31)(c)(ii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(31)(c)(ii)", "x": "One (1) job-site copy of the latest edition of the City Standards for the C"}, {"t": "(iii)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(31)(c)(iii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(31)(c)(iii)", "x": "One (1) job-site copy of the SWPPP for use by the LRP, QSP, QSD, and Contra"}, {"t": "(iv)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(31)(c)(iv)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(31)(c)(iv)", "x": "Electronic copies of Building Permit Plan Set and SWPPP."}], "x": "Conduct a pre-construction meeting with representatives of the City whereby"}], "x": "Prior to commencement of construction activities, the applicant shall:"}, {"t": "(32)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(32)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(32)", "x": "Prior to approval of a building permit, the applicant shall pay all account"}, {"t": "(33)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(33)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(33)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(33)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(33)(a)", "x": "Where the traffic study shows that a TDM agreement is necessary to achieve "}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(33)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(33)(b)", "c": [{"t": "(i)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(33)(b)(i)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(33)(b)(i)", "x": "Implement shuttle service to key employment centers or park-and-ride lots i"}, {"t": "(ii)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(33)(b)(ii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(33)(b)(ii)", "x": "Car-share program"}, {"t": "(iii)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(33)(b)(iii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(33)(b)(iii)", "x": "Shuttles to regional transit"}, {"t": "(iv)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(33)(b)(iv)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(33)(b)(iv)", "x": "Transit subsidies"}, {"t": "(v)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(33)(b)(v)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(33)(b)(v)", "x": "Carpool/vanpool subsidies"}, {"t": "(vi)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(33)(b)(vi)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(33)(b)(vi)", "x": "Employer-owned/sponsored vanpools"}, {"t": "(vii)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(33)(b)(vii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(33)(b)(vii)", "x": "Flex-time and telecommute programs"}, {"t": "(viii)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(33)(b)(viii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(33)(b)(viii)", "x": "Use of rail to transport employees and/or the delivery of goods"}], "x": "The TDM program shall be implemented at the applicant's cost, with no cost "}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(33)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(33)(c)", "x": "The applicant shall retain a transportation planning/engineering consultant"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(33)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(33)(d)", "x": "If at any point the TDM program is not effective in achieving consistency w"}], "x": "Prior to issuance of the first building permit, the applicant shall enter i"}, {"t": "(34)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(34)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(34)", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(34)(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(34)(a)", "x": "Restore all adjacent off-site road surfaces to pre-project conditions (if a"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(34)(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(34)(b)", "x": "Submit a certification by the Geotechnical Engineer of Record that all work"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(34)(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(34)(c)", "x": "Provide a mylar and digital copy of the Building Permit Plan Set that inclu"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(34)(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(34)(d)", "x": "Provide a letter stating that all of the Standard Conditions of Approval se"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(34)(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(34)(e)", "x": "Provide a letter from the Civil Engineer of Record certifying that all the "}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/19.51.060#(M)(34)(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 19.51.060(M)(34)(f)", "x": "Enter and record a post-construction Stormwater Operations and Maintenance "}], "x": "Prior to occupancy of any building, the applicant shall:"}], "x": "Public Works."}]}]}]}]}