City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.21.020 Applicability.

(A) The requirements of this chapter shall apply to the establishment, alteration, or change in any use or structure, except as provided herein. Parking required by this chapter shall be provided at the time any building or structure is erected or enlarged, or a use is established, changed, or expanded. The word "use" shall mean both the type and intensity of the use.

(B) When a change in use or expansion in floor area within an existing development increases by twenty percent or more the amount of off-street parking or loading required by the previous use, parking or loading spaces shall be provided for the increased demand. The number of new spaces provided shall be in addition to the number existing prior to the change in use or enlargement, unless the pre-existing number is greater than the number required by this chapter for the previous use, in which case the number in excess of the prescribed minimum may be deducted from the number required to be provided to serve the change in use or enlargement.