City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.32.070 Required findings for conversion.

In approving a use permit for a mobilehome park conversion, the city council shall find that the proposed conversion meets the following requirements in addition to the other requirements of this chapter:

(A) The proposed use of the property is consistent with the general plan and any and all of its elements, any applicable specific plan or planned unit development plan or similar mechanism provided for in state law or city ordinance, and this chapter.

(B) The residents of the mobilehome park have, been adequately notified of the proposed conversion including information pertaining to the anticipated timing of the proposed conversion.

(C) There exists land zoned for new or replacement comparable mobilehome parks or adequate space is available in other comparable mobilehome parks within the city or Napa County for the residents who will be displaced.

(D) The conversion will not result in the displacement of very low, low, or moderate income, mobilehome residents or senior citizens over the age of sixty-two who cannot afford rents charged in other mobilehome parks within the city or Napa County, unless otherwise approved by the city council.

(E) The age, type, size, and style of mobilehomes to be displaced as a result of the conversion will be able to be relocated into other comparable mobilehome parks within the city or Napa County, or that the applicant has agreed to purchase any mobilehome that cannot be relocated at its in-place value as provided for in this chapter.

(F) Any mobilehome residents displaced as a result of the conversion shall be compensated by the applicant for all reasonable costs incurred as a result of their relocation.

(G) The relocation plan mitigates the impacts of the displacement of individuals or households for a reasonable transition period and mitigates the impacts of any long-term displacement.