City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

18.40.115 Special provisions for lands of ten percent or greater slope.

In the event a subdivision application is filed for any property with slopes of ten percent or greater, the following shall be provided:

(A) Grading. With the tentative parcel map or tentative subdivision map, a grading plan must be submitted showing the following:

(1) Existing contours at a maximum interval of five feet;

(2) Proposed finished contours at a maximum interval of five feet. Finished contours shall show the following:

(a) Tops and toes of all banks,

(b) All side banks must be benched horizontally ten feet for every vertical twenty-five feet change in elevation,

(c) Maximum fill slopes two horizontal to one vertical,

(d) Maximum cut slope two horizontal to one vertical. Special conditions may require flatter slopes, if determined to be necessary by the city engineer,

(e) Maximum height of a cut bank fifty feet vertical; of a fill bank twenty-five feet vertical;

(3) Lot drainage shall be so arranged that water from upper lots does not flow across banks unless carried in a storm sewer or similar feature as otherwise may be approved by the city engineer;

(4) Estimate of the cubic yardage to be imported or exported;

(5) Earth shall not be exported from the site without specific approval of the city council. Necessity for substantial earth removal from the site must be demonstrated before any radical grading will be permitted. All haul routes and the disposal sites shall be approved by the city council;

(6) Sufficient topsoil shall be stockpiled and returned to horizontal cut areas to cover a minimum of eight inches;

(7) Fill must have a certified relative compaction of ninety-five percent state of California, Division of Highways Test Methods 216-9 unless otherwise approved by the city engineer;

(8) Rear and side lot lines shall occur at tops of banks rather than at center or toe of bank unless otherwise approved by the city engineer;

(9) Adequate erosion control measures not limited to seeding;

(10) Driveway to garage or carport shall not exceed ten percent grade unless specifically approved by the city engineer.

(B) Streets.

(1) Maximum street grade shall for all streets shall be ten percent unless otherwise approved by the city engineer.

(2) Vertical curbs shall be required on slopes of over five percent grade, unless otherwise approved by the city engineer.

(3) Cul-de-sacs:

(a) Property line radius at bulb of cul-de-sac: forty-foot minimum unless otherwise approved by the city engineer;

(b) Minimum lot frontage at property line in bulb of cul-de-sac: forty feet unless otherwise approved by the city engineer;

(c) Minimum lot width measured along setback line of lots in bulb of cul-de-sac: sixty feet unless otherwise approved by the city engineer;

(d) Overall cul-de-sac maximum length: three hundred feet unless otherwise approved by the city engineer.