City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.40.020 Community development director approvals.

(A) Authority.

(1) The following may be approved without a public hearing by the community development director, as specified elsewhere in this title:

(a) Sign permits, pursuant to Chapter 19.23.

(b) Home occupation permits, pursuant to Chapter 19.29.

(c) Design permits, pursuant to Chapter 19.41.

(d) Temporary trailer permits, pursuant to Chapter 19.30.

(e) Classifications of use, pursuant to Chapter 19.05.

(f) Minor modifications, pursuant to Chapter 19.45.

(g) Minor variations, pursuant to Chapter 19.44.

(h) Reasonable accommodation, pursuant to Chapter 19.52.

(2) The following may be approved following a public hearing by the community development director, as specified elsewhere in this title:

(a) Conditional fence permits, pursuant to Chapter 19.10.

(b) Minor use permits, pursuant to Chapter 19.42.

(3) The director may refer any of the above entitlements to the planning commission for review because of unique circumstances or a need for policy direction.

(B) Application.

(1) An application subject to the approval of the community development director shall be submitted to the community development department on forms specified by the director, and shall be accompanied by all maps, plans, and other information deemed necessary by the director.

(2) An application shall be accompanied by any fee established by the city council.

(3) The director shall inform the applicant in writing within thirty calendar days of receipt that the application is complete or that additional information is needed to complete the application. If such additional information is not provided within ninety days, the application shall be considered withdrawn, and any unused fees shall be refunded to the applicant. At the director's discretion, an additional thirty days may be granted to complete an application.

(C) Public Hearings.

(1) When a public hearing is required for an application, upon acceptance of the application as complete and following completion of any environmental review, a public hearing shall be set before the community development director.

(2) Notice of the public hearing shall be given in the manner specified in this chapter.

(3) A public hearing shall be held before the director at the time and place specified by the public notice. The director may establish rules for the conduct of such hearings. Any hearing may be continued provided that prior to adjournment or recess, the director shall announce the time and place to which the hearing will be continued.

(D) Decision.

(1) The director shall comply with the time limits stipulated in California Government Code Section 65950 when making a decision on an application.

(2) When a public hearing is required for an application, the director shall approve, conditionally approve, or deny an application following the close of the public hearing, or within ten days thereafter. When a public hearing is not required, the director shall take such action within ten days of finding the application complete for processing. In both cases, such decision shall include any findings required by this title.

(3) Written notice of the director's decision, including any conditions of approval, shall be given by mail within five calendar days of the decision to the applicant and any person who has filed a written request for notice of the decision.

(4) The director's decision, including any conditions of approval, is final on expiration of ten calendar days following the decision unless a notice of appeal is filed with the director with such time. The date of the decision shall not be counted in determining the final date for filing an appeal. Should an appeal period end on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the final day for filing an appeal shall be the following Monday, or the next business day following a holiday.

(5) Conditions of approval may be deleted or modified through a minor or major modification (Chapter 19.45), depending on the extent of the proposed change.

(E) Appeal Procedures.

(1) Any decision of the community development director made pursuant to this chapter may be appealed to the planning commission by the applicant or any other person aggrieved by the director's decision. Such appeal may be made by filing a written notice of appeal with the director prior to the time the decision becomes final, on forms furnished by the director. The appeal shall be accompanied by the fee established by the city council.

(2) Notice of the hearing on the appeal shall be given in the manner and time provided in this chapter not less than ten days before such hearing to each person entitled to notice of the preceding decision.

(3) The commission may affirm wholly or partly, reverse, modify, or attach additional conditions to the decision which was appealed.

(F) Permit Issuance. No permit shall be issued prior to the expiration of any appeal period for an entitlement.