City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.09.020 Requirements for warehousing, logistics or distribution facilities for which a Notice of Preparation is issued after March 1, 2024 under CEQA.

(a) On-site motorized operational equipment, including but not limited to forklifts, yard trucks, and pallet jacks, shall be ZE (zero emission). This includes electrical hook ups to the power grid, rather than diesel-fueled generators, for contractors' electric construction tools, such as saws, drills and compressors.

(b) All outdoor cargo handling equipment (including yard trucks, hostlers, yard goats, pallet jacks, forklifts, and landscaping equipment) shall be zero-emission vehicles. Each building shall include the necessary charging stations or other necessary infrastructure for zero-emission cargo handling equipment.

(c) Prior to issuance of a business license, the City shall ensure rooftop solar panels are installed and can be operated in such a manner that they will supply 100% of the power needed to operate all non-refrigerated portions of the facility including the parking areas.

(d) Unless the owner of the facility records a covenant on the title of the underlying property ensuring that the property cannot be used to provide chilled, cooled, or freezer warehouse space, a conduit shall be installed during construction of the building shell from the electrical room to 100% of the loading dock doors that have potential to serve the refrigerated space. When tenant improvement building permits are issued for any refrigerated warehouse space, electric plug-in units shall be installed at every dock door servicing the refrigerated space to allow transport refrigeration units (TRUs) to plug in. Truck operators with TRUs shall be required to utilize electric plug-in units when at loading docks.

(e) All generators, and all diesel-fueled off-road construction equipment greater than 75 horsepower, will be zero-emissions or equipped with CARB Tier IV-compliant engines (as set forth in Section 2423 of Title 13 of the California Code of Regulations, and Part 89 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations) or better by including this requirement in applicable bid documents, purchase orders, and contracts with successful contractors. After either (1) the completion of grading or, (2) the completion of an electrical hookup at the site, whichever is first, require all generators and all diesel-fueled off-road construction equipment, to be zero-emissions or equipped with CARB Tier IV-compliant engines (as set forth in Section 2423 of Title 13 of the California Code of Regulations, and Part 89 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations) or better by including this requirement in applicable bid documents, purchase orders, and contracts with successful contractors. An exemption from these requirements may be granted by the City in the event that the applicant documents that equipment with the required tier is not reasonably available and corresponding reductions in criteria air pollutant emissions are achieved from other construction equipment.

(f) Prior to certificate of occupancy, install conduit and infrastructure for Level 2 (or faster) electric vehicle charging stations on-site for employees for the percentage of employee parking spaces commensurate with Title 24 requirements in effect at the time of building permit issuance plus additional charging stations equal to 5% of the total employee parking spaces in the building permit, whichever is greater. By 2030 install Level 2 (or faster) electric vehicle charging stations for 25% of the employee parking spaces required.

(g) Install HVAC and/or HEPA air filtration systems in all warehouse facilities.