City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.47.080 Required findings for approval.

Before taking action to approve or recommend approval of a development agreement, the city council or planning commission shall find as follows:

(A) The proposal for which the development agreement is requested conforms with the maps and policies of the general plan and any applicable specific, community, or area plans.

(B) The proposal for which the development agreement is requested complies with the requirements of California Government Code Sections 65865 through 65869.5, and any other applicable state law.

(C) The proposal for which the development agreement is requested is consistent with the zoning ordinance and all applicable codes and ordinances.

(D) The proposal for which the development agreement is requested will not be detrimental to or cause adverse effects on adjacent property owners, residents, or the general public.

(E) The proposal for which the development agreement is requested provides clear and substantial benefit to the residents of the city.