City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

16.14.090 Soil management report.

(A) In order to create drought resistant soil, reduce runoff and encourage healthy plant growth, a soil management report addressing soil attributes of the project site shall be completed by the applicant, or designee.

(B) The soil management report shall address the soil attributes of the project site and shall include:

(1) Identification of areas of quality topsoil to be protected during construction and/or critical soil limitations such as compaction; water logged soils or wetlands; thin, eroded or erosion prone soils.

(2) A laboratory soil analysis of the soil(s) into which plantings are to be made.

(C) Soil sampling shall be conducted in accordance with laboratory protocol, including protocols regarding adequate sampling depth for the intended plants.

(D) At a minimum the soil analysis shall include:

(1) Soil texture;

(2) Infiltration rate determined by laboratory test or soil texture infiltration rate table;

(3) pH;

(4) Total soluble salts;

(5) Sodium;

(6) Essential nutrients;

(7) Percent organic matter; and

(8) Recommendations for soil amendments or nutrient applications to ameliorate the soil limitations identified by the analysis and the amount of compost required to bring the soil organic matter content to a minimum of three and one-half percent by dry weight or a minimum application of at least one inch. The required practice of adding compost is waived if the plant palette primarily includes California native species that are adapted to soils with little or no organic matter as documented by a published plant reference.

(E) Specifications for protecting topsoil, ameliorating soil limitations, such as ripping the soil to alleviate soil compaction, and incorporating compost and/or amendments as per recommendations in the soil analysis report.

(F) The applicant, or designee, shall comply with one of the following:

(1) If significant mass grading is not planned, the soil management report shall be submitted to the city as part of the landscape documentation package; or

(2) If significant mass grading is planned, the soil management report shall be submitted to the city as part of the certificate of completion.

(3) The soil management report shall be made available, in a timely manner, to the professionals preparing the landscape design plans and irrigation design plans to make any necessary adjustments to the design plans.

(4) The applicant, or designee, shall submit documentation verifying implementation of soil management report recommendations to the city with the certificate of completion.