City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.49.040 Limitations to nonconforming uses.

The following limitations shall apply to nonconforming uses:

(A) A nonconforming use may be continued, provided that a nonconforming use which ceases for a continuous period of one hundred eighty days, or a nonconforming seasonal use which ceases operation for one season, shall lose its nonconforming status, and the premises on which the nonconforming use was located shall from then on be used for conforming uses only.

(B) Change of ownership, tenancy, or management of nonconforming use shall not affect its legal nonconforming status.

(C) A nonconforming use shall not be enlarged or extended to occupy any part of a structure or site which it did not occupy on the effective date of this title or of any amendment thereto that caused it to become a nonconforming use, or in such a way as to displace any conforming use occupying a structure or site.

(D) A nonconforming use shall not be intensified. For example, it may not be modified so as to directly increase the number of employees or patrons, or to extend hours of operation.

(E) A lot or portion thereof occupied by a nonconforming use may be further developed by the addition of conforming uses and structures.

(F) No structure, the use of which is nonconforming, shall be moved or altered unless required by law, or unless the moving or alteration will result in the elimination of the nonconformity.

(G) A conditional use permit shall be required for the reconstruction of a structure housing a nonconforming conditional use established prior to enactment of this title if the structure is destroyed to an extent greater than fifty percent.

(H) No use of land or structure existing at the time of adoption of this title shall be deemed to be nonconforming solely because of a failure to meet the requirements of Chapter 19.21, Parking and Loading.