City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.02.020 Responsibility for enforcement.

(A) The community development director shall be the official responsible for the enforcement of this title. In the discharge of this duty the community development director or designee shall have the right to enter on any site or enter any structure for the purpose of investigation and inspection, provided that the right of entry shall be exercised only at reasonable hours and that in no case shall any structure be entered in the absence or without permission of the owner or tenant without the written order of a court of competent jurisdiction.

(B) The community development director may serve notice requiring the removal of any structure or cessation of any use in violation of this title on the owner or their authorized agent, on a tenant, or on an architect, builder, contractor, or other person who commits or participates in any violation. The community development director may call upon the city attorney to institute necessary legal proceedings to enforce the provisions of this title, and the city attorney is authorized to institute appropriate actions to that end. The community development director may call upon the chief of police and authorized agents to assist in the enforcement of this title.