City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.39.050 Development standards—Generally

(A) Each accessory dwelling unit requires approval of a building permit.

(B) The applicant of each accessory dwelling unit building permit application shall identify the anticipated rent and household size of the new accessory dwelling unit.

(C) One detached accessory dwelling unit, one attached accessory dwelling unit, and one junior accessory dwelling unit are permitted per single-family parcel.

(D) A multi-family or single-family primary residence dwelling must exist on the parcel before the accessory dwelling unit is built or it shall be built concurrently with the accessory dwelling unit.

(E) Accessory dwelling units shall comply with the lot area, yard setback, height, and building coverage standards of the applicable residential zoning district as described in Section 19.10.050 except for the following:

(1) The accessory dwelling unit is built in the garage and the garage setback is closer than the setback for the primary residence.

(2) If the accessory dwelling unit is built in a previously-permitted accessory structure, the accessory structure setbacks apply and not the setbacks for a single-family house.

(3) Development standards shall be waived to permit a detached accessory dwelling unit that is no greater than eight hundred square feet, and has four-foot setbacks.

(4) The maximum ADU height depends on these conditions:

(a) A height of 16 feet for a detached accessory dwelling unit on a lot with an existing or proposed single family or multifamily dwelling unit.

(b) A height of 18 feet for a detached accessory dwelling unit on a lot with an existing or proposed single family or multifamily dwelling unit that is within one-half of one mile walking distance of a major transit stop or a high-quality transit corridor, as those terms are defined in Section 21155 of the Public Resources Code.

(c) A local agency shall also allow an additional two feet in height to accommodate a roof pitch on the accessory dwelling unit that is aligned with the roof pitch of the primary dwelling unit.

(d) A height of 18 feet for a detached accessory dwelling unit on a lot with an existing or proposed multifamily, multistory dwelling.

(e) A height of 25 feet or the height limitation in the local zoning ordinance that applies to the primary dwelling, whichever is lower, for an accessory dwelling unit that is attached to a primary dwelling. This clause shall not require a local agency to allow an accessory dwelling unit to exceed two stories.

(5) The applicant shall not be required to correct pre-existing nonconforming zoning conditions that are not related to the ADU as a condition of ADU approval.

(F) Accessory Dwelling Living Area Standard.

(1) A Detached accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed one 1,200 square feet, unless:

(a) On a single-family lot, the detached ADU converts a previously-permitted accessory structure which is greater than 1,200 square feet. In this circumstance, the ADU may equal the square footage of the existing accessory structure.

(b) On a lot with a multifamily primary dwelling, the detached ADU is not subject to a square foot limit (Gov. Code, § 65852.2, subds. (e)(1)(A), (C), and (D)).

(2) An Attached accessory dwelling unit may occupy up to fifty percent of the primary residence living area but shall not exceed 1,200 square feet.

(3) A Junior accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed 500 square feet.

(G) Fire Sprinkler Requirements.

(1) Accessory dwelling units shall comply with all applicable fire safety provisions of state law as well as locally adopted building and fire codes under Title 16. Examples include, but are not limited to, standards such as water supply and fire department access.

(2) Accessory dwelling units shall not be required to be equipped with fire sprinklers unless fire sprinklers are required for the primary residence. For purposes of this requirement, the following standards shall apply:

(a) When the primary residence has fire sprinklers, the accessory dwelling unit shall be constructed with fire sprinklers.

(b) When the primary residence does not have fire sprinklers, the junior accessory dwelling unit and attached accessory dwelling unit do not require fire.

(c) Detached accessory dwelling units require fire sprinklers unless the primary residence does not have fire sprinklers.

(H) Deed Restrictions. Prior to issuing a building permit for an accessory dwelling unit, the property owner shall file with the county recorder, in a format with language approved by the city, a declaration of restrictions containing a reference to the deed under which the property was acquired by the present owner and stating that:

(1) The accessory dwelling unit shall not be sold separately.

(2) The restrictions are binding upon any successor in ownership of the property.

(3) The property owner must occupy as a primary residence one of the two dwelling units on the property, either the primary or accessory dwelling unit except accessory dwelling unit and junior accessory dwelling unit applications submitted between January 1, 2020 to January 1, 2025.

(4) When the applicant is a qualified nonprofit housing organization, a deed restriction is not required.

(I) Impact Fees.

(1) Accessory dwelling units less than 750 square feet are exempt from all city impact fees.

(2) Impact fees for accessory dwelling units equal or greater than 750 square feet are exempt from water and sewer capacity fees. All remaining impact fees shall be charged proportionately in relation to the square footage of the primary dwelling unit.

(J) Accessory Dwelling Units on Multifamily Dwellings. The building division shall review and approve ministerially accessory dwelling units under the following conditions.

(1) Non-habitable area within an existing multifamily dwelling structure, including, but not limited to: storage rooms, boiler rooms, passageways, attics, basements or garages, may be converted to one or more accessory dwelling units if each accessory dwelling unit complies with state dwelling unit building standards.

(2) An existing multifamily dwelling shall be permitted to accommodate additional accessory dwelling units in an amount up to twenty-five percent of the existing multifamily dwelling units.

(3) An existing multifamily dwelling is permitted a minimum of one accessory dwelling unit up to two detached accessory dwelling units on the same lot. Each detached accessory dwelling unit shall subject to a height limit in accordance with Section 19.35.050(E)(4) and four- foot rear yard and side yard setbacks.

(K) CC&Rs. As defined in California Civil Code Section 4751 or any successor statute, any covenant, condition, and restriction (CC&R) or contained in any deed, contract, security instrument, or other instrument affecting the transfer or sale of any interest in a planned development, and any provision of a governing document, that effectively prohibits or unreasonably restricts the construction or use of an accessory dwelling unit or junior accessory dwelling unit on a lot zoned for single-family residential use that meets the above-described minimum standards (subsections F and G) established for those units shall be void and unenforceable.