City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.17.080 Required findings.

Prior to approving a specific plan, the following findings supported by adequate evidence shall be made by the city council:

(A) The distribution, location and extent of land uses, including open space, as depicted in the specific plan is consistent with the general plan.

(B) The specific plan provides for public infrastructure and services needed to support the land uses described in the plan, including adequate distribution, location, extent and intensity of transportation, sewage, water, drainage, solid waste disposal, energy, parks, community facilities and other essential facilities.

(C) The standards and development criteria, including requirements for resource utilization, will ensure that development proceeds in an orderly fashion and maintains a high level of quality.

(D) The specific plan contains implementation measures, including financing programs, to ensure that development is supported by adequate infrastructure as it occurs.

(E) The site is suitable for the type and intensity of development proposed.

(F) The flexibility in development standards afforded by the specific plan process has resulted in a project providing more superior design and amenities than would occur under more traditional zoning practices, and the project provides clear and substantial benefit to the city.