City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.10.090 Height limits.

(A) Maximum Height. The maximum building height in each residential district is set forth in Table 19.10.050 of this chapter (set out at the end of this chapter).

(B) Height Measurement. The height of a structure shall be measured vertically from the average elevation of the natural grade of the ground covered by the structure (see Figure A-7) to the highest point of the structure or to the coping of a flat roof, to the deck line of a mansard roof, or to the mean height between eaves and ridges for hip, gable, or gambrel roofs.

(C) Projections Above Permitted Height.

(1) Architectural projections such as mechanical equipment enclosures and other appurtenant rooftop structures or penetrations such as skylights, stairwells, and ventilation atria; spires, cupolas, chimneys, and other design elements integral to the overall design character of a building and intended to distinguish its design may be permitted above the height limits where not in conflict with the intent of this chapter, but may not exceed twenty percent of the horizontal area of the floor area below or ten feet in height above the main roof above which they are situated.

(2) Utility poles and towers shall not be subject to the height limits prescribed in the district regulations.