City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

18.44.030 Population density determination.

(A) Population density for the purpose of this chapter is determined as follows:

(1) Single-family unit 3.49 persons per D.U.;

(2) Two to four family units, 3.49 persons per D.U.;

(3) Five or more family units, 3.49 persons per D.U.;

(4) Manufactured home, 3.49 persons per D.U.;

(5) Residential hotels, 1.1 persons per D.U.

(B) The basis for determining the total number of dwelling units shall be the number of such units permitted by the city on the property included in the approved tentative subdivision map. If a subsequent application is made for rezoning or other action to increase the total number of dwelling units, the amount of parkland to be dedicated or in-lieu park dedication fee to be paid will be increased in accordance with the current park dedication regulations.