City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.36.040 Standards.

Cottage food operations are permitted accessory uses to residences provided that all of the following standards are met:

(A) Size. The use is confined to the registered or permitted area, as defined by Section 113758 of the California Health and Safety Code and shall not exceed two hundred square feet or twenty-five percent of the principal dwelling, attached or detached garage, or any other accessory structure. A garage may be used for storage only when sufficient parking spaces remain available to meet current residential parking standards.

(B) Indoors. The use, including any storage, is conducted entirely indoors within the principal dwelling, garages, or accessory structures.

(C) Employees. The use is carried on only by an immediate family member or household member occupying the dwelling, with no more than one nonresident, non-family member person employed.

(D) Traffic. The operation shall not invite customers to the residence and the operation shall not transact business with customers at the residence.

(E) Traffic. No pedestrian or vehicular traffic shall be generated by such home occupation in greater volumes than would normally be expected in a residential neighborhood.

(F) Signage. No on-site signage or advertisement identifying the CFO is permitted.

(G) Vehicle. No vehicle over one ton carrying capacity may be used in conduct of a CFO.

(H) Parking. One parking space that may be covered or uncovered shall be available for each employee of the cottage food operator that is a nonresident family member or nonfamily member employee.

(I) Deliveries. Merchandise produced on the premises may be delivered to customers or clients. The subsection does not prohibit the operation from the delivery of merchandise from the residence to customers or the pick-up or delivery by commercial parcel service companies.

(J) Noise. No equipment or process shall be used in such CFO that creates noise, vibration, glare, fumes, odors, or electrical interference detectable off the lot to the normal senses. In the case of electrical interference, no equipment or process shall be used that creates visual or audible interference upon any radio or television receivers off the premises, or cause fluctuations in line voltage off the premises. A CFO shall not cause any adverse impacts such as offensive odors or excessive noise that are incompatible with the residential area or in violation with the provisions of any applicable laws or regulations.

(K) No On-Site Dining. On-site dining or tasting events for customers are prohibited.

(L) County Authorization Required. The applicant shall furnish to the city evidence of the application for, or issuance of, the necessary permits and/or registration for operation from the county of Napa.