City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.23.150 Exceptions.

The planning commission may, at a duly noticed public hearing, approve an exception to any of the area, height and width standards set forth in this chapter upon making the following findings:

(A) That the proposed sign or signs does not exceed any of the adopted area, height, and width standards by more than twenty percent; and

(B) That the scale, mass, and proportion of the proposed sign is in keeping with any existing or contemplated development on the property; and

(C) That the proposed increase in area, height or width will not result in an unsightly or obnoxious appearance; and

(D) That the sign will not impair the visibility of any other permitted signs on the site or adjacent properties; and

(E) That the location of the proposed sign will not interfere with sight distance from any access or egress point on the property; and

(F) That the required amount of landscaping around the base of the sign is increased in an amount equal to the percentage of the exception (i.e., if the area of the sign is increased by twenty percent, the area of landscaping at the base must also be increased by twenty percent); and

(G) That the granting of the exception will not be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, comfort or general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity of the proposed sign.