City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.11.050 Development standards.

Table 2 of this chapter sets forth the minimum lot area for each commercial district.

Table 2

Zoning District CN CC
Minimum area per lot 10,000 sq. ft. 1 acre**
Minimum width per lot 100 feet 200 feet
Minimum depth per lot 100 feet 100 feet
Minimum front yard 10 feet 20 feet
Minimum side yard 10 feet 10 feet
Street side of corner lot 10 feet 15 feet
Minimum rear yard 20 feet 10 feet
Minimum setback 40 feet 40 feet
from Hwy. 29 50 feet avg. 50 feet avg.
Nonresidential 0.35 FAR 0.50 FAR
Mixed-use structure 1.5 1.5
Residential portion 1.0 1.0
Commercial portion 0.50 0.50
Residential (3-7 dwelling units) 1.0 FAR Minimum 1.0 FAR Minimum
Residential (8 or more dwelling units) 1.5 FAR Minimum 1.5 FAR Minimum
Maximum number of stories:
All buildings 2 stories 2 stories
Residential or mixed-use structures 3 stories 3 stories west of Broadway
Residential, overnight accommodations and lodging services, or mixed-use structures N/A 4 stories east of Broadway
Maximum building height: 30 feet 35 feet
Residential or mixed-use structures 42 feet 42 feet west of Broadway
Residential, overnight accommodations and lodging services, or mixed-use structures N/A 54 feet east of Broadway
Maximum building coverage for stand-alone residential uses 50 percent west of Broadway 50 percent west of Broadway
60 percent east of Broadway 60 percent east of Broadway

* Where an existing legal, non-conforming, structure after the building was constructed, the existing director approval.

** Parcels owned by public agencies are exempt commercial (CC) district.