City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.10.020 Establishment of districts.

In order to provide sufficient land to meet the housing needs of all existing and future residents of the city, the following residential districts are established:

(A) RE (residential estate) districts: to provide for residential estate areas where the minimum lot size is one acre.

(B) RR (rural residential) districts: to provide for very low-density residential uses and related activities in existing or proposed large-lot residential neighborhoods, and in the peripheral foothill areas of the city. There are three separate RR districts:

(1) RRH (rural residential hillside) districts: requires a minimum lot size of twenty thousand square feet and imposes special development standards.

(2) The RR-20000 district requires a minimum lot size of twenty thousand square feet.

(3) The RR-10000 district requires a minimum lot size of ten thousand square feet.

(C) RS (suburban residential) districts: to provide for low-density residential uses and related activities in areas of the city predominated by subdivisions with single-family lot patterns. There are two separate RS districts:

(1) The RS-8000 district with a minimum lot size of eight thousand square feet.

(2) The RS-6500 district with a minimum lot size of six thousand five hundred square feet.

(D) RM (medium residential) districts: to accommodate multifamily residential uses in areas of minimal constraints and ready access to transportation and services, with single-family uses allowed under some circumstances in conformance with the general plan. Development in the RM district shall be within the range of five to twelve units per gross acre.

(E) RH (high residential) districts to provide for high-density multifamily residential uses in areas of minimal constraints and ready access to transportation and services, and to provide a range of housing opportunities. There are two separate RH districts:

(1) The RH-1 district with a density range of twelve to sixteen units per gross acre.

(2) The RH-2 district with a density of twenty units per gross acre.

(F) RO (residential overlay) district to provide for high-density multifamily residential uses on selected sites in community commercial and neighborhood commercial districts, in single or multi-use structures. The RO district provides a density of twenty units per gross acre west of Broadway/Highway 29, a density of thirty-five units per gross acre east of Broadway/Highway 29. Development standards shall comply with Tables 1 and 2 of Chapter 19.11, community commercial and neighborhood commercial district for multifamily residential and mixed-use structures.