City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.14.100 Building Design (All Industrial Districts).

(A) Achieve high quality development design and existing use compatibility following design features:

(1) Architectural treatment of all building elevations.

(2) Extensive use of landscape along the primary street frontages and parking lots.

(3) Enclose storage areas visible from principal highways (including Highway 29) and peripheral residential and commercial districts with decorative screening or other elements.

(4) Screen rooftop mechanical equipment with a parapet or roof screen equal in height to the mechanical equipment.

(B) Require that industrial areas developed as research and development and office-oriented business parks be designed to convey a unified character by consideration of the following:

(1) Interconnect individual buildings with pedestrian walkways, arcades, and/or other visual elements.

(2) Differentiate building facades with materials, color, architectural details and building elevation articulation.

(3) Incorporate extensive landscape in parking areas, along building frontages, and other public areas.

(4) Use consistent and well-designed public and informational signage.

(5) Install of elements that define key entry points into the industrial district.