City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.23.050 Exempt signs.

The following signs shall be exempt from regulation under this chapter:

(A) Any government official sign, public notice or warning required by a valid and applicable federal, state or local law, regulation or ordinance, including, but not limited to, street signs, directional signs, mileposts, mile boards, guide boards or guideposts, warning signs, notices or sign;

(B) Painting, cleaning, exact replacement and normal maintenance and repair of a sign;

(C) Any sign inside a building, not attached to a window or door, and not legible from a distance of more than three feet beyond the lot line of the lot or parcel on which such sign is located;

(D) Signs located within malls, courts, arcades, porches, patios and similar areas where such signs are not visible from any point on the boundary of the site. Such signs are not, however, exempt from structural, electrical or material specifications as set forth in the Uniform Building Code;

(E) Holiday lights and decorations with no commercial message placed no more than six weeks prior to, and ten days after the associated holiday;

(F) Traffic control signs on private property with messages, such as "Stop," "Yield," and similar sign, the face of which meet California Department of Transportation standards and bear no commercial message;

(G) Commemorative plaques of recognized historical societies and organizations;

(H) Signs on vehicles that provide public transportation, including, but not limited to, buses and taxicabs;

(I) Signs on licensed commercial vehicles, including trailers that are painted on the vehicle or attached to its doors; provided, however, that such vehicles are not utilized as parked or stationary outdoor display signs;

(J) One sign attached to and parallel to the front of a building or occupant entrance of up to two square feet in sign area, that contains no commercial message;

(K) One sign per residential unit not exceeding four square feet or three feet in height;

(L) One unlighted real estate sign post per residential unit, not exceeding twelve and one-half square feet in sign area cumulative for all signs displayed on the sign post and no more than five feet in height;

(M) Directional signs for directing prospective buyers to property offered for sale not exceeding four square feet in area and three feet in height. Such assigns shall be located outside of any public right-of-way and may be displayed for up to forty-eight hours;

(N) Flags of the United States, state of California, city of American Canyon and any other flag adopted or sanctioned by an elected legislative body of competent jurisdiction flown from a pole the height of which is no more than the maximum permitted height for structures in the applicable zoning district. Any flag not meeting any one of these conditions shall be considered a banner sign and shall be subject to regulation as such;

(O) Notwithstanding any provisions in this chapter to the contrary, no commercial or special event signs will be allowed on public property or the public right-of-way except road signs, such as, but not limited to, directional, warning or information signs or structures required or authorized by law or the federal, state, county or city authority, or necessary for the ordinary operation of the city or other state or federal agencies, or necessary for the maintenance of the public safety or welfare.