City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.34.050 Procedure to obtain a conversion permit.

Consistent with this chapter, the planning commission shall conduct a public hearing on all complete applications for conversion permits. The planning commission shall issue a conversion permit if it makes findings consistent with the following:

(A) The proposed use of the property as something other than a senior housing project is in accord with the objectives of this chapter and the purposes of the zone in which the project site is located.

(B) The new use and operation is consistent with the general plan.

(C) The project will comply with all parking requirements of Municipal Code Chapter 19.21 which apply to non-senior facilities. If the city, however, in its sole and reasonable discretion determines that requiring parking spaces pursuant to this subsection would be detrimental to the public welfare, the applicant shall instead provide reasonable alternative parking accommodations. As part of the city's determination of whether the public welfare would be harmed, the city shall consider the ability of the applicant to provide additional parking without unreasonably degrading the appearance of the real property surrounding the structure.

(D) The applicant has paid or is required to pay as a condition of granting the conversion permit all required fees, including those required by Government Code Sections 65995 et seq., and Education Code Section 17620 relating to developer fees paid to school districts, and the city has received any authorization required to have been filed by the Napa Valley Unified School District pursuant to Government Code Section 65595.1, or any other section.

(E) All required notices were given, including those required by Government Code Section 65995.2 relating to school impact fees for mobilehome conversions, and Civil Code Section 798.25 relating to six-month notice of changes of regulations of mobilehome parks.

(F) The applicant has complied with all actions required by the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.) including any duty to assess impact on the environment and resulting mitigation. These mitigation measures will address identified impacts to traffic, public transportation, noise, parking space, and vehicle parking and such other impacts as are identified by appropriate environmental review.