City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.47.030 Application procedure.

(A) An application for a development agreement shall be made in the form of a written request submitted to the community development department. The community development department shall provide an application form for this purpose.

(B) A draft of the proposed development agreement may be submitted along with the application. The agreement shall be in a form acceptable to the city attorney and shall contain all information required under Section 65865.2 of the Government Code. If deemed appropriate by the city, or if agreed upon prior to submittal, the city attorney may draft the initial agreement for review by the parties thereto.

(C) The application shall be accompanied by an application fee in the amount (if any) established by a resolution adopted by the city council.

(D) Any legal fees incurred by the city in drafting or reviewing a development agreement shall be paid by the applicant prior to its becoming effective.

(E) The community development director, city manager, and/or city attorney may require additional information to supplement the application, if deemed necessary to conduct the environmental analysis required by the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.) and/or to enable the planning commission and city council to determine whether the development agreement is consistent with the objectives of the city's general plan and any applicable specific or community area plan, the effect of the proposed agreement on capital facilities, and/or whether the proposed agreement otherwise meets the city's standards for approval.