City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

18.22.020 Tentative subdivision map—Data required and design.

The preparation of a tentative subdivision map or maps shall comply with all applicable provision of this title and at a minimum shall include the following data:

(A) Vicinity map that depicts the location of the property from nearest arterial road. This vicinity map is for directional aid only; no scale is required;

(B) Name and address of record owner and subdivider;

(C) Name, address and license number of licensed land surveyor, registered civil engineer or other qualified professionals who prepared said tentative map;

(D) Date, north point (generally up on the map) and scale. Minimum scale one inch equals one hundred feet for parcels more than twenty acres and one inch equals fifty feet for parcels less than twenty acres. Minimum map size eighteen inches by twenty-six inches;

(E) Name or number of proposed subdivision, and of all adjacent subdivisions; locations of, names and width of adjacent streets, highways, alleys and ways, and easements of all kinds, together with the type and location of street improvements including fire hydrants and street light locations;

(F) The contour of the land at intervals of one foot of elevation up to five percent slope; two-foot intervals up to ten percent slope and five-foot intervals over ten percent slope;

(G) Sufficient data to define the boundaries of the tract, or a legal description of the tract and border on reverse side of map to indicate tract boundaries. If multiple final maps are proposed, the tentative map shall show the probable boundaries of each final map;

(H) Width, approximate location and purpose of all existing and proposed easements and adjacent easements adjoining such land;

(I) The width, approximate grade and name of all streets, highways, alleys and other rights-of-way proposed within the subdivision;

(J) The approximate radii of all curves;

(K) All lots and condominium air spaces numbered consecutively by block throughout the entire development; the approximate dimensions of all lots; approximate lot areas should be shown for all lots not rectangular in shape;

(L) The approximate locations of areas subject to inundation by storm water overflow, and the location, width and direction of flow of all water courses existing and proposed;

(M) The location and outline to scale of each existing building or structure including underground utilities within the subdivision, noting thereon whether or not such building or structure is to be removed from or remain in the development of the subdivision, and its existing and proposed future use;

(N) Show elevation of street intersections;

(O) The location, pipe size and grades of proposed sewers, water line and underground storm drains, including the proposed location of fire hydrants, street lights, gas mains, power and communication lines, and TV cables;

(P) The location of all trees on the site over ten inches in diameter at a height of four feet from the base of the tree. Where stands of trees are located, individual trees need not be shown, but may be shown as a group;

(Q) The location of existing fences, ditches, wells, pumps, cesspools, reservoirs, sewers, culverts, drain pipes, underground structures, utility lines or sand, gravel or other excavation within two hundred feet of any portion of the subdivision, noting thereon whether they are to be abandoned or used;

(R) Typical street sections and details;

(S) All major cross-sections of all cuts and fills before and after grading to determine the scope of the work involved, including estimate of contemplated earth work;

(T) If the tentative subdivision map or the final map indicates any grading which involves a removal of earthen material from the proposed subdivision, the subdivider shall show the elevations of the property by contour lines. The subdivider shall file with the tentative subdivision map a written application for grading and excavation, if any, in conformity with the provisions of the municipal code. Original elevations shall be indicated by solid lines not greater than five feet, and the proposed elevations shall be shown by broken lines upon completion of the grading and excavation;

(U) Proposed public areas, if any.