City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.34.030 Definitions.

The following terms shall have the following meanings for the purposes of this chapter:

(A) "Concessions or incentives" mean any concession or incentive issued or awarded to a project by the city by virtue of the project qualifying as a senior housing project. Concessions and incentives shall include, but are not limited to: (1) utilization of the lesser parking standards described in Municipal Code Chapter 19.21 or similar ordinance; (2) receipt of a density bonus, incentive, or lower parking requirements consistent with Government Code Section 65915(b)(3); (3) any preference received on account of qualifying as "housing for older persons" under federal law, having been "designed to meet the physical and social needs of senior citizens" under state law, or qualifying as a "senior citizen housing development" as defined under Civil Code Section 51.3 or 51.11, or similar authority; (4) any development which received any benefit pursuant to Section 65995 et seq. (relating to lowered developer fees to fund school construction); or (5) any other reduction in design or development standards, financial assistance, or other development related concession or incentive that the project received from the city on account of the project intending to become, or for actually becoming a senior housing project.

(B) "Convert" or "conversion" means changing from existing senior housing or a senior housing project to a housing project that could not qualify as a senior housing project.

(C) "Director" shall mean the city of American Canyon director of community development.

(D) "Senior citizen" shall mean any individual who is fifty-five years or older.

(E) "Senior housing project" means any project qualifying as senior housing under state or federal law that, at the time of initial city approval, received a concession or incentive.