City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

18.34.020 Definitions.

For purposes of this chapter, the definitions in Chapter 18.32 of the city's municipal code ("the municipal code") and the following definitions shall apply:

"Landlord" means an owner, lessor or sublessor, (including any person, firm, corporation, partnership or other entity) who receives or is entitled to receive rent for the use of any rental unit, or the agent, representative or successor of any of the foregoing.

"Notice of termination" means the notice of intention to terminate tenancy, whether given by a landlord or by a tenant, provided for by California Civil Code Section 1946.

"Qualified tenant" means any tenant who satisfies any of the following criteria on the date said tenant gives or receives a notice of termination:

a. Has attained age sixty-two;

b. Is handicapped as defined in Section 55072 of the California Health and Safety Code;

c. Is disabled as defined Title 42 United States Code 423;

d. Is a person residing with and on whom is legally dependent (as determined for federal income tax purposes) one or more minor children; or

e. Is a person whose income is within the low-income category as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for its Section 8 program as confirmed by the State Department of Housing and Community Development in amendment to Section 6932 of Title 25 of the California Code of Regulations.

"Rental unit" means each dwelling unit, efficiency dwelling unit, guest room, and suite in the city as defined in Section 19.04.030 of this code, together with the land and buildings appurtenant thereto, and all housing services, privileges, furnishings and facilities supplied in connection with the use or occupancy thereof, including garage and parking facilities. The term rental unit shall not include:

1. A one-family dwelling, except where three or more dwelling units are located on the same lot;

2. Housing accommodations in hotels, motels, inns, tourist homes and boarding and rooming houses, provided that, at such time as an accommodation has been occupied by one or more of the same tenants for sixty days or more, such accommodation shall become a rental unit subject to the provisions of this chapter;

3. Housing accommodations in any hospital, convent, monastery, extended medical care facility, asylum, nonprofit home for the aged, fraternity or sorority house, or housing accommodations owned, operated or managed by an institution of higher education, a high school or an elementary school for occupancy by its students;

4. Housing accommodations which a government unit, agency or authority owns, operates, or manages, or which are specifically exempted from municipal rent regulation by state or federal law or administrative regulation;

5. Mobilehome.

"Tenant" means a tenant, subtenant, lessee, sublessee, or any other person entitled to use or occupancy of a rental unit. Tenant does not include any person who:

1. Is residing in a conversion project and intends to purchase a unit in such project after conversion has been accomplished, or who intends to reside with such a purchaser; or

2. Received actual written notice, prior to entering into a written or oral agreement to become a tenant, that an application to convert the building to a condominium, stock cooperative or community apartment project was on file with the city or had already been approved, whichever the case may be.