City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.18.030 Development standards.

(A) Project Area. A site proposed for a mobilehome park or subdivision shall be a minimum of ten acres.

(B) Density and Site Area.

(1) The minimum and maximum overall density of a mobilehome park or subdivision shall conform to the site's general plan land use designation and the underlying base zone district.

(2) Individual mobilehome sites or lots shall have a minimum area of three thousand six hundred eighty square feet.

(C) Site Width. Individual mobilehome sites or lots shall have a minimum width of forty-six feet.

(D) Perimeter Buffer Area. A landscaped area with a minimum width of twenty feet shall be maintained along the exterior boundaries of a mobilehome park or subdivision site as a buffer between the mobilehome units and the adjoining property, except when located adjacent to any public roadway, where a landscaped buffer area with a minimum width of thirty feet of shall be maintained.

(E) Minimum Yards.

(1) Side and Rear Yards. A five-foot minimum setback from the outer edge of any structure or mobilehome to the mobilehome side or rear space or lot line shall be maintained.

(2) Front Yard. A fifteen-foot minimum setback from the outer edge of any structure or mobilehome to the mobilehome front space or lot line shall be maintained.

(3) Cornices, eaves, canopies, fireplaces and other similar architectural features, but not including any flat wall or window surface, may extend up to two feet into any yard. No other encroachments shall be permitted.

(F) Maximum Height. The maximum height in the MHP overlay district shall be twenty-five feet and structures shall be limited to one story.

(G) Common Areas. Common areas shall be provided within a mobilehome park or subdivision for recreation and other activities. The size and type of facilities required will be based on project size and location.

(H) Circulation and Parking. All streets, access drives, parking bays and connection to public roads shall be in accordance with plans reviewed and approved by the city engineer.

(1) Access.

(a) All mobilehome spaces shall be served from internal private streets within the mobilehome park or subdivision, and there shall be no direct access from a mobilehome space to a public street or alley.

(b) Private streets shall have a clear and unobstructed access to a public thoroughfare.

(2) Street Widths.

(a) The minimum width for any street within a mobilehome park shall be no less than twenty-five feet.

(b) No interior street shall be less than thirty-two feet in width, curb to curb, if parking is allowed on one side and not less than forty feet in width if parking is allowed on both sides.

(3) Pedestrian Circulation. Sidewalks and pedestrian pathways shall be incorporated into the park design to allow normal circulation patterns to take place between adjacent parcels and common areas.

(4) Parking. Parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 19.21, Parking and Loading.

(I) Boat and Trailer Storage.

(1) All pleasure boats, trailers, campers and motor coaches shall be stored in an approved area set aside for such storage.

(2) Such areas shall be screened from view and shall provide a minimum of one boat or trailer space for every five mobilehome sites.

(3) Such storage shall not be allowed on any street or individual mobilehome space.

(J) Landscaping.

(1) A detailed landscaping plan shall be submitted for consideration with each application for a mobilehome park or subdivision, in accordance with Chapter 19.22, Landscaping and Screening. All open areas except driveways, parking areas, walkways, utility areas, decks, patios and porches shall be landscaped and maintained.

(2) Substantial trees shall be planted throughout the mobilehome park or subdivision, and one street, of a variety approved by the planning commission, shall be provided on each lot. Specimen trees of not less than five-gallon container size or one inch in trunk diameter shall be planted.

(K) Utilities.

(1) All utilities in a mobilehome park or subdivision shall be installed underground.

(2) Individual exposed antennas are not permitted. Each mobilehome park or subdivision shall utilize a master antenna system.

(L) Fences.

(1) The approving authority may require that the park or subdivision property be enclosed at the rear and sides by a six-foot fence and/or thick screen planting for control of view, light, sound and adequate security.

(2) Fences up to six feet in height may be permitted in the front setback area provided an average setback of ten feet from the street property line is observed and the area between the fence and property line is well landscaped and maintained. The height of fencing and landscaping located at intersections of streets, driveways and pedestrian walkways may be limited to provide clear lines of sight.

(M) Other Standards. Additional development standards may be prescribed as conditions of approval when such requirements are determined to be necessary to ensure the protection of the character of neighboring properties, the compatibility of land uses, and the health and safety of mobilehome development occupants and other city residents.

(N) Continued Maintenance. All recreation facilities, common open spaces, common area landscaping, perimeter walls and streets/driveways established under permits approved prior to adoption of this chapter shall be maintained and repaired on an ongoing basis to ensure that such facilities serve the purpose intended under the original or subsequent permit approvals.