City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

18.30.015 Filing.

Where permitted by the provisions of this title, a lot line adjustment application shall be prepared and filed with the community development director together on a form supplied by the city and the payment of a fee set by resolution of the city council. The applicant shall submit:

(A) Name, address, phone number and signatures of the record owners of all lots involved;

(B) Name, address, phone number and signature of the person filing the lot line adjustment;

(C) Name, address, phone number and signature of the licensed land surveyor or registered civil engineer who prepared the lot line adjustment;

(D) Title report, legal description, assessor parcel number, and address of each lot as it exists before adjustment;

(E) Legal description of each lot as it will exist after adjustment;

(F) A clear and accurate map, suitable for filing with the county recorder, showing the proposed lot line adjustment which shall include:

(1) An appropriate scale approved by the city engineer, in black ink, on paper eight and one-half inches by eleven inches or larger,

(2) Date of preparation, scale, and north arrow,

(3) Sufficient data to accurately determine the lot boundaries,

(4) The dimensions of each lot and the area of each lot. Lot areas shall be given in square feet if they are less than one acre, in acres if they are one acre or more,

(5) Existing property lines shown in solid lines, proposed property lines shown in dashed lines,

(6) Width, location, and purpose of all existing and proposed easements;

(G) A clear and accurate supplementary map, showing the lots as they will exist after the lot line adjustment which shall include:

(1) The locations of areas subject to flood or inundation by a one hundred year flood,

(2) The location of any water wells or water services,

(3) The location of any septic tanks, drain or leech fields and expansion areas, or sewer services,

(4) Contour lines shown at no more than ten-foot intervals,

(5) The location of driveways or access/egress improvements,

(6) Any reasonable additional information required by the city engineer.