City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.24.040 Riparian corridors.

(A) Permitted Uses. Uses within riparian corridors shall be limited to the following:

(1) Education and research, excluding buildings and other structures;

(2) Passive (nonmotorized) recreation, where not in conflict with the biological integrity of the riparian corridor;

(3) Trails and scenic overlooks on public lands;

(4) Fish and wildlife management activities;

(5) Necessary water supply projects;

(6) Resource-consumptive uses as provided for in the Fish and Game Code and Title 14 of the California Administrative Code;

(7) Flood control projects where no other methods are available to protect the public safety;

(8) Bridges when supports are not in significant conflict with riparian resources;

(9) Underground utilities.

(B) Protective Measures. Development and grading that alters the biological integrity of a riparian corridor shall be prohibited unless no feasible alternative exists and the damaged habitat is replaced with habitat of equivalent value. Development that is permitted within riparian corridors shall:

(1) Minimize the removal of vegetation, erosion, sedimentation, and runoff;

(2) Provide for sufficient passage of native and anadromous fish;

(3) Minimize wastewater discharges and entrapment;

(4) Prevent groundwater depletion or substantial interference with surface and subsurface flows;

(5) Minimize the channelization of streams and other watercourses;

(6) Provide habitat linkages (wildlife corridors) to adjacent open spaces, where appropriate and feasible;

(7) Use fences, walls, vegetative cover, additional setbacks, or other measures to adequately buffer habitat areas, linkages, or corridors from the built environment;

(8) Locate and design roads and utilities to avoid conflicts with biological resources, habitat areas, linkages, or corridors, where feasible;

(9) Utilize appropriate open space or conservation easements in order to protect sensitive species or their habitats.