City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.52.050 Findings.

(A) In approving or denying the request, the following criteria shall apply:

(1) The accommodation is reasonable, considering the nature of the applicant's disability, the surrounding land uses, and the rule, standard, policy or practice from which relief is sought;

(2) The accommodation is necessary to afford the applicant equal opportunity to enjoy and use a dwelling;

(3) The accommodation will have only incidental economic or monetary benefits to the applicant, and the primary purpose of the accommodation is not to assist with real estate speculation or excess profit-taking;

(4) The accommodation does not create a substantial adverse impact on surrounding land uses, or a public nuisance, that cannot be reasonably mitigated;

(5) The accommodation is reasonably feasible, considering the physical attributes of the property and structures;

(6) There are no alternative accommodations which may provide an equivalent level of benefit to the applicant, while minimizing adverse impacts on surrounding land uses and lessening the financial and/or administrative burden on the city;

(7) In the case of a determination involving a one-family dwelling, whether the household would be considered a single housekeeping unit if it were not using special services that are required because of the disabilities of the residents;

(8) The requested accommodation does not impose an undue financial or administrative burden on the city; and

(9) The requested accommodation does not require a fundamental alteration in the nature of a program.

(B) In granting a request for reasonable accommodation, any conditions of approval may be imposed to ensure that any removable structures or physical design features that are constructed or installed in association with the reasonable accommodation be removed once those structures or physical design features are unnecessary to provide access to the dwelling unit for the current occupants.