City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

18.02.050 Conformance with general plan and its elements and the zoning code required.

In all respects, any proposed division of land shall conform to the general plan and its elements, the zoning code, any specific plans, and all policies of the city, or any part thereof, including but not limited to the type, density, and intensity of use established for the site, any phasing requirements, and reservations of utility and infrastructure service capacities.

The general plan and zoning district designations shall be adhered to in any subdivision application unless applications for amendments thereto are processed concurrently with the subdivision application. In those cases where an amendment to the general plan and/or zoning district designation is processed concurrently with the subdivision application, the parcel map or final map for any division of land may not be recorded with the county recorder until the action on the proposed amendment to the general plan and zoning district designation is final as provided for in the municipal code and state law.