City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.48.040 Review and approval procedures.

(A) Approval Authority. An application for a zoning map or ordinance text amendment shall be reviewed, and approved or denied by the city council in accordance with Chapter 19.40, Review and Approval Procedures.

(B) Planning Commission Review. An application for a zoning map or ordinance text amendment shall be referred to the planning commission for review and recommendations in accordance with Chapter 19.40.

(C) Required Findings. The city council may approve an application for a zoning map or ordinance text amendment only if it finds all of the following:

(1) The amendment is consistent with the goals and policies of the general plan.

(2) The amendment is consistent with the purposes of this title, as set forth in Chapter 19.01, Authority, Purposes and Effects of the Zoning Ordinance.