City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

18.08.010 Penalty.

(A) Any offer to finance, lease, sell or contract to sell, or any financing of a division of land, lease or sale contrary to the provisions of this title shall be a misdemeanor, and any person, firm, corporation, partnership or co-partnership, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to punishment by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), or any other civil penalties, or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not more than six months, or by both such penalties, fine, and imprisonment, and the city may seek to recover any administrative costs associated with securing compliance with this title, except that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to bar any legal, equitable, or summary remedy to which the city of American Canyon or other political subdivision or person, firm, corporation, partnership or co-partnership may otherwise be entitled and the city of American Canyon or any other political subdivision, or person, firm, corporation, partnership or co-partnership may file an action in the Superior Court of the state of California, in and for the county of Napa to restrain or enjoin any attempted or proposed subdivision or sale in violation of this title.

(B) Any transfer or conveyance, or purported transfer or conveyance, or agreement to transfer or convey any parcel of land without compliance with the terms of this title shall be voidable at the option of the transferee in accordance with the provisions of Sections 11540 and 11540.1 of the Business and Professions Code of the state of California, as the same may be amended from time to time.