City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.10.130 Manufactured homes

(A) Intent. It is the intent of the city to provide opportunities for the placement of manufactured homes in single-family residential districts, consistent with state law.

(B) Approval. Approval by the community development director is required prior to the issuance of building permits for individual manufactured homes on a site in any residential district, subject to the provisions of this section.

(C) Location. Manufactured homes may be located in any residential district where a single-family detached dwelling is permitted, subject to the same restrictions on density and to the same property development regulations.

(D) Design and Development. Each manufactured home:

(1) Shall be built on a permanent foundation approved by the building official;

(2) Shall be certified under the National Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Act of 1974, and shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the most recent edition of the California Building Code adopted by the city;

(3) Shall provide skirting of exterior finish materials extending to the finished grade;

(4) Shall have roofing material complying with the most recent editions of the Uniform Building Code adopted by the city;

(E) Cancellation of State Registration. Whenever a manufactured home is installed on a permanent foundation, any registration of the manufactured home with the state of California shall be canceled, pursuant to state laws and regulations. Before any occupancy certificate may be issued for use of such a manufactured home, the owner shall provide to the building official satisfactory evidence showing that the state registration of the manufactured home has been or will, with certainty, be canceled; if the manufactured home is new and has never been registered with the state, the owner shall provide the building official with a statement to that effect from the dealer selling the home.