City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.34.090 Hearing and notice procedure required.

(A) Responsible Parties. The director, in the case of the planning commission and city clerk, in the case of the city council, shall set the time and place of the required public hearings. The hearing body, i.e., the planning commission or city council, may change the time or place of their hearing, or may continue their hearing from time to time.

(B) Public Hearing Notice. Notice of public hearings shall be given in accordance with Title 7 of the California Government Code, as amended, except as indicated below:

(1) For applications that have adjacent parcels which are five acres or larger, the notification radius shall be one thousand feet up to a maximum of twenty-five lots, whichever is greater.

(2) For applications that the director deems to have greater effect than the normal three hundred-foot radius, the director may increase the notification radius to one thousand feet or other appropriate distance.