City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.10.060 Accessory structures, equipment and uses.

Accessory structures, equipment and uses are permitted in required yards of residential districts as provided herein:

(A) Accessory Structures.

(1) Accessory structures may be located no closer than three feet to the side and rear yards required for the primary structure, provided that in the aggregate, no more than fifty percent of the required rear yard area shall be covered by accessory structures. Accessory structures are permitted only on lots having a primary dwelling.

(2) On a reversed corner lot, an accessory structure shall not be located closer to the rear property line than the required side yard on the adjoining key lot, and not closer to the side property line adjoining the street than the required front yard on the adjoining key lot.

(3) Maximum height of an accessory structure shall be fifteen feet.

(4) Steel shipping containers may not be located in any residential district unless it is not visible from any public property or right-of-way.

(B) Planters. Planter boxes and masonry planters are permitted in all required yards not to exceed a height of three and one-half feet.

(C) Swimming Pools. A swimming pool is permitted in a required rear or side yard provided it is not closer than five feet to any lot line.

(D) Swimming Pool Equipment and Safety Fences.

(1) Swimming pool or spa equipment vaults may be located in a side yard so long as a minimum clear distance is provided between the vault and a fence, wall, or other structure of three feet.

(2) Swimming pool or spa equipment vaults may be located adjacent to a rear property line within a required side yard.

(3) Required safety fences for swimming pools and spas six feet in height or less may be located within any required side or rear yard.