City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

18.04.030 Definitions.

"Advisory agency" means the planning commission of the city of American Canyon and the advisory agency shall be as referred to in the California Subdivision Map Act.

"Alley" means a secondary access road, typically to the rear of a building site. Alleys shall provide a minimum width of twenty feet, with all new construction set back a minimum of five feet from the right-of-way line.

"Appeal board" means the city council of the city of American Canyon and the appeal board shall be as referred to in the California Subdivision Map Act.

Arterial Street. As deemed in the circulation element of the general plan, arterial streets provide the principal network for traffic flow within the community. They connect areas of major activity within the urban area and function primarily as carriers of cross-town traffic. Arterial streets should be designed as four-lane facilities with maximum operating speeds ranging from thirty to forty-five miles per hour. Maximum capacity would be approximately thirty thousand vehicles per day. Arterial streets should have limited access to adjacent land uses with no back-out driveways.

Collector Street. As defined in the circulation element of the general plan, collector streets provide access and movement between residential, commercial, and industrial areas. Their primary function is to collect and distribute traffic between local streets and the arterial system. Collector streets should be designed as two-lane facilities with maximum operating speeds of thirty miles per hour. Maximum capacity .for standard collectors would be approximately twelve thousand vehicles per day. For new developments, the use of back-out driveways should be prohibited on collector streets.

"Condominium" means an estate in real property consisting of an undivided interest in common in a portion of a parcel in real property together with a separate interest in space in a residential, industrial or commercial building on such real property, such as an apartment, office or store. A condominium may include, in addition, a separate interest in other portions of such real property.

"Dedicated easement" means an easement dedicated to and accepted by the city or another qualified and responsible agency, to be used for public purposes, including but not limited to pedestrian access ways, vehicular access, and utilities.

"Design" includes, but is not limited to, street alignments, grades, and widths; the alignment and widths of easements and rights-of-way for drainage, sanitary sewers, water, utilities and other facilities for public use or benefit; the size, configuration, and location of park, open space, and recreation sites; and the lot area, width, depth, shape and pattern as may be required or otherwise provided for in this title, the American Canyon Municipal Code, any specific plans or planned unit development plans, and the general plan and any of its elements.

"Final map" means a map showing a subdivision for which a tentative and final map is required by the Subdivision Map Act and this title, prepared in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and this title, which is designed to be recorded with the Napa County recorder.

"Improvements" include but are not limited to streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, drainage facilities, sanitary sewer facilities, utilities, water facilities, street lights, landscaping, parks, or other improvements to be installed, or agreed to be installed by the subdivider on the land/or land appurtenant thereto, to be used for public streets, highways, ways, easements, park and recreation facilities or as otherwise may be necessary for the general use or benefit of the lot owners in the subdivision and the surrounding area as a condition precedent to approval and acceptance of the final map, or parcel map thereof.

Improvement also refers to such specific improvements or types of improvements the installation of which, either by the subdivider, by public agencies, by private utilities, or by a combination thereof, are necessary or convenient to ensure conformity with or implementation of the general plan and any of its elements, this title, the American Canyon Municipal Code, or any specific plans or planned unit development plans.

"Local streets" provide direct access to abutting properties and allow for very localized movement of traffic. Local streets are characterized by low daily volumes of less than two thousand vehicles per day and low operating speeds of twenty-five to thirty miles per hour.

"Lot or parcel" means a parcel of land established or to be established by procedures as provided for in this title and the Subdivision Map Act.

"Lot depth" means the horizontal distance from the midpoint of the front to the midpoint of the rear lot line.

Lot Depth, Average. "Average lot depth" means the sum of the length of the two side lines of the lot divided by two. In the case of irregularly-shaped lots having four or more sides, "average lot depth" shall be the sum of the length of two lines, drawn perpendicular to the front lot line at the widest and narrowest portions of the lot, divided by two.

Lot Line, Front. "Front lot line" means:

In the case of an interior lot, a line separating the lot from the street; and in the case of a corner lot, a line separating the narrowest street frontage of the lot from the street, except in those cases where the latest recorded tract deed restrictions, approved as part of a subdivision approval, specify another line as the front lot line.

Lot Line, Rear. "Rear lot line" means a lot line which is not a front or side lot line as defined herein, which is parallel or approximately parallel to and opposite the front lot line. In the case of an irregular-shaped lot, a line within the lot most nearly parallel to and at the farthest distance from the front lot line.

Lot Line, Side. "Side lot line" means any lot line not a front lot line or a rear lot line as defined herein.

Lot Width, Average. "Average lot width" means the sum of the length of the front and rear lot line divided by two. In the case of irregularly-shaped lots having four or more sides, "average lot width" shall be the sum of the length of two lines, drawn perpendicular to one side line at the widest and narrowest portions of the lot, divided by two.

"Owner" means the individual(s), or entity(ies), having sufficient proprietary interest in the land sought to be subdivided, and to commence and maintain proceedings to subdivide the same under the laws of the state of California and this title.

"Parcel map" means a map showing the division of land as described in the following cases:

1. Any parcel or parcels of land which is to be divided into four or fewer parcels; or

2. The whole parcel before division contains less than five acres, each parcel created by the division abuts upon a public street and no dedications or improvements are required; or

3. Any parcel or parcels of land divided into lots or parcels, each of a gross area of twenty acres or more, and each of which has an approved access to a maintained public street; or

4. Any parcel or parcels of land divided into lots or parcels, each of which is forty acres or more; or

5. Any parcel or parcels of land having approved access to a public street which comprises part of a tract of land zoned for industrial development and which has the approval of the governing body as to street alignments and widths, provided however, that the advisory agency may require the filing of a tentative and final map on such industrially-zoned land where it deems it in the public interest. Each map shall be filed and approved in accordance with the procedures of this title and the Subdivision Map Act.

"Pedestrian way" means an easement exclusively for pedestrian use.

"Planting strip" means the strip of land adjacent to the back of curb line or sidewalk line, which may be used as a public utilities easement and may be a part of the lot created by the subdivision.

"Reserve strip" means a strip of land not less than one foot in width deeded or dedicated to the city for the purpose of regulating access to a partially improved or dedicated or dead-end, alley, street or highway, or to any arterial street.

"Subdivider" means a person(s), or entity(ies), who causes land to be subdivided into any number of parcels.

"Subdivision" means any real property improved or unimproved, or portion thereof, shown on the latest equalized county assessment roll as a unit or as contiguous units, which is proposed to be divided by a subdivider, including condominiums and community apartment projects, for the purpose of sale, lease, or financing, whether immediate or future, by any subdivider within any period. The following, however, are not subdivisions with the meaning of this title:

1. Financing or leasing of industrial buildings, stores, offices, apartments or similar space within a building or spaces within a trailer park;

2. Mineral, oil or gas leases, cemeteries.

"Subdivision Map Act" means the Subdivision Map Act of the state of California.

"Tentative map" means any map made for the purpose of showing the design and improvement of a proposed subdivision and the existing conditions in and around it, prepared in accordance with this title and the Subdivision Map Act.

"Vesting tentative map" means any tentative map with the words "vesting tentative map" printed conspicuously on its face prepared in accordance with this title and the Subdivision Map Act.