19.12.010 Purpose.
The purpose of the town center zone district is to:
(A) Provide a broad range of commercial, residential and public land uses in the physical context of a traditional downtown with surrounding residential neighborhoods. The district may include a diverse range of land uses including but not limited to: government and community services, retail commercial, professional offices, entertainment, restaurants, cultural facilities (museums, libraries, etc.), visitor-serving facilities (hotels, information centers), event/conference center, wineries, transit, parking, variety of housing types including single-family attached and detached, townhouses, condominiums, mixed-use and apartments and public park and school and other amenities.
(B) Create a physical setting and mix of land uses that serve as a focus of neighborhood, community and regional activities and events.
(C) Create a pedestrian-oriented environment which also meets the needs of vehicular traffic. (Res. 2008-105 § 4, 2008)