City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.05.040 Residential classifications.

Residential uses include living accommodations on a wholly or primarily nontransient basis, but exclude institutional living arrangements providing twenty-four-hour skilled nursing or medical care and those providing forced residence, such as detention facilities.

Cannabis indoor cultivation: any cannabis cultivated within a private residence or within an enclosed accessory structure on the grounds of the private residence (e.g., in a greenhouse).

Cannabis outdoor cultivation: cannabis plants cultivated outdoors on the lot of a personal residence.

Congregate living facility: an establishment offering lodging on a monthly basis or longer, along with common eating arrangements and other services such as recreational, social and cultural activities and transportation, but excluding medical care.

Employee housing: housing for six or fewer employees in a single-family dwelling shall be deemed a single-family use and shall be treated the same as any single-family dwelling in districts where single-family dwellings are allowed. Employee housing shall not be included within the definition of a boarding house, rooming house, hotel, dormitory or other similar term that implies the employee housing differs in any way from a family dwelling and shall not constitute a change in occupancy for purposes of local building codes. It shall not be subject to any fees to which other family dwellings of the same type in the same zone are not likewise subject.

Farm employee housing: living quarters provided on agriculture district property for the use of workers employed in agricultural activities.

Garden apartments: a multifamily development of one or more two- or three-story structures containing up to twenty units each that has units located one over the other, with integrated off-street parking, open space and recreation.

Low Barrier Navigation Center: "a Housing First, low-barrier, service-enriched shelter focused on moving people into permanent housing that provides temporary living facilities while case managers connect individuals experiencing homelessness to income, public benefits, health services, shelter, and housing (See Government Code § 65660).

Mobilehome: a factory-built, single-family structure that meets the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974.

Mobilehome park: a site developed for the long-term placement of mobilehomes.

Multifamily residential: three or more dwelling units on a lot. Multifamily residential units may share one or more common walls and include townhomes and garden apartments.

Residential Care Home, Small: provision of twenty-four-hour nonmedical care of six or fewer persons in need of personal services, supervision, protection or assistance licensed by the state essential for sustaining the activities of daily living, or twenty-four-hour care for six or fewer foster children. Furthermore, Small residential care homes without State license personal services shall also have the same standards and processing as residential care homes. For the purposes of any law or zoning ordinance that relates to the residential use of property pursuant to this chapter, the residents and operators of the facility shall be considered a family. (see Health and Safety Code § 1568.0831).

Second residential unit: a second dwelling unit located on a lot with an existing principal dwelling unit.

Single-family residential, detached: a dwelling unit located on a separate lot which has no common walls with any other dwelling unit. Detached single-family residential include mobilehomes placed on a permanent foundation.

Single-family residential, semidetached: a one-family dwelling attached to one other one-family dwelling by a common vertical wall, with each dwelling located on a separate lot.

Single room occupancy (SRO): a type of group residential use where there are at least five single rooms with no more than two occupants in each unit that complies with the regulations in Section 19.10.160 of this title. The single rooms are habitable rooms that may have a bathroom and/or limited cooking facilities, and are intended for combined living and dining purposes.

Supportive housing: permanent rental housing that provides a range of support services designed to enable residents to maintain stable housing, improve his or her health status, lead fuller lives, and when possible, work in the community. Supportive housing units are residential uses subject only to those requirements and restrictions that apply to other residential uses of the same type in the same zoning district.

Townhouse: a one-family dwelling in a row of at least three such units in which each unit has its own front and rear access to the outside, no unit is located over another unit, and each unit is separated from any other unit by one or more vertical common fire-resistant walls.

Transitional housing: a type of supportive housing used to facilitate the movement of homeless individuals and families to permanent housing. A homeless person may live in a transitional dwelling for no less than six months while receiving supportive services that enable independent living. Transitional housing units are residential uses subject only to those requirements and restrictions that apply to other residential uses of the same type in the same zoning district.