City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

18.42.015 Improvement plans, all subdivisions.

(A) After approval by the city of any tentative parcel map or tentative subdivision map, the subdivider shall furnish the following improvement plans to the city engineer as a part of the final map submitted:

(1) Three sets of improvement plans, signed and wet-stamped by a licensed civil engineer, including but not limited to plans and profile drawings of all streets, and sewer, water, and drainage improvements. Utility distribution lines may be shown in plan only;

(2) Two sets of signed engineer's estimate of all proposed public improvements;

(3) Two sets of signed engineer's estimate of all proposed private improvements;

(4) Plan check and inspection fee as set by resolution of the city council;

(5) Two copies of soils report;

(6) Two sets of hydraulic and hydrologic calculations for the proposed drainage system;

(7) Two sets of calculations for the proposed sanitary sewer system;

(8) Two copies of the clerk's notice of approval, tentative map, and the list of conditions of approval;

(9) Three copies of a grading plan consisting of typical cross-sections and finished grades of all lots, roads, streets, and highways in the proposed new subdivision;

(10) All tracings or duplicate tracings shall be filed with the city engineer. Scale of plans shall be one inch equals forty feet horizontally; one inch equals four feet vertical in profile, unless otherwise approved by the city engineer;

(11) Any other pertinent information required by the conditions of approval of the planning commission, city council, or city engineer.

(B) Improvement work shall not commence until plans and profiles for such work have been submitted to and approved by the city engineer. Approval of such plans is required before approval of the final map unless otherwise approved by the city council upon the positive recommendation of the city engineer. All such plans shall be prepared on reproducible mylar in accordance with the requirements of the city engineer.

(C) No final map shall be submitted for consideration of the city council until the improvement plans have been approved by the city engineer. No improvement plans shall be considered finally approved until approval of the final map by the city council.